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Results 3091-3140 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
3091 Kirkpatrick, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Kirkpatrick, 23 August … 1758-08-23 I am no less honour’d than entertaind by your kind Letter of the 20th which has had a speedy...
3092 Knight, Humphrey Washington, George To George Washington from Humphrey Knight, 23 August … 1758-08-23 Yesterday we had a very fine rain which has wet things to the Roots. Ellse we have had None...
3093 Washington, George Bouquet, Henry From George Washington to Henry Bouquet, 24 August 1758 1758-08-24 Your favour of the 21st Instt accompanied by the 20 Pack Horses with about 3000 lbs. of Salt Pork...
3094 Knight, Humphrey Washington, George To George Washington from Humphrey Knight, 24 August … 1758-08-24 Yesterday your waggoner Came Down from Your Quartrs in fredrick with one mair and four Colts and...
3095 Vernon, Richard Washington, George To George Washington from Richard Vernon, 24 August … 1758-08-24 I hope no Eval will accrue from my detaining a Letter derected To you So Long by me, When had...
3096 Bouquet, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Bouquet, 26 August 1758 1758-08-26 I had last night your favour of the 24th. 308 Beeves were brought here, and as 320 had been Sent...
3097 Hardwick, Christopher Washington, George To George Washington from Christopher Hardwick, 26 … 1758-08-26 Yours of the 8th Instant Came to hand the 20th . I wou’d have wrote to you as often as you...
3098 Washington, George Carlyle, John From George Washington to John Carlyle, 27 August 1758 … 1758-08-27 Letter not found: to John Carlyle, 27 Aug. 1758. On 1 Sept. Carlyle wrote to GW : “Yours of the...
3099 Washington, George Fairfax, George William From George Washington to George William Fairfax, 27 … 1758-08-27 Letter not found: to George William Fairfax, 27 Aug. 1758. On 1 Sept. Fairfax wrote to GW : “I...
3100 Washington, George Hardwick, Christopher From George Washington to Christopher Hardwick, 27 … 1758-08-27 Letter not found: to Christopher Hardwick, 27 Aug. 1758. On 3 Sept. Hardwick wrote to GW : “I...
3101 Smith, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Charles Smith, 27 August 1758 1758-08-27 I have inclos’d you three Weekly Returns Wherein you will se what strengt I am off, at this time....
3102 Washington, George Bouquet, Henry From George Washington to Henry Bouquet, 28 August 1758 1758-08-28 Your favour by Mr Hoops has in some measure revivd a hope that was almost extinguishd—of doing...
3103 Ramsay, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Ramsay, 29 August … 1758-08-29 Inclos’d I send you the best intelligence I cou’d get & tho. not precisely to a day, I fancy near...
3104 Bouquet, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Bouquet, 30 August 1758 1758-08-30 I have your favour of the 28th and am very glad to have it in my Power to relieve you of that...
3105 Carlyle, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Carlyle, 30 August 1758 … 1758-08-30 Letter not found: from John Carlyle, 30 Aug. 1758. On 1 Sept. Carlyle wrote to GW : “I Wrote you...
3106 Bouquet, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Bouquet, 31 August 1758 1758-08-31 The officer who commands the Escort you Sent wth Mr Hoops having not been near me I did not know...
3107 Ramsay, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Ramsay, 31 August … 1758-08-31 Since my last nothing remarkable hath occurr’d, only an express sent by Colo. Burd from the...
3108 Washington, George Robinson, John From George Washington to John Robinson, 1 September … 1758-09-01 To Jno. Robinson Esqr. Speaker. My dear Sir, Camp at Fort Cumbd 1 Septemr 1758. We are still...
3109 Washington, George Smith, Charles From George Washington to Charles Smith, 1 September … 1758-09-01 Letter not found: to Charles Smith, 1 Sept. 1758. On 7 Sept. Smith wrote to GW : “Your Letter of...
3110 Carlyle, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Carlyle, 1 September … 1758-09-01 I Wrote you about Eight days Ago to the Care of Lut. Smith Also Two days Ago Another Letter...
3111 Fairfax, George William Washington, George To George Washington from George William Fairfax, 1 … 1758-09-01 I have this instant recd yours of the 22d & 27th Ultimo. The first Mrs Fairfax undertakes to...
3112 Fairfax, George William Washington, George To George Washington from George William Fairfax, 1 … 1758-09-01 As soon as I despatched the People upon business, I thought it best to come over here to see...
3113 Fairfax, Sarah Cary Washington, George To George Washington from Sarah Cary Fairfax, 1 … 1758-09-01 Letter not found: from Sarah Cary Fairfax, 1 Sept. 1758. On 12 Sept. GW wrote to Mrs. Fairfax :...
3114 Washington, George Fauquier, Francis From George Washington to Francis Fauquier, 2 September … 1758-09-02 To Governor Fauquier Honble Sir Camp at Fort Cumberland Sepr 2d 1758 Your favour of the 17th Ulto...
3115 Washington, George Walker, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Walker, 2 September … 1758-09-02 Colonel Bouquet desires 100 Waggons, if possible, may be Engag’d in Virginia; and, that as many...
3116 Washington, George Bouquet, Henry From George Washington to Henry Bouquet, 2 September … 1758-09-02 Your Letters of the 30th and 31st Ulto I was favourd with in the Evening Yesterday—not time...
3117 Washington, George Ramsay, William From George Washington to William Ramsay, 2 September … 1758-09-02 Letter not found: to William Ramsay, 2 Sept. 1758. On 3 Sept. Ramsay wrote to GW : “Yours of...
3118 Knight, Humphrey Washington, George To George Washington from Humphrey Knight, 2 September … 1758-09-02 I Receivd yours and I am very sorry you have not Receid all the Letters I have sent, I can...
3119 Patterson, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Patterson, 2 September … 1758-09-02 Saturday Morning Mount Vernon Honourable Sir Sept. the 2nd 1758 I understand you have not recd...
3120 Franklin, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Franklin, 3 September … 1758-09-03 ALS : American Philosophical Society I miss’d writing on Friday and Yesterday no Post went from...
3121 Gist, Christopher Washington, George To George Washington from Christopher Gist, 3 September … 1758-09-03 I am Sorry to inform you we have at this time in camp three French Spys as I take them to be, at...
3122 Hardwick, Christopher Washington, George To George Washington from Christopher Hardwick, 3 … 1758-09-03 I have Received yours of the 27th Ulto by wch I find you have not Received my last Letter to you,...
3123 Kirkpatrick, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Kirkpatrick, 3 September … 1758-09-03 A few days ago I had the pleasure of Writing you—and now avail myself of an opportunity to Winchr...
3124 Ramsay, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Ramsay, 3 September … 1758-09-03 Yours of yesterday I have, you ought to have no uneasiness, you are not the cause of any delay,...
3125 Bouquet, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Bouquet, 4 September … 1758-09-04 I detained your Express in Expectation of receiving a Letter from the General which is just come...
3126 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Deborah From Benjamin Franklin to Deborah Franklin, 6 September … 1758-09-06 MS not found; reprinted in part from Duane, Works , VI , 36–9; in part from The Pennsylvania...
3127 Franklin, Benjamin Galloway, Joseph From Benjamin Franklin to Joseph Galloway, 6 September … 1758-09-06 ALS : Yale University Library I have been much in the Country this summer, travelling over great...
3128 Smith, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Charles Smith, 7 September … 1758-09-07 your Letter of the first come safe to my hand, which I Sent the Inclos’d Emediately to Hardwick &...
3129 Washington, George Thornton, Presley From George Washington to Presley Thornton, 8 September … 1758-09-08 Letter not found: to Presley Thornton, 8 Sept. 1758. On 26 Sept. Presley wrote to GW : “Your kind...
3130 Washington, George Mercer, Hugh From George Washington to Hugh Mercer, 9 September 1758 1758-09-09 To Lieutt Colo. Mercer of Pensylvania or Officer Commanding at Rays Town Sir Camp at Fort...
3131 Stephen, Adam Washington, George To George Washington from Adam Stephen, 9 September … 1758-09-09 Please to send up the mens Cloaths & Bayonets; The Season approaches which requires the Use of...
3132 Washington, Richard Washington, George To George Washington from Richard Washington, 9 … 1758-09-09 Letter not found: from Richard Washington, 9 Sept. 1758. On 7 May 1759 GW wrote to Richard...
3133 Wilper, John David Washington, George To George Washington from John David Wilper, 9 … 1758-09-09 I Sent the 21 of augst, a return of the Garrison in this fort, the Gentlmen who tack the return...
3134 Mercer, Hugh Washington, George To George Washington from Hugh Mercer, 10 September … 1758-09-10 I am favoured with Yours and have sent to collect all our Packhorses (for the Waggons are gone...
3135 Washington, George Kirkpatrick, John From George Washington to John Kirkpatrick, 11 … 1758-09-11 Letter not found: to John Kirkpatrick, 11 Sept. 1758. On 14 Sept. Kirkpatrick wrote to GW : “I...
3136 Chew, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Joseph Chew, 11 September … 1758-09-11 I arrived here a few days agoe from New London and still find Cause of Complaint against you...
3137 Mercer, Hugh Washington, George To George Washington from Hugh Mercer, 11 September … 1758-09-11 I have sent thirty Pack horses and one Waggen loaded with Flour, amounting to about Seven...
3138 Washington, George Fairfax, George William From George Washington to George William Fairfax, 12 … 1758-09-12 Letter not found: to George William Fairfax, 12 Sept. 1758. On 15 Sept. Fairfax wrote to GW :...
3139 Washington, George Fairfax, Sarah Cary From George Washington to Sarah Cary Fairfax, 12 … 1758-09-12 Yesterday I was honourd with your short, but very agreable favour of the first Instt. how...
3140 Washington, George Forbes, John From George Washington to John Forbes, 12 September … 1758-09-12 To His Excellency Genl Forbes. Sir Camp at Fort Cumberland 12th Septr 1758 In consequence of a...