Results 30781-30810 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
the fourth Pensylvenia Regt and a Detatchm. of the Rifle Corps Arrived here 27th Inst. but in a...
Letter not found : from Lund Washington, 29 July 1778. On 15 Aug., GW wrote Lund Washington :...
His Excellency is informed, that there is a quantity of state-cloathing coming on under your...
ALS : Franklin Library, Franklin, Massachusetts Give me leave to present You with a Copy of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Reason I have Presum’d to take the Liberty To Address...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Lalanne negociant au havre, mon ami, et encore plus...
Copy: American Philosophical Society <Ste. Croix de Teneriffe, July 30, 1778, in French: Having...
30788General Orders, 30 July 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Guard at Terrytown is to be reinforced with a Captain 2 Subalterns, 3 Serjeants 3 Corporals a...
I have this minute the honor receiving your Excellencys favour of 27th Inst. Colonel Hartleys...
I have had the honor since my last under the Inst. of presenting Your Excellency’s Letter of 22d...
The recruits under your command belonging to Colo. Lee’s Regiment, who were either Prisoners or...
I have the Honor to Inclose herewith the Returns of this Garrison. your Excellency will perceive...
I recd yours of Yesterday by your Dragoon. I approve of the step you took to drive off the Stock...
Vous avez eu la bonté de me confier M. votre fils. c’est pour lui donner toute l’education...
I thank you for your favours of 25 and 27. the last of which I recived this Moment. The Baltimore...
White Plains [ New York ] July 31, 1778 . Instructs Clinton to move to Kings Bridge in order to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je viens de recevoir les doubles des deux Lettres du...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library Have the pleasure of...
Two copies: Library of Congress M. Le Comte de Vergennes étant surchargé de travail, Monsieur, il...
30800General Orders, 31 July 1778 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court Martial of the 2nd Line July 22nd 1778—Coll George Gibson President, John...
I am now to acknowledge the receipt of your Favor of the 27th Instant which has just come to hand...
With the Detachment under your command, which is to comprehend the Corps now advanced with Colo....
Having suffered greatly by the Enemy in Philadelphia and am informed the Savages are Murdering...
I had, last Night, the pleasure of receiving yours of the 28th dated at saybrook. I hope your...
I Am this minute favor’d with Your Excellency’s very obliging Letter of the 24th. The British...
It’s with the Greatest unease I am now Reduced to the Necessity of Accepting of Your Excellencys...
About Nine hundred of the Nine Months Men from the State of Massachusets have joined the Army,...
I Received orders last Jany to Raise a Number of Voluntiers to Burn the Shipping at St Johns a...
I have been favd with yours of the 27th 10 Oclock A. M. Upon opening of it, I was much...
D : University of Pennsylvania Library In the spring of 1777, the commissioners had contracted...