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Results 30851-30880 of 184,431 sorted by author
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society I received your Favours, by the two last Posts; for both...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society The enclosed Account I had some time ago from a Gentleman...
I have not the honour of a personal acquaintance with you, but perhaps the object of my...
I this moment Recivd yours of the 25th of april the Intelligence is by no means alarming to me,...
I Received your favor by Colo. Boon. I am unhappy that it hath been out of my power to procure...
Judge Innis has admitt’d me to a perusal of part of a Letter of yours to that Gentleman which...
I have been informed that it is proposed to have an office opened at this place for the sale of a...
Your favour of the 4th Decr. last came Safe to hand. I should have given you an answer Sooner but...
Yohogania Court House, 10 June 1781 . Capt. Bentley of Illinois has presented a number of bills...
I have examined your proposed Instructions . I dont Recollect of anything more that is Necessary...
A few days ago I received certain intelligence of William Morris my express to you being killed...
By every possible exertion, and the aid of Colonel Slaughter’s corps, we completed the number of...
Before my arrival at this Post I met with Mr. Randolph from Pittsburg. Col. W. Harrison is...
There is some probability of my demands on the Tresury being answered so as to Inable me to set...
I am happy to find that your Sentiments Respecting a fortification at or near the Mouth of Ohio...
A few days past I Receivd despatches from the Illinois-Kantuck &c. of a late date. I am sorry to...
Excuse the liberty I take in writing to you on a Subject that you might think would not Concern...
Reduced to the necessity of taking Every step to carry my point the Ensuing campagn, I hope your...
I latterly had the pleasure of the perruseal of a letter from the Secretary of War to my brother...
I Received your dispatches by Captn. Sullivan, that part Respecting the Bills Countersigned by...
Having full assurance of your assiduous attention, to Such of your unhapy Countrymen, as have had...
Having hear from a source which seems to be entitled to credit that it is your intention to Lease...
This is the second Letter I have done myself the honor of addressing your Excellency —the...
The death of Judge Innes has occasioned a vacancy in the Federal Circuit Court for the district...
We your petitioners beg leave to make the following Statement of facts to Your Excelancy and pray...
please excuse the liberty I am taking in writing to you I actidently heard that you had some...
Its with the greatest reluctance that I am about to trouble you again on my business at the...
§ From James W. Clark. 14 January 1817. “J. W. Clark accepts Mr. Madisons invitation to dine with...
I Receivd yours dated The 22 Jenuary I am in hopes you have Receivd answer Before This time you...
The Commonwealth To John Clark Dr 1780 April To a large table for the Council Chamber 2–15–0 old...