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ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society I received your Favours, by the two last Posts; for both of which I am very much obliged to you; the former I should have acknowledged, by the return of the Post; but was obliged to be out of Town. I now return you the Papers, with my hearty thanks for the trouble you have taken. I fully agree to your observation in your last, that although several of the...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society The enclosed Account I had some time ago from a Gentleman in this Town as the substance of what he had collected from conversing with Mr. Pattin, when he was last here, but as it was only from recollecting what had passed between them Months before, some Articles may be wrong; and as I should be glad of a particular information of several other things not...
I have not the honour of a personal acquaintance with you, but perhaps the object of my communication, will sanction the liberty I have taken. I have ever felt from the earliest period that I recollect, an unconqurable thirst for literary acquirements, but my pecuniary resources have been so contracted, that I never have been able to procure leisure sufficient, for the pursuit of any regular...
I this moment Recivd yours of the 25th of april the Intelligence is by no means alarming to me, it corresponds with my former suspicion. I have for several years past kept up a constant chain of Intelligence from the Lakes through the channell of the Illinois inhabitants. And a few hours after yours I Recevd dispatches from the missisippi St Vincent River & the whole a confirmation of your...
I Received your favor by Colo. Boon. I am unhappy that it hath been out of my power to procure you those Curiosities you want except a large thigh Bone that dont please me being broke. I expect to get the whole this spring as a strong post is to be fixed at the mouth of Licking Creek within a small distance of the place. Parties Marching by, I shall have the largest and fairest got—a Thigh and...
Judge Innis has admitt’d me to a perusal of part of a Letter of yours to that Gentleman which strongly evidenced your friendly recollection of me. I have in consequence signified to the Judge by letter the high sense I had entertained of your partiality in my favour and beged him to have imparted to you the heartfelt respect and gratitude which I have ever felt and still entertain for Mr....
I have been informed that it is proposed to have an office opened at this place for the sale of a Part of the lands of the U States Should such an establishment be made give me leave to recommend to you Mr Saml Gwathmey as a proper person to discharge the Appt. of Register— Mr Gwathmey has been a resident of this Place since the establishment of the Government, is a young Man of fair...
Your favour of the 4th Decr. last came Safe to hand. I should have given you an answer Sooner but some part of the subject required serious attention in a person in my cituation. It gives me pleasure to suppose you my friend originating from the Idea I have of your Sentiments. The Bones you wish for will undoubtedly be sent to you without some misfortune should happen me as I am now divesting...
Yohogania Court House, 10 June 1781 . Capt. Bentley of Illinois has presented a number of bills which Clark has countersigned; Bentley has presented other bills drawn by Col. Montgomery which cannot be properly credited without further investigation. Mr. Charles Gratiot has also sent bills to the executive, some of which are known to be just, as that “Gentleman as well as Capt. Bently have...
I have examined your proposed Instructions . I dont Recollect of anything more that is Necessary Except the Mode of paying the Expences of the Garison of Du Troit, in Case of Success, as supporting our Credit among strangers may be attended with great and good Consequences and my former Experience Induce me to wish it to be the Case whare I have the Honour to Command. I would also observe to...
A few days ago I received certain intelligence of William Morris my express to you being killed near the falls of Ohio news truly disagreeable to me as I fear many of my letters will fall into the hands of the Enemy at Detroit altho some of them as I learn were found in the woods torn in pieces. I do not doubt but before the receipt of this you will he[ar] of my late success against Governor...
By every possible exertion, and the aid of Colonel Slaughter’s corps, we completed the number of 1000, with which we crossed the river at the mouth of Licking on the 1st day of August, and began our march the 2d. Having a road to cut for the artillery to pass for seventy miles, it was the 6th before we reached the first town, which we found vacated and the greatest part of their effects...
Before my arrival at this Post I met with Mr. Randolph from Pittsburg. Col. W. Harrison is Exerting himself to Compleat the Purchases ordered, Great Incouragement given by Most Persons of Note N of the Allegany Pensylvanians, as well as Virginians. Col. Crawford now with me says their is no danger of their not turning out or a failiour of provition, but no possibility of its being Ready by the...
There is some probability of my demands on the Tresury being answered so as to Inable me to set out tomorrow if the necessary papers from your Excellency do not detain me which I Should be glad to know as Days are pretious. I am with Esteem your very Hbl Servt., RC ( Vi ); addressed and endorsed.
I am happy to find that your Sentiments Respecting a fortification at or near the Mouth of Ohio is so agreable to the Ideas of Every Man of any Judgment in this Department. It is the Spot that ought to be strongly Fortified and all other garisons in the Western Cuntrey dependent on it if the ground would admit of it but the Misfortune is there is not a Acre of Ground nearer the point than four...
A few days past I Receivd despatches from the Illinois-Kantuck &c. of a late date. I am sorry to Inform your Excellency that near 100000 ℔ of Beef at the Kantucky is Spoilt by the persons who Engag’d to procure it. About the same Quantity on hand Excellent good and 250 Head of Cattle promis’d by the inhabitants. The Indians have done considerable damage there. The Enclosd copies are all that...
Excuse the liberty I take in writing to you on a Subject that you might think would not Concern me so much as it Really does. As great part of my forces will be from Kentucky the appointment of the County Lieutenants is an object worthy my attention. I this day Learnt that Col. Christy hath Resignd the Lieutenancy of Jefferson County. I would beg leave to Recommend to you Col. Jno. Floyd an...
Reduced to the necessity of taking Every step to carry my point the Ensuing campagn, I hope your Excellency will Excuse me in taking the liberty of troubling you with this Request, The Invasion in Virga put it out of the power of the governor to furnish me with the number of men proposd for the Enterprise to the west but informd me he had obtaind leave of the Baron Stuben and agreeable to your...
I latterly had the pleasure of the perruseal of a letter from the Secretary of War to my brother on the Subject of the post of Fort Jefferson on the Mississippi. his Answer to that letter completely discribed the place—A Military post & Tradeing Town there, must be Obvious to every man of Observation that is acquainted with the Geography of the Countrey—I was the more pleased as I had...
I Received your dispatches by Captn. Sullivan, that part Respecting the Bills Countersigned by Majr. Slaughter and Letters of advice is something curious. Its supprising to me that Majr. Slaughter as an officer of the State would suffer those persons to persevear in their Villany was he as he hints truly sensible of the principal that actuated them. You know my sentiments Respecting Several...
Having full assurance of your assiduous attention, to Such of your unhapy Countrymen, as have had the misfortune to be Capturd. and shut up felons, In Brittish prisons, and of being Instrumental In their relief We now laboring under the unhappy Circumse of Confinement, far distant from friends or Money, do most humbly implore your assistance In Supplying us with Some Money, to palliate In Some...
Having hear from a source which seems to be entitled to credit that it is your intention to Lease your Poplar Forist Estate I avail myself of the first opportunity of declareing my wish to take the Lease, provided your Terms be such as will enable me to do so— As I have no reasons to beleeve you will know any thing of me, I refer you to Capt W m Irvine Capt James Martin or M r Joel Yancy Your...
This is the second Letter I have done myself the honor of addressing your Excellency —the distance we are at and the uncertainty of the conveyance of a Letter at so great a distance leads me to fear that the first and perhaps this may miscarry ere it reachs you, this consideration induces me to dispense with part of that elegance and prolixity which in other circumstances I should lay down as...
The death of Judge Innes has occasioned a vacancy in the Federal Circuit Court for the district of Kentucky. As a fit person to fill that vacancy, I beg leave to mention the name of Mr. Robert Trimble of Paris, Kny. As a lawyer Mr. Trimble has for many years ranked at the head of his profession in this state. For three years ending in the year 1810 he was one of the Judges of our supreme court...
We your petitioners beg leave to make the following Statement of facts to Your Excelancy and pray for an indulgence untill we Can raise this one Crop in the first place the greater part of us were in expectation that the land would have been purchased that would have filled the Charter Boundry of South Carolina and we expected to have been able to purchased from the State and a good many were...
please excuse the liberty I am taking in writing to you I actidently heard that you had some thought of fixing a circular closet in the house you at present occupy this is a kind of closet that you know from experience will answer althought has long been in my mind respecting an other kind of moveable closet which in my opinion in many instances would answer a better purpose and save much...
Its with the greatest reluctance that I am about to trouble you again on my business at the treasury office as I canot obtain Such Sattisfaction as I am entitled to I received with pleashure on the 27th of last month a letter from Albert Gallitin Esqr. informing me that my a/c would be paid at the Treasury provided the exorbitant charge heretofore made by me be reduced to a moderate price I...
§ From James W. Clark. 14 January 1817. “J. W. Clark accepts Mr. Madisons invitation to dine with him on thursday next.” RC ( Nc-Ar : Miscellaneous Papers, ser. 1, 2:85). 1 p. James W. Clark was a Republican representative from North Carolina in the Fourteenth Congress.
I Receivd yours dated The 22 Jenuary I am in hopes you have Receivd answer Before This time you wanted to know How much wheet was sown by me I have sown 45 Bushels, Ralph 67 Bushels my Corn 350 Barrells Ralphs Corn was not measured wheet Deliverd to Mr Nooe By Ralph 68 Bushels and 35 pounds I have not deliverd any Wheet as yet, Mr smith who is to Receive The Best part never fixd on where it...
The Commonwealth To John Clark Dr 1780 April To a large table for the Council Chamber 2–15–0 old To alterations in the State house 0- 2–6 prices To Altering the table in the Council Chamber 0- 4–0 May 6 To Mending a press with books Pr. Mr. Beckley 0– 5–0 To Mending a table for the Clerks Pr. Do. 0–10–0 To 2 Days work at the Pallice Council Chamber &c 10–0 To 100 Brads for Do. 1–0 £4– 7–6