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Results 30781-30810 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I had the honor to address you the 25th. Ulto. by the Brig Vestal of Hull, Lennant Jones, Master,...
On opening my letters from France in the moment of my departure from Washington, I found from...
The honourable and dignifyed languidge of Your late Inaugural adress, protends a peculiarly...
As men in public offices are Subject to Recive public addresses and private proposals—I Solicit...
The time of the President U.S. is so occupied by matters of so much more importance, that I did...
17 March 1809, Inglesville, Montgomery County, Virginia. A native of the British West Indies,...
In obeidiance to a resolve, of the Antient Plymouth Society , of this City, passed on the 16 h...
Biens des pardon de la liberty que Je prend d’avoir l’honneur de vous adreser la presente, elle...
On opening my letters from France in the moment of my departure from Washington , I found from...
Not being able to procure an appointment In the United States Service—I enlisted hoping by this...
When I parted with you at Washington , it was my intention to have expressed to you all the...
I send to M r Jefferson the following Articles Viz Jeffersonia Antivenena (the Roots) in a large...
Enclosed you have a copy of the agreement in the case of Fletcher v. Peck, which has been this...
Your letter of the 10 of Feby. addressed to the President of the U. S. inclosing the proceedings...
I have recd the resolutions of the 23d. of Feby. conveyed thro’ you, by the meeting of...
To our Great and Good Friend His Imperial and Royal Majesty the Emperor of the French, King of...
Your letter of the 15th Ulto I rec d and acording to Your Instructions have Shiped the Oil and...
Your Anecdotes are always extreamly Aprospros and none of them more So than those in your Letter...
My solicitude to see your strictures upon Mr. Pickering’s Letter was satisfied by the last mail....
I have been obliged as you will note to avail myself of your indulgence in answering your favor...
I had the honor to write to you unofficially & very much at large on the 12t Jany; it will not be...
G Granger presents his most respectfull compliments to the President and, at the request of the...
The plan on which the Presidents square is proposed to be planted having been approved by the...
I solicit your directions as to the adaptation of the rooms in the East end of the President’s...
At a Period, the most eventful ever witnessed by Man, when the whole civiliz’d World is engag’d...
14 March 1809, Norwich, Vermont. Buck [a former Federalist representative who had served in the...
Letter not found. 14 March 1809. Offered for sale in Charles Hamilton Catalogue No. 80 (5 Sept....
As you are now retired from the important and dignified station of Chief magistrate of the United...
I have received your very civil Letter of the third of this Month with Emotions very similar to...
When a young man I read Sidney upon government. In one of his Chapters, he agitates the following...