Results 30851-30900 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
By Doctor Craik I had the honour to write a few lines to your Excellency & having now nothing new...
I lent you some time ago the deed & receipt of John Henderson as to the property of the younger...
I am under a great obligation to you for the two volumes of the your American Annals, and am...
Young M r . Adams has informed me, that he never saw you look so well as you do at Present. I am...
Enclosed I beg leave to forwd. you an Invoice of two barrels of Nutts & two doz. of Liquers,...
Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that the several tracts of Glebe land, the churches, and...
By Captn Dent bound to the Madeira’s (a careful honest Man) and, who will return with his Vessel...
Haveing been for two years past particular unfortunate in Loseing all my Crop of small grain,...
22 April 1804, Department of State. “I duly received your letter [not found] enclosing a...
ALS : William L. Clements Library; copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical...
30861[Diary entry: 14 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
14. Rid to my Harvest People at the Mill in the forenoon & in the afternn. likewise with Mrs. W.,...
I have thought it might be more satisfactory to leave you the different Accounts I received...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am honor’d with your favor of the 30th Ulto accompanying...
LS : American Philosophical Society M. Benjin. Vaughan par sa lettre de Londres du 6 de ce mois...
8 July 1802, Pointe-à-Pitre. Forwards a copy of his last dispatch [10 May]. “Since then for...
National Education. Respectfully Addressed to Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, Past Presidents...
I have received your favor of the 24th. Ult. It is probable a rejection of the French convention...
I have to acknowledge & thank you for your favour of the 2 nd Inst: which I communicated to my...
Letter not found : from William Heath, 8 Sept. 1779. On 8 Sept., GW wrote Heath: “I have just now...
I inclose for yourself & Genl. Cocke, a letter from Docr Johnson, requesting the sanction of the...
Since writing the within, I receive information that Congress think to order the money which our...
Having desired my relation mr George Jefferson to establish a correspondence for me at Richmond...
Passaic Falls [ New Jersey ] October 23, 1780 . Will comply with Mathews’s request concerning...
j’ay deja eu lhonneur mon cher general, de vous ecrire pour bien des occasions, et nous n’avons...
I have been honoured with your Excellency’s Favours of the 6th, 8th, 17th, 20th, 23d, 26th & 27th...
I trust in your goodness to excuse me for the liberty I take in my communication, if I err it is...
Your favor of the 20th Inst. with the several inclosures has been duly receivd. I cannot but hope...
From many concurrent circumstances it appears that the enemy are preparing to evacuate...
Your favor of the 21st. was recd. by the last mail. The passport for Niemcewics went by the first...
notwithstanding I am convinced that the numerous applications for office which of course results...
dere Coll I Shold take it as a greait faver if you wold Send the Cash for the iron by the forst...
30882[Diary entry: 22 March 1772] (Washington Papers)
22. Went over to Colo. Warner Lewis’s in Gloucester. Dined & Lodged there. GW crossed the York...
I have lately been settling up the Accts. of my friends with officers of the Direct tax, which...
§ From Perez Morton. 30 December 1805, Boston. “I have taken the Liberty to introduce to your...
Imprest with respectfull Awe and the most profound esteem, I presume to approach your hand; not...
I received your Letter this Day when I was in Paris—for the last time! I took my leave of it, but...
The President of the United States having destined Mr. Short to another employment, he is...
Author of, A New System of Banking To establish, either a Merchants’ or A Grand National Bank, a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society With the fullest confidence of your Excellencys readiness in...
You will have seen by the News-papers that governor Mifflin has been required to hold in...
Having left Paris the 3d. of March on a journey through the Low countries and Germany, your...
I have this day seen a publication in the Maryland Gazette of the 20th instant, signed by you, in...
I need not say much in favor of my old Friend, Mr James Napper Tandy, who will have the Honor to...
At the request of the directors of the public Buildings in Richmond, I am to desire that you will...
I realy ought to have written to you and have inclosed the few Lines to Cousin Abbe which were...
It is my intention that General Nixon shall form a junction with General Howe at Pines’ bridge...
George the Third by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the...
I have the honor, this moment, to receive yr letter of the 4th of this month. The government of...
I had two days ago the Pleasure of receiving a Duplicate your Letter of the 20 of April—the...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , February 26, 1741; also draft: American Philosophical...