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Results 3091-3120 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I am no less honour’d than entertaind by your kind Letter of the 20th which has had a speedy passage hither —and gives me the wish’d for intelligence of Your good Health, amid all your Anxieties, and Troubles—May it long continue—& improve with a full enjoyment of all your wishes—whether in the Active attempts to Liberty—and Honour—or in the Passive Paths of Virtue, Peace and Pleasure. You...
Yesterday we had a very fine rain which has wet things to the Roots. Ellse we have had None before this Sumer, to Do Corn mutch Servis We have a very likely Cornfeild I beleive the best In the parts, As to Tobco we have a good Deal mising but it is the worst of the ground I hope to make a smart Crop of Tobco if weather premits, I should be Glad to no what Quantanty of wheat you would have...
Your favour of the 21st Instt accompanied by the 20 Pack Horses with about 3000 lbs. of Salt Pork came safe to hand. I had the pleasure likewise of receiving yours of the 23d the Generals happy recovery affords me vast Satisfaction, and am glad the New Road turn’s out so much to your Liking. The Convoy from Winchester arrivd here yesterday in the Evening—they set out with 468 Beeves, 9 were...
Yesterday your waggoner Came Down from Your Quartrs in fredrick with one mair and four Colts and Delivered em to John Allton Colo. Carlyle tells me you mention to him that we Neglect righting to you I shall Evedently make it apear if I live to see your Honr that I have lodgd Severall letters in Alexandria to be Sent to yr Hnr, but I find Severall has miscarried Tuesday Last we had a very fine...
I hope no Eval will accrue from my detaining a Letter derected To you So Long by me, When had opertunety to Send it Sooner but humbly hope the Severity of my Disorder will plead my Excuse—Mr McCullouch must apply to Sir John for Cash To Discharge the branch forrage acct; Mr Walker hath wrote only, for What Will be Sufficien To discharge The debts allredy Contracted below—I Could not by any...
I had last night your favour of the 24th. 308 Beeves were brought here, and as 320 had been Sent from Cumberland 12 must have been lost—They are extremely bad, and I hope we Shall have no more Such Cattle from the Contractors. I expect to day your Convoy wth the Indians I regret extremely the Loss of poor Bullen, which very truly is a great one at this juncture. If there is any Team fit for...
Yours of the 8th Instant Came to hand the 20th . I wou’d have wrote to you as often as you Desire, but that I have nothing material to Mention so often to write to you about, neither have I at this time any agreeable News or acct to Send to you in regard to our Crop the Weather being so excessive Dry, had not one Shower of rain since my Last Letter to you ’till Sunday last, makes me fear it...
Letter not found: to John Carlyle, 27 Aug. 1758. On 1 Sept. Carlyle wrote to GW : “Yours of the 27 Augt Is Now before Me.”
Letter not found: to George William Fairfax, 27 Aug. 1758. On 1 Sept. Fairfax wrote to GW : “I have this instant recd yours of the . . . 27th Ultimo.”
Letter not found: to Christopher Hardwick, 27 Aug. 1758. On 3 Sept. Hardwick wrote to GW : “I have Received yours of the 27th Ulto.”
I have inclos’d you three Weekly Returns Wherein you will se what strengt I am off, at this time. There is one Christopher Hencely a Deserter from the First Virga Regt I have taken up he Promises for the time to come to be a very Dutifull Soldier but Did not Imagin any officers would a Meddleed with him, as he had been out of the servis so Long He Left us with Six more from the Dunkers just...
Your favour by Mr Hoops has in some measure revivd a hope that was almost extinguishd—of doing something this Campaign —We must doubtless expect to encounter many difficulties in opening a new Road thrô bad Grounds in a Woody Country of which the Enemy are possest but since you hope our point may be carried I woud feign expect the Surmounting these obstacles—’tis a melancholy reflection thô to...
Inclos’d I send you the best intelligence I cou’d get & tho. not precisely to a day, I fancy near the truth; tho. the publick papers will give a better Accot. The Accot of Cape Breton, Hawk, and St Maloes, I beleive may be depended on —I shall continue to keep a journel of ev’ry occurrence while I stay here, but my dear friend I’m heartily tir’d, & my business calls me home. I wish you ev’ry...
I have your favour of the 28th and am very glad to have it in my Power to relieve you of that long inactivity which you so justly complain of. The Generals orders are that you march with the Virginia Troops actually under your Command, by Braddock’s Road and that you take Post at the Salt Li[c]ke, that Strong natural Encampment described us once by Sr John Our advanced Partys on this Way will...
Letter not found: from John Carlyle, 30 Aug. 1758. On 1 Sept. Carlyle wrote to GW : “I Wrote you . . . Two days Ago.”
The officer who commands the Escort you Sent wth Mr Hoops having not been near me I did not know till this moment that there was one, and adventured a Letter to you last night by a man going in the night, which I would be very Sorry should be intercepted. The Beeves lost in driving are to be paid by the Crown, upon Certificate that they have been lost; Therefore I beg you will order the...
Since my last nothing remarkable hath occurr’d, only an express sent by Colo. Burd from the Mountains, is suppos’d to be gon to Fort Du Quesne. This may be of very ill consequence indeed. It seems this fellow was for sometime a Prisoner amongst them & had the character of a great villain, yet was made one of the Pensylvania light horse, & intrusted it seems with affairs of such moment; how...
To Jno. Robinson Esqr. Speaker. My dear Sir, Camp at Fort Cumbd 1 Septemr 1758. We are still Incampd here—very sickly—and quite dispirited at the prospect before Us—That appearance of Glory once in view—that hope—that laudable Ambition of Serving Our Country, and meriting its applause, is now no more! Tis dwindled into ease—Sloth—and fatal inactivity—and in a Word, All is lost. if the ways of...
Letter not found: to Charles Smith, 1 Sept. 1758. On 7 Sept. Smith wrote to GW : “Your Letter of the first come safe to my hand.”
I Wrote you about Eight days Ago to the Care of Lut. Smith Also Two days Ago Another Letter Inclosing You Severall from Mr Pattinson, Knight & Jno. Alton Wch Suppose You have recd & to which desire to be referr’d. Yours of the 27 Augt Is Now before Me & In answer I have not recd one Letter for You or Myself Since the Last I Sent You Six weeks Ago from Mr Rd Washington[.] When I doe Shall Send...
I have this instant recd yours of the 22d & 27th Ultimo. The first Mrs Fairfax undertakes to answer, as I dont care to detain the bearer, and having several Culpeper People now waiting upon business —You may depend Sir that Mr Patterson shall have all the Assistance I am able to give him, and shall do all I can to forward his Work. But I begin to doubt whether it will be finished before we may...
As soon as I despatched the People upon business, I thought it best to come over here to see whether anything was necessary to have your further advice upon, for indeed the Oftener I come over the more I think it really necessary. For with regard to the Garrett Stairs I am at a loss unless I know whether you intend that for Lodging Appartments for Servts. If not the Stairs may be carried from...
Letter not found: from Sarah Cary Fairfax, 1 Sept. 1758. On 12 Sept. GW wrote to Mrs. Fairfax : “Yesterday I was honourd with your short, but very agreable favour of the first Instt.”
To Governor Fauquier Honble Sir Camp at Fort Cumberland Sepr 2d 1758 Your favour of the 17th Ulto I had the honor to receive the 30th following. If you are surpriz’d to find us Still Incamp’d at this place I shall only remark that your Surprise cannot well exceed my own. In my last I inform’d your Honor that a Resolution was taken to open a new Road from Rays Town to Fort Duquesne, ’twas...
Colonel Bouquet desires 100 Waggons, if possible, may be Engag’d in Virginia; and, that as many of them as can, may be sent to this place loaded with Flour, & the remainder with Indian Corn (Oats I suppose will do)—where they will receive further Orders. I beg you will, therefore, use your utmost diligence to Comply with this request; and let me know also, immediately, how far you think you...
Your Letters of the 30th and 31st Ulto I was favourd with in the Evening Yesterday—not time enough tho. to prepare my answer till to day and for safety I have detaind the Express for the Cover of Night. I enclose you an exact return of all the Ammunition & Provisions wch we have at this place that you may be judge what supply is necessary to send here —If the Pork is in Keggs of a 100 Wt & the...
Letter not found: to William Ramsay, 2 Sept. 1758. On 3 Sept. Ramsay wrote to GW : “Yours of yesterday I have.”
I Receivd yours and I am very sorry you have not Receid all the Letters I have sent, I can Evedently make it apear that I have wrote Six and Lodgd to be carried up to you but finding some has miscarried I shall write the oftner for the futer I must Needs think you want to hear from your Estate often Especialy this year as Mr John washington is Absent, but I hope all things will be taken cair...
Saturday Morning Mount Vernon Honourable Sir Sept. the 2nd 1758 I understand you have not recd Letters that I wrote, its certainly by some bad management, for I readly comply’d in puting Letters in Col. Carlyle’ Store, & directed to the care of Lieutenant Smith &c. I asure you Sir its not true any neglegience of mine, for as you are pleas’d to desire hereing how your building goes on, I think...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I miss’d writing on Friday and Yesterday no Post went from hence, otherwise I should before have acknowledgd the Receipt of your Favour of the 30th. Ulto. Mr. Jackson is prevented from setting off from here so soon as he intended by reason of the matrimonial Affair he mentioned to us not being quite settled. He says he has Letters from the Parties almost...