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Results 3091-3100 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
By the papers I perceive that the Lottery granted for your benefit is in progression, my object in addressing this letter to you is to offer you my services as an agent for the sale of the Tickets in this place, & I beg leave to refer you to D. J. Pearce & Tristam Burges our representatives in congress for an account of my ability. MHi .
I hereby take the liberty of addressing to you a few lines, in which I hope you will find no offence, on the subject of your Lottery—making a few enquiries— Have you as yet concluded on the mode and time of drawing, the number of Tickets and the price, the amount of highest prize &c—I wish to engage a few tickets for myself and friends also for your Revolutionary friends in this place — Major...
Upon my return home, I looked into the question which you mentioned yesterday, and I find two cases in Cranch’s reports, distinctly asserting the principle, that a trustee who is a citizen of a different state, may sue in the Circuit Federal Court, for the benefit of a Cestui que trust, who is a citizen of the same state with the deft. The cases take a distinction, between the case of a...
My anxiety for you is greater than, that for myself, I long to know the state of your Health, and I cannot longer forbare to send and enquire after it. my love to Mrs. Boylston, and Prayers for your health, and comfort—from your affectionate friend / and Cousin MHi : Boylston Family Papers.
Your kind concern for me, fills me with deep feelings of gratitude—I am as yet confined to my Room, where I been suffering varieties of pain & debility in so much that in various stages, I began to consider I shd never have the happiness of seeing you again—but after a hard conflict the violent inflamation in my lungs, yielded to a constant blistering of more than five weeks—& would have been...
On the 22 nd . Instant I was honored by the Receipt of your Letter of the 18 th . Ins t ., addressed to me as “Vice Presid t of the American Bible Society;” and upon perusing it I felt very great Concern to find it contained a Request that I would announce to the Managers your Resignation of the important Station of its endeared Head. This unwished for Communication and Request I know to be so...
J. Madison has received, under the President’s name, a copy of the Message and documents transmitted to the House of Representatives, relating to the proposed Congress at Panama: and he ought not to make his acknowledgments for the politeness to which he is indebted, without expressing, at the same time, his sense of the ability and eloquence, as well as of the intrinsic interest by which the...
I have recd. your favor of the 18th., with a supplemental document relating to the Civilization of the Indians; a subject highly interesting under all its aspects. The literary “characters” devised by the Indian “Guess” are the offspring of an ingenious mind. But if I understand them, they are rather stenographic, than “Alphabetic,” a species of writing, facilitated doubtless by the scantiness...
Having to thank you for a copy, just come to hand, of the Exve. Communications to the H. of Reps relating to the Congress at Panama, I take occasion to supply the omission to do so for a former favor of a like sort. I hope you will not doubt the value I set, as well on the motive as the matter for which I am indebted: But as such documents generally reach me thro’ other channels, I feel some...
Both M r King’s letters mention the apparatus, but as the last is the most specific I have sent that only. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.