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Results 30851-30900 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
By Doctor Craik I had the honour to write a few lines to your Excellency & having now nothing new to communicate I only repeat that nothing shall be wanting to finish all matters here when I flatter myself it will appear that invention or delay have not been among my faults with Every Respect I am Dear Sir your Excellency’s most obt hum. servt DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I lent you some time ago the deed & receipt of John Henderson as to the property of the younger children of Bennet Henderson , which I must ask the favor of you now to send me as it is essential to fix the time when I begin to be accountable for rents, which matter is now immediately to be settled with Cap t Meriwether and mr Wood . have you been able to collect any testimony of the age of...
I am under a great obligation to you for the two volumes of the your American Annals, and am ashamed that I have not acknowledged long ago the Receipt of the first of them They are a work of great Labour, care and Industry, and the Execution of the plan appears to me to be as ingenious as it is judicious The Style is Elegant as well as clear and concise. With great satisfaction I observe that...
Young M r . Adams has informed me, that he never saw you look so well as you do at Present. I am glad to [he]ar it. Tho’ I long for your arrival, I hope you will not return before you are quite rid of all your Complaints: my aunt says the same. Is the Inflamation in your Throat, of the same kind as that, which gave you so much Pain and trouble some years ago?— As you say nothing of England in...
Enclosed I beg leave to forwd. you an Invoice of two barrels of Nutts & two doz. of Liquers, shipped on board the Lorenzo, Capt. Dill, to the address of Mr. Gelston of NewYork. I regret that your pipe of Brandy which I shiped in the Ship Susan, Capt. Howard has been detained in the river by an Embargo for upwards of 40 days & that your Cahuzas Wine has not yet reached me. The Presidents...
Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that the several tracts of Glebe land, the churches, and chapels, the books, vestments, plate and ornaments, all arrears of money and tobacco, and all property real and personal of private donation, which on the seventh day of October, in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy six, were vested in any persons whatever for the use of the English...
By Captn Dent bound to the Madeira’s (a careful honest Man) and, who will return with his Vessel to this River again, I shoud be obligd to you for sending me a Butt (of about One hundred and fifty Gallns) of your choicest Madeira Wine—A Small box, not exceeding 15 or 20 lbs. of Citron—And, if there is nothing improper, or inconsistant in the request a few setts or cuttings of the Madeira Grape...
Haveing been for two years past particular unfortunate in Loseing all my Crop of small grain, Induces me to solicit a favor of you[.] the Last year I should have made Two Thousands Bushels of Wheat but was unlucky enough to get a man to stack for me who was not acquainted with the business and there came a wet spell of Weather, and I Lost all to about Two hundred bushls. That Loss I should by...
22 April 1804, Department of State. “I duly received your letter [not found] enclosing a collection of documents respecting the Ship Perseverance. The late Convention with Spain having been ratified on our part, as soon as a similer [ sic ] form has been communicated to it by the King of Spain, a Board will be organized with powers to examine all unjust captures and detentions by Spanish...
ALS : William L. Clements Library; copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society, Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society I am much oblig’d by your Information of your intended Trip to England. I heartily wish you a good Journey, and a Speedy Return; & request your kind Care of a Pacquet for Mr Hodgson. I enclose two Papers that were read at different times by me...
30861[Diary entry: 14 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
14. Rid to my Harvest People at the Mill in the forenoon & in the afternn. likewise with Mrs. W., Peggy Massey & P[atsy].
I have thought it might be more satisfactory to leave you the different Accounts I received respecting the Communication between the waters of the Yoheogany & the North Branch of Potowmack, that you might from a view of the whole Collect an opinion for yourself —it appears to me that the land Carriage from the Forks of Yoheogany to Cumberland which from a variety of Accounts will not be more...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am honor’d with your favor of the 30th Ulto accompanying four Passports for our Ships and for which I am obliged to you. I have had no Letters the two Last posts from Nantes but suppose our Vessels are ready for Sea. No Arrivals yet on this Coast from America nor any intelligence Interesting. I have the honor to be with due respect Sirs Your most Obed...
LS : American Philosophical Society M. Benjin. Vaughan par sa lettre de Londres du 6 de ce mois m’annonçoit qu’il venoit de me faire adresser 4 Boëtes à l’adresse de votre Excellence. Ces boëtes sont effectivement arrivées ce matin par le Paquebot du Capne. Bagster, mais l’une d’elles, la plus forte, paroissant être beaucoup endommagée, on l’a retira du Vaisseau, et elle fut portée à la Douane...
8 July 1802, Pointe-à-Pitre. Forwards a copy of his last dispatch [10 May]. “Since then for nearly 30 days we were prohibited from exporting any kind of produce except Rum & Molasses.” Restrictions were recently taken off, and all exports are allowed if the following duties are paid: 10 percent on sugar, 5 percent on rum and molasses, 4½ sous per pound on coffee, and 4½ ₶ per hundredweight on...
National Education. Respectfully Addressed to Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, Past Presidents of the United States. It is not a common occasion, venerable fathers of the republic, that could induce me to prefix your names to a public address. In my estimation, there is something in it that may make me liable to be considered indiscreet, if not impertinent, by some who will not take the...
I have received your favor of the 24th. Ult. It is probable a rejection of the French convention would excite some unpleasant feeling in America; But its Ratification would be Dishonorable. The Second and Third Articles were rejected by very large majorities. Genl. Armstrong voted against the Second Article, which alarmed the Jacobins. With Some other exceptions, it is believed, the thing will...
I have to acknowledge & thank you for your favour of the 2 nd Inst: which I communicated to my friend Aaron Dexter Esq r President of the Mass as Agricultural Society . He and his friends are highly gratified by your account of Co l Randolph ’s success in ploughing hill sides horizontally—a desideratum long sought for, in vain, in this quarter. Several Gentlemen are anxious to begin the...
Letter not found : from William Heath, 8 Sept. 1779. On 8 Sept., GW wrote Heath: “I have just now received yours of this date.”
I inclose for yourself & Genl. Cocke, a letter from Docr Johnson, requesting the sanction of the Executive Committee to a course of Instruction to private pupils on the principles of Dentistry If the measure do not fall within the spirit of the Enactment (page 16) imposing a restraint on Professors, or be sanctioned by precedent no objection would seem to be called for; the object itself being...
Since writing the within, I receive information that Congress think to order the money which our tobacco is selling to raise, to be sent on southwardly. It becomes therefore necessary that the paiment offered for the tobacco in your hands should not be made in Philadelphia, but in Fredericksburg, or at our own treasury. I am sir Your mo obedient servant, FC ( Vi , photostat from Brit. Mus.:...
Having desired my relation mr George Jefferson to establish a correspondence for me at Richmond for the supply of my groceries & the terms of paiment to be observed, he informs me he has arranged with you for my supplies, and that paiment shall be made semi-annually. with this I shall accordingly take care to comply. I now, in consequence subjoin a list of articles which I must pray you to...
Passaic Falls [ New Jersey ] October 23, 1780 . Will comply with Mathews’s request concerning Mrs. Mathews as soon as situation permits. Discusses southern situation. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Mathews was a member of Congress from South Carolina.
j’ay deja eu lhonneur mon cher general, de vous ecrire pour bien des occasions, et nous n’avons aucune nouvelle de l’amerique depuis monne arrivée dans ce pais cy, je profite de l’occasion de Me. izova pour vous faire passer cette lettre cy. la fameuse coalition de fox et de north ragit l’angleterre. Schelburne et le pati de bedfort forment a present l’opposition; on dit que nous allons avoir...
I have been honoured with your Excellency’s Favours of the 6th, 8th, 17th, 20th, 23d, 26th & 27th Instant—and laid them before Congress. Have received no later Intelligence from the southern Army than that which you was pleased to communicate. Your Excellency will herewith receive a printed Copy of the Proceeding of the Court Martial on the Trial of Majr Genl Arnold and also an Act of Congress...
I trust in your goodness to excuse me for the liberty I take in my communication, if I err it is for want of better judgment; my zeal prompts me to every source which can benefit the public in the rout I am ordered to arange for the post road —I have returned thus far, and was hastening to Washington with all the Speed in the power of horses, to State to the President & to the P.M.G. the...
Your favor of the 20th Inst. with the several inclosures has been duly receivd. I cannot but hope your decision respecting the soldiers under sentence for desertion will be attended with beneficial consequences. It is a fortunate circumstance that the Troops will be recoverd from the small Pox at so early a period as will afford time for establishing discipline and making preparations for the...
From many concurrent circumstances it appears that the enemy are preparing to evacuate Philadelphia, whether their design is to withdraw altogether from the Continent or to concenter their forces at new york cannot be ascertained—in case the latter shd be the case it will be proper to have provision of forage made on the road to the No. River for such body of Troops as may be ordered to march...
Your favor of the 21st. was recd. by the last mail. The passport for Niemcewics went by the first succeeding opportunity. Mr. Petry arrived two days ago with the inclosed letter from Genl. Turreau. The request it makes is not very consistent with the understanding which regulated the former compliances; but necessity is pleaded, with assurances that this shall be the last, and that the bills...
notwithstanding I am convinced that the numerous applications for office which of course results in the rejection of many is as mortifying and disagreeable as any other occurence in the exercise of your functions—yet the duty I owe a constituent urges me to this communication and which I hope you will receive as a sufficient apology; enclosed I have sent you a letter from Mr. Smallwood...
dere Coll I Shold take it as a greait faver if you wold Send the Cash for the iron by the forst opertunetey to me as i have got the order and it is in Closed in this Leter and all youere frendes are dowing all that Lyes in thare power to have you alectid and I hope it will be ⟨mead⟩ out if you wore here youere Self it wold be out of despute So no more at present from youere Redey frend and...
30882[Diary entry: 22 March 1772] (Washington Papers)
22. Went over to Colo. Warner Lewis’s in Gloucester. Dined & Lodged there. GW crossed the York River on the ferry running between Yorktown and Gloucester (Tindall’s) Point ( General Ledger B General Ledger B, 1772–1793. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 4).
I have lately been settling up the Accts. of my friends with officers of the Direct tax, which have been commited to my care, Among which are the Lands of yr fathers estate and those of yr brother Ambrose’s & your own, 1000 Acres of Military land in the name of yr brother was omitted by some misunderstanding between Majr Lees Exor. & myself, but means has been taken to correct the error which...
§ From Perez Morton. 30 December 1805, Boston. “I have taken the Liberty to introduce to your acquaintance & Civility, my friend Jas. Temple Bowdoin Esqr: the Nephew & adopted heir of our Ambassador to Spain. The high respectability of his Connections are well known to you, & you will find him on acquaintance not less deserving in his personal Qualifications; he sustains the highest Character...
Imprest with respectfull Awe and the most profound esteem, I presume to approach your hand; not that I conceive your friendship for an individual however small or remote, in any degree lessen’d; but because the business of your elevated Station, will continually require your attention to matters of transcendantly more importance; I beg leave to introduce to you my friend & Neighbour Robert B...
I received your Letter this Day when I was in Paris—for the last time! I took my leave of it, but without tears. Yet the thought that I might never visit it again gave me some pain, for it is as we say a dieing leave when we quit a place with that Idea. But now with regard to the appartments, I shall wish to be supplied with dinner. Supper, we eat none. Breakfast and tea in the afternoon we...
The President of the United States having destined Mr. Short to another employment, he is instructed to take leave of the Court of France. The perfect knowledge I have of his understanding and dispositions, gives me full confidence that he has so conducted himself during his residence near them, as to merit their approbation; and that he will mark his departure with those respectful attentions...
Author of, A New System of Banking To establish, either a Merchants’ or A Grand National Bank, a subject intimately connected with the wellfare of this republic, the honour, prosperity and liberties of which you have long been the exalted and faithful guardian and are deservedly considered as the most illustrious of its citizens; I make it a duty for me, to present you with a copy of it, and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society With the fullest confidence of your Excellencys readiness in assisting those who are distressed, particularily when such distresses, happen in the Course of human affairs and not brought upon men for any act of theirs, I flatter myself, that my Pardon for the Liberty I take, and the request I make will be most cordialy Granted. My worthy Fellow-Citizens of...
You will have seen by the News-papers that governor Mifflin has been required to hold in readiness to march certain companies of Cavalry, to assist in quelling the insurrection existing in the State of Pennsylvania. Govr. Howell has also been called upon to hold 8 companies of Cavalry in readiness to March for the same purpose. Would it interfere with your arrangements or be throwing the...
Having left Paris the 3d. of March on a journey through the Low countries and Germany, your favors of Mar. 9. and 25. have awaited an answer till my return which was only 4. or 5. days ago. I should with great pleasure have undertaken to forward the memoir to Doctr. Franklin which you mention in that of the 9th. had you not found an occasion before my return, and I shall with chearfulness do...
I have this day seen a publication in the Maryland Gazette of the 20th instant, signed by you, in which among other things, you state Mr Mercers having brought a charge of a very serious nature against me. I allude to the fifth ground of objection, stated by you, to his reelection. I have written to Mr Mercer a letter of which a copy is in-closed. Allow me at the same time to ask of you to...
I need not say much in favor of my old Friend, Mr James Napper Tandy, who will have the Honor to deliver this Letter to your Excellency; His Character & Principles are well Known on Both Sides the Atlantic. He was among the Foremost in this Kingdom, particularily in the City of Dublin to Support the Just Rights of your Glorious & Happy Fellow-Citizens—he Succesfully opposed the Introduction of...
At the request of the directors of the public Buildings in Richmond, I am to desire that you will provide for them locks of different kinds fit for house doors, hinges for do., window glass, putty, lathing nails and shells. For the quantities I must refer you to the Directors themselves. I am Sir Your humble Servant, RC ( CSmH ). In a clerk’s hand, signed by TJ. Addressed: “Thomas Whiting...
I realy ought to have written to you and have inclosed the few Lines to Cousin Abbe which were Sent me from Boston for her. now what excuse shall I make? why really I have not any. Yet I believe I will hunt up one. I remember that I could not agree with you in your politic’s you seem to have imbibed an undue prejudice against the chief Majistrate from the papers Stiled Federal. now I will tell...
It is my intention that General Nixon shall form a junction with General Howe at Pines’ bridge Croton River. This you will communicate to him, and send to Genl Howe to know, when he espects to be there; and let General Nixon begin his march so as to arrive there nearly at the same time with him. You will give General Nixon your instructions accordingly, and advise him to be cautious in his...
George the Third by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Duke of Brunswick and Lunenburgh, Arch-Treasurer, and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire &ca To the United States of America sendeth Greeting. Our Good Friends. Having nothing more at Heart than to cultivate and improve the Friendship and good Understanding which happily subsist between...
I have the honor, this moment, to receive yr letter of the 4th of this month. The government of the united States, which I voted for at its adoption, on principles of theory, has been progressively endeared to me by its administration, and practice—From this Consideration, I have been ever anxious to give to it Energy, and Efficacy, by every aid in my power—But at the present Crisis—I feel...
I had two days ago the Pleasure of receiving a Duplicate your Letter of the 20 of April—the original is not come to Hand. You could not have given me a Commission, more agreable to my Inclinations, than that of furnishing a List of a Collection of Books—on Treaties, the Law of Nations, the Laws maritime, the Laws of France respecting Navigation and Commerce, and the History and Policy of the...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , February 26, 1741; also draft: American Philosophical Society. Bradford promised in the Mercury , February 19, that each number of his American Magazine would “contain something more than four Sheets, or an Equivalent to four of such Paper, as the American Mercury is printed on; so that there will be not less than fifty two Sheets published in one Year,...