George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Henry Bouquet, 21 August 1758

To Henry Bouquet

Camp at Fort Cumberland 21st August 1758

Dear Sir

Thirty Cuttawba’s came here this Evening.1 and the Convoy may be expected on Wednesday, as it was at Pearsalls last Night.

Governor Sharpe I am told will be here in a day or two—I am at a loss to know how he Ranks, and whether he is entitled to the Command. In the Army he Ranks as Lieutt Colonel only—but what his pretensions as Governor in his own Provence is, I really dont know, or whether he has any or not—I shoud therefore be glad of your Advice, being unwilling either to dispute the point wrongfully, or to give up the Command to him if it is my Right. Neither of which I woud do knowingly. at all events I shall keep it till I hear from you.2 I am Sir Yr Most Obedt Hble Servt

Go: Washington

ALS, British Museum: Add. MSS 21641 (Bouquet Papers); LB (original), DLC:GW; LB (recopied), DLC:GW.

1In his original letter book GW reported the arrival of twenty-five, not thirty, Catawba.

2GW appears far less disturbed about whether he or Gov. Horatio Sharpe of Maryland took precedence than he was when he went to Boston in late winter 1756 to have Gen. William Shirley confirm that as colonel of the Virginia Regiment he outranked Capt. John Dagworthy of Maryland at Fort Cumberland even though Dagworthy claimed that his commission as captain was in the regular British army. For Bouquet’s response, see Bouquet to GW, 23 August. For Sharpe’s decision to go to Fort Cumberland, see Bouquet to GW, 30 Aug., n.4.

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