Results 30761-30770 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Not having the pleasure of any acquaintance with the present secretary at war, I take the liberty...
You will be surprisd, I doubt not, on receiving a Letter from a very old acquaintance, Ann Craig,...
I take the liberty of inclosing coppy of a bill now before the Legistlature of Penn y , that may...
Altho’ I feel reluctance in trespassing for a moment on the repose to which you have just...
19 March 1809, Windham, Connecticut. Discusses the Embargo, MacGowty’s experience as a seaman,...
Letter not found. Ca. 19 March 1809. Acknowledged in Maury to JM, 3 May 1809 . Mentions a small...
Albemarle Buckmountain Baptist Church, Sendeth Greeting to our much esteemed friend, M r Thomas...
Inclosed is the bill of leading for your goods which left this place a few days ago, M r Colels...
By M r Dinsmore I take the liberty of rendering you, your account . You will see from the...
Altho’ I feel reluctance in trespassing for a moment on the repose to which you have just...