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Results 3081-3090 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have your favor of the 15 th: inst t: and am pleased to find in it an interpretation of the 6 th: Article of the Convention with France, which had escaped my reflection— Viewing it as a provision only to operate after the expiration of our treaty with G Britain, it may be both natural & proper, but as the time when it was to operate was not specified, many others, like myself, have supposed...
I have the very great pleasure to acknowledge your favour of the 15th. Inst. Be assured, Sir, that I appreciate the honour of your correspondence; and that it will be a precious reward to cultivate and deserve your esteem and confidence. “The uncertainty of politics” is, indeed, as obvious, as it is lamentable. I cannot, however, unite with you, in applying to it the epithet “glorious.” It is...
I had the honor to receive your Favour of the 15th of December, for which I beg leave to express my grateful acknowledgements. I never read any thing from your pen, without deriving information and pleasure. You have Sir, I believe drawn a correct map of Bonaparte’s power. I had some similar ideas, but you have measured things by a large scale, and marked the limits of nature. Napoleon, like...
At a meeting of the Citizens residing in the Town of Cumberland in the County of Allegany and State of Maryland and its vicinity, held on Friday the 25th. day of May 1798 after due notice. Hanson Briscoe was appointed Chairman and Patrick Murdoch John H Bayard, Samuel Selby 3rd, John Simkins and George Dent were named a Committee to draw up and report an address to the President of the United...
In answer to yours of July 2 d , sent You, Sep t 19, under cover to Mess rs D e Neufville’s by a vessel,—Buffington Master—bound from Salem to France, a very long letter, in which I wrote freely: afterwards I thought, that should French curiosity peep into it, you might possibly fail of receiving it. I keep no copies, & therefore cannot transmit a duplicate. But I told You that I neither knew...
I cannot omit so good an opportunity as now offers, of paying my respects to you. Nothing remarkable has occurred among us since the disgraceful flight of the British troops on the 17th ultimo. Tis generally believed they are bound to Halifax. General Washington set off yesterday. His conduct has met with universal approbation, and has gained him the highest applause. Saltpetre is made and...
Various causes, connected with the absence & illness of Revd Mr Fay of the old church, have delayed my going into the investigations which you requested me to make respecting the elder Mr. Shepperd & the Messrs Quincys. I am sorry, now that I have made them, that it has been to so little purpose, or rather to no purpose at all. You ask whether the Records of the Town or Church were destroyed...
As Mr. Rand, a good American, sails in a lettre of Marque from the Texel direct for Boston, I take the liberty of sending some gazettes, which remain of those which I could not consistently with an eye to postage , send through the Secretary of State. They may amuse you after the labours of Philadelphia, & contribute to brush away those public cares which ought not to follow you in the...
I received yours of Nov br. 9 th 11 th 12 & 14 th . you are made easy respecting the Election of mr Ames tho I believe that many of the Electors would not bear a strict scrutiny any more than Jarvis’s Party. I fear that in one sense evil was done, that good might come of it. there was no other way of Parrying the stroke, but making use of similar weapons and as Hudibrass has it, “to Combat...
Having been honored with a commission of a Captain in the Navy by you, and still desirous of preserving your good Opinion, which I highly prize, I have taken the liberty to send your Excellency my defence, upon charges exhibited against me, by Order of the President of the United States. I have the honor to be, Sir / with great respect, Your / Obedient Servant, MHi : Adams Papers.