Results 30761-30770 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
We have the Honour of your Letter of 28 May by Captain Reed. We are rejoiced at the Arrival, even of 49 Hogsheads of Tobacco, and cannot but wish for more. As the Commissioners here, have made a Contract, with the Farmers General, to furnish them with 5000 Hdds, which they have not been able to fulfill, altho they have received a Million Livres upon that Contract, We have ventured to order...
We have the Honour of your Letters of May 14. and 15. We congratulate you on the general good Appearance of our Affairs, and are happy in your Assurances that it is your fixed Determination to admit no Terms of Peace, but such as are consistent with the Spirit and Intention of our Alliance, with France, especially as the present Politicks of the British Cabinet, aim at Seducing you from that...
We have received your Favour of the Eighth of June, by the Hand of Captain Barns of the schooner Dispatch, together with the Packetts, forwarded by the Hon. Council of the Mass. Bay. We, have according to your desire given orders to Mr. Schweighauser at Nantes to furnish the Captain, with such supplies as may be necessary to provide for his Return, and to defrey his Expences there. We have...
I arived Yesterday in 26 days from Boston, with a packet for Your Excellencys With Positive Orders to deliver the Same with my Own Hands, which should have done with greatest Pleasure, but my Ill State of Health Prevents me that Honour. Therefore have desir’d Mr. Texier, a friend off Mr. Bondfield, to take the Charge, Which he Readily Accepted, and make no doubt will Come Safe to hand. I trust...
Versailles, 29 July 1778. LbC ( Adams Papers , French text of both letter and enclosure). For other contemporary copies of the French text of the letter and regulations, the latter as transmitted and later amended as a result of the Commissioners’ letter of 13 Aug. (below), and for English translations of the two documents made at the same time, see PCC , No. 83, 11, f. 467, 46Q–476. For...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives <Passy, July 29, 1778: We have received your letter of May 28 by Captain Reed [Read]. We rejoice at the arrival of even 49 hogsheads of tobacco, but wish for more. As we are under contract with the farmers general to furnish 5,000 hogsheads, for which we have already received a million livres, we have consigned this...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; three copies and one transcript: National Archives <Passy, July 29, 1778: We received your letters of May 14 and 15. We congratulate you on the general good appearance of our affairs and are happy you are determined to accept no peace terms contrary to our alliance with France. We have not received from Congress the authorization we need to remove...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives <Passy, July 29, 1778: We have received your letter of June 8 by Captain Barnes of the Dispatch , as well as the packets forwarded by the Massachusetts Council. We have given orders to Mr. Schweighauser to provide for the captain’s return voyage and have ordered our banker to give a month’s pay to him and his crew and...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives We have received the Honour of your Letter of June 9, by Captain Corbin Barnes of the Schooner Dispatch together with three Packetts, directed to Us. We shall leave the Captain to his own Discretion concerning the Port he may return to. It is at present a Time of Scarcity of News, but We expect hourly important...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; three copies and one transcript: National Archives Mr. Livingston received a Commission from us as first Lieut. of the Boston and made a Cruise in her in which she had the good Fortune to take four prizes. He is now obliged to leave the Ship, but we have the pleasure of a Letter from Capt. Tucker in which he gives us an handsome Character of Mr....