Results 30761-30770 of 184,431 sorted by author
Letter not found. 25 November 1802. Mentioned in Wagner’s docket on verso of a 22 Nov. 1802...
15 March 1804, Bayou Sara, Mississippi Territory. “I have been favored this day with your Letter...
29 November 1803, New Orleans. “I had the honor of advising under date of the 28th. that a...
9 April 1802, Philadelphia. “Business of a private Nature requiring my presence in New Orleans I...
I forward to you a Sketch of a Survey of the two districts of Opelousas and Atacapas, with the...
27 April 1803, New Orleans. Since his last letter the French prefect has arrived with his family,...
I have received your Letter of the 18th. ulto. with the Commission inclosed in it, and in...
Herewith you will receive a Copy of a Letter from Govr. Claiborne of the Mississippi Terrtory on...
16 November 1803, New Orleans. Encloses copies of three letters to Claiborne, dated 10, 14, and...
12 March 1803, New Orleans. “I have learned from the Secretary of the Province Dn Andres Lopez...