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Results 3091-3120 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Although for some time I have had neither the honor nor the pleasure of inquiring after your...
Yours of the 22 d. of Feb y: has come to hand this moment, and has given me much satisfaction. I...
I do myself the honour to present schedules, shewing the vacancies in the 1st. & 2d. Regiments of...
È comparso alla luce un’elogio dell’Abate di Mably, scritto sotto gli auspici dei 2. vecchi Abati...
You had done me the honour of answering my letters to you, so fully, that I had supposed I should...
I received at this place your letter of the 1st of Sepr. instant with its several references. I...
If I have not addressed you before it was not that gratitude did not prompt an expression of the...
On receipt of your favors of Aug. 18. & 23. I conferred with mr̃ Barclay on the measures...
you did me the honour some time since after reading my memoir of Dr Hugh Williamson to write me a...
J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 13. de ce mois. Je...
The last mail brought me your favour of the 8th of July, with a postscript of the 13th. inst....
As no act of the Congress of the Thirteen United American Colonies was so distinguished as that...
I take the liberty to send you the inclos’d letter which was sent (as you may se) by Thomas Davis...
I take the liberty to transmit to you a discourse delivered at the consecration of the Synagogue...
Will thy good-nature excuse the freedom of a friendly enquiry after thy health? assured that a...
It is I assure You with great diffidence that I take this liberty; but I could not let my friend...
Once more I must give you my cordial thanks for this proof of your remembrance—not, that I...
I set down to give you Part of the Information you ask. The Brigade you mention are new Levies...
Sometime in September last I wrote to You, and am not a little anxious to know whether you...
Yesterday I was honour’d with an answer to my Epistle; for which permit me Sir with gratitude to...
Yesterday I was highly gratified with your affectionate Letter, and answer it directly, not to...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society We received the Letter you did us the honour of writing to...
Your Very Frindly Letter of the 14th. March last Came Duly to hand. it gave and Still gives Me...
To the Honourable John Adams Vice President of the United States of America The Petition of W m:...
I have the Honor of receiving your Excellencys Letter of the 23d Ultimo, acknowledging the...
The Senate of the United States request you to accept their acknowledgments for the comprehensive...
You will receive herewith enclosed, a Commission as Minister Plenipotentiary to the United...
I am glad that you were able to meet with Mr. Bouwens, but mortified that his broker, Blomberg,...
I enclose you four numbers of Duane’s paper. They contain a good deal of matter relative to the...
Agreeable to your request on the 13th Instant: I did myself the pleasure of addressing the...