Results 30801-30850 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I had the honor to write to you unofficially & very much at large on the 12t Jany; it will not be...
G Granger presents his most respectfull compliments to the President and, at the request of the...
The plan on which the Presidents square is proposed to be planted having been approved by the...
I solicit your directions as to the adaptation of the rooms in the East end of the President’s...
At a Period, the most eventful ever witnessed by Man, when the whole civiliz’d World is engag’d...
14 March 1809, Norwich, Vermont. Buck [a former Federalist representative who had served in the...
Letter not found. 14 March 1809. Offered for sale in Charles Hamilton Catalogue No. 80 (5 Sept....
As you are now retired from the important and dignified station of Chief magistrate of the United...
I have received your very civil Letter of the third of this Month with Emotions very similar to...
When a young man I read Sidney upon government. In one of his Chapters, he agitates the following...
Altho’ I have been very tardy in acknowledging your favors of Jany. 17 & 24th. and the very...
Although I have not the honor of a personal acquaintance with you, duty and affection prompt me...
At a numerous & very General Meeting, of the Republicans of the Town of Litchfield, convened at...
Retired as I live from the political World, and devoted as I am Obliged to be to the duties of my...
Letter not found. 13 March 1809. Acknowledged in Cathcart to JM, 12 May 1809 . Orders wines.
Letter not found. 13 March 1809. Mentioned in Edwards to JM, 18 May 1809 . Discusses complaints...
We got loaded up ready to start home, and I left Washington on the third of March. Mr. Jefferson...
The inclosed letters which have come to hand since you left this, were given me yesterday by M r...
Last night I received your kind favour of the 4th: instt: with the information the most...
Immediately after the affair of the Chesapeake (July 4th.) I went to Mr. Jefferson, making him a...
Previously to the establishment of arrangements for carrying on the work during the ensuing...
12 March 1809, Philadelphia. Asks that his stepson be appointed an official courier to carry...
Memoranda for the President. Information having been recieved in October last that many intruders...
I rec’d yesterday your favour of the Month of August 1808 and if the following answers to your...
On the first of the month I received your favour of the 22d. ult. with a copy of a speech of a...
It might be expected that a woman & a stranger shou’d apologize for the freedom of addressing The...
Prevented by a severe cold from paying You my Congratulations, personally, on the 4th of March, I...
11 March 1809, London. Reports that at least eight ships from America have recently arrived in a...
11 March 1809, New Orleans. Congratulates JM upon his inauguration and asks for the same...
The Inhabitants of Albemarle , your fellow citizens & your friends, beg leave to congratulate you...
By the post of this day I inclose to the President of the bank of Fredericksburg five hundred &...
Such has been the hurry & bustle of the close of a session of Congress & of my departure, which...
I ought before this to have acknoleged the reciept of two or three letters from you, but the...
The non-intercourse law prohibiting the importation of any thing from France directly, I must...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Shattuc k and his thanks for the copy of the...
Thomas Jefferson Esq r To Jo s Dougherty D r D –cts To 40 30 bushels oats a 40 cts per bushel 12...
The following packages on Board the Sloop Rebecca for Richmond Jn o Hall Master. One Barrel...
Thomas Jefferson Esq r 1807 To Joseph Milligan November 7 th To 1 Malthus on population—2 vols...
Agreeably to your instructions, I have made arrangements to provide the most necessary articles...
The Bearer , one of my Sons attends with the List of furniture to aid M r La Mare in the Delivery...
R. Harrison presents his respectful compliments to M r Jefferson , and has the honor to inform...
By a vessel just departing hence for Richmond I send a number of packages as by the inclosed , in...
Being just on the eve of my departure for Monticello I must write you a short letter returning...
Though it is “a terrible thing” for “eyes with reading almost blind” to go over between three and...
I wrote you on Sunday, and the same Evening I received yours of 26. Feby:—Yesterday yours of the...
D 1809. Mar. 9. Balance at the bank in favor of Th: Jefferson 2291. 77½ a warrant from the...
I had heard of your illness with extreme concern, from my wife, and also through Mr: Cranch and...
8 March 1809, London. He has written Lord Grenville regarding inconsistencies in the...
The affectionate address of the Republicans of George Town on my retirement from public duty, is...
It is with much concern I inform you that the Senate has negatived your appointment. we thought...