Results 30801-30850 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your letter of the 5th instt enclosing a Memorial of the same date, came to my hands yesterday....
I had the honor to write to you on the 10th. Novr. In this I am sorry to inclose you a Copy of a...
I Sent you, by this Morning’s Mail, the first Volume of Gillian’s Aristotle, & Will forward the...
Our instructions relative to the Barbary states having required us to proceed by way of...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Benjamin Lincoln, 22 Oct. 1779 . GW wrote Lincoln on 12 Dec. :...
(private) Sir. Fayetteville [Md.] 31 March 1794. I have very often troubled you respecting...
The next Post will announc the result of our Election of Governor & Representatives for this new...
Your letter of Sept. last came duly to hand; but I have neglected to answer it till this late...
United States [New York] Gentlemen of the Senate, June 23d 1790 In my nomination of persons for...
Your letter of the 21st Ulto has been duly received. In reply, I have to observe that, the end of...
Your favor of Mar. 25. came safely to hand with the grains of [corn it covered] for which accept...
21 February 1805, New Orleans . “In my Letter of the 19th Instant, I stated that about the last...
I have received your kind letter of January; and shall particularly attend to your directions at...
30814Orders, 9 May 1756 (Washington Papers)
As there are some Indians coming up to this place; and the ill consequence of giving them Liquor...
Je m’attendois a tous momens a voir paroitre l’Escadre Angloise, c’est ce qui m’a fait retarder a...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society Voici, ma trés cher Amie, une de mes Plaisanteries...
I was fearfull before I left Home of Such a Seige as has taken place. whatever else may be...
My pecuniary necessities compell me to ask the amount of your a/c. Professional engagments deny...
Receipts. 1790. January 1st. A balance remaining in his hands the 31st December 1789, as per...
30820[Diary entry: 24 July 1788] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 24th. Thermometer at 70 in the Morning—71 at Noon and 74 at Night—A very high No. Et....
30821[Diary entry: 6 December 1799] (Washington Papers)
6. Morning heavy, with appearances of clearing now & then, but about 2 oclock it set in to...
Finding it impossible to get good and genuine Madeira wine here I have concluded it most...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You Called me by your Order from the Commend of the American...
The rain now falling will I think enable Johnson ’s boats to go down. I send him therefore a box...
Some time since Mr. McCormick spoke to me about the case of his Kinsman Mr. Pitcairn whom Mr....
Nothing can exceed our wishes to hear of the health & safe arrival of yourself & Brother. Since...
In the winter of 1805-6 on my way to the North of Europe, I made a short visit to the French...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since my last I have recvd from La Duchesse de Villroy the...
There are four Ships now in sight of this post cuming up the river and a small scuner. I believe...
According to your request, I ruminated, as I journeyed here on your proposition for the...
In my passage, through Elizabeth Town, a certain Hatfield was siezed by my order and committed to...
The State of the river, and of the roads forbid me the honor of waiting on you at New windsor....
I expected to have put the enclosed into your hands at Baltimore, on my way to this place; but...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You express’d an intention to pay us a visit the latter end...
The honour of receiving your favours 20th & 22d Ulto I am now to acknowledge. Some time past...
30836[Diary entry: 23 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
23. Dined with Mrs. Washington &ca. at the Speakers by Candlelight & spent the Evg. there also....
This Council being informed that Major General Gates hath orders from Your Excellency to hold...
Many thanks my dear Sr for your favour of the 31st ultimo, the excellent advice it contains...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of the 10th. and also of the 14th....
Hamburg, 19 July 1793 . On 6 July he received TJ’s 20 Feb. and 21 Mch. letters, the first with...
The information and observations which you have as yet received from me since your arrival in...
Last Evening Mr: Apthrop put into my hand your polite Letter of the first of this Month from New...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Voici, comme je l’ai...
I thank you, dear Sir, for the valuable volume of your historical transactions which you have...
Some days ago, General McDougall informed me, that a Majr Hayes (I think that was the name)—or...
I thank you for all your kind favours. I wish I could write to you, much oftener than I do. I...
I received in due time, the printed copy of your Convention Sermon, on the relation of...
30848[February 1767] (Washington Papers)
13th. Vestry to meet by 2d. appointmt. Some of GW’s diary entries, such as these three in...
I take the liberty to inclose the within representation of Colonel Nichola for your directions,...
You will receive by James , a very fine boar-pig of the Chinese or Parkinson breed; he is just...