Benjamin Franklin Papers

The American Commissioners to the President of Congress, 29 July 1778

The American Commissioners to the President of Congress

AL (draft):2 Massachusetts Historical Society; three copies and one transcript: National Archives

Passy July 29 1778


Mr. Livingston received a Commission from us as first3 Lieut. of the Boston and made a Cruise in her in which she had the good Fortune to take four prizes. He is now obliged to leave the Ship, but we have the pleasure of a Letter from Capt. Tucker4 in which he gives us an handsome Character of Mr. Livingston and of his Conduct during the Cruise. We have also a good Opinion of him and recommend him to the Favor of Congress. We are &c.

Honble President of Congress

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2In the hand of Arthur Lee.

3This word was dropped from the copies; Livingston had been second lieutenant of the Boston.

4Addressed to JA: Taylor, Adams Papers, VI, 259–60; see also Tucker to the commissioners, July 3.

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