George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Brigadier General John Stark, 29 July 1778

From Brigadier General John Stark

Head Quarters Albany July 29th 1778

Dear Sir

the fourth Pensylvenia Regt and a Detatchm. of the Rifle Corps Arrived here 27th Inst. but in a very deplorable Condition for want of Cloaths—I Inclose you a Return of what is Wanted by them for the present and without which they will not be fit for Scouting which seems to be the duty they were sent for—1 Nevertheless I shall send them to the Frontiers Immediately to protect the Affrigted Inhabitants and whose fears are too well Grounded.

I think we Never shall have peace in the Western Frontiers untill we march an Army into the Indian Country and drive those Nefarious Wretches from their Habitations Burn their Towns and Destroy their Crops & make proclemation that if Ever they Return they shall be serverd in Like manner.

I have nothing from Fort Schuyler of Late from that I Judge they are in peace—I send this by Lieut. Randolph an officer from Colo. Butlers Regt who will wait for the Cloathing and Answer. I am Sir with Great Respect your Hunbl. Serv.

John Stark


1. The enclosed return has not been identified.

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