Thomas Jefferson Papers

Henry Clark to Thomas Jefferson, 4 October 1820

From Henry Clark

Lynchburg Ocbr 4th 1820

Dear Sir

Having hear from a source which seems to be entitled to credit that it is your intention to Lease your Poplar Forist Estate I avail myself of the first opportunity of declareing my wish to take the Lease, provided your Terms be such as will enable me to do so—

As I have no reasons to beleeve you will know any thing of me, I refer you to Capt Wm Irvine Capt James Martin or Mr Joel Yancy Your present Agent—I am Son of Bowling Clark—formerly your agent upon these Estates

You will oblige me very much Sir by letting me know your Terms as early as possible should you be disposed to make me your tenant   Most Respectfaly

You Ob Sert

Henry Clark

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 16 Oct. 1820 and so recorded in SJL. RC (MHi); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Robert R. Glinn & Company, 10 May 1821, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esqure Monticello”; stamped; postmarked Lovingston, 13 Oct.

Henry Clark (1792–1834), the eldest son of former Poplar Forest overseer Bowling Clark, worked as a manufacturer in Lynchburg in 1820. He moved thereafter to an 800-acre plantation in Bedford County left to him by his father. Clark owned fourteen slaves in 1830. Shortly after his death his personal property was valued at nearly $250 (Clark Family Bible Record [Vi]; Campbell Co. Will Book, 4:138; DNA: RG 29, CS, Lynchburg, 1820, Bedford Co., 1830; Bedford Co. Will Book, 8:366–7).

Index Entries

  • Clark, Bowling; family of search
  • Clark, Henry; identified search
  • Clark, Henry; letter from search
  • Clark, Henry; seeks to lease Poplar Forest search
  • Irvine, William (of Lynchburg) search
  • Martin, James; reference for H. Clark search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); lease of proposed search
  • Yancey, Joel (d.1833); reference for H. Clark search