Results 30761-30790 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
We have the Honour of your Letter of 28 May by Captain Reed. We are rejoiced at the Arrival, even...
We have the Honour of your Letters of May 14. and 15. We congratulate you on the general good...
We have received your Favour of the Eighth of June, by the Hand of Captain Barns of the schooner...
I arived Yesterday in 26 days from Boston, with a packet for Your Excellencys With Positive...
Versailles, 29 July 1778. LbC ( Adams Papers , French text of both letter and enclosure). For...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives <Passy, July 29,...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; three copies and one transcript: National Archives...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives <Passy, July 29,...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives We have received the...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; three copies and one transcript: National Archives...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives You will take on...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives We have directed the...
Copy: National Archives Yours of May 14. gave me great Pleasure, as it inform’d me of your safe...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, July 29, 1778: I arrived yesterday in 26 days...
LS : Harvard University Library; copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, Library of Congress,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Recu de Messieurs Horneca Fizeaux & Cie. d’ordre et pour...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Quoique ces essais ne contiennent que des idées très...
ALS : Harvard University Library I have at length got the Liberty of Cap. Allen and his Crew who...
30779General Orders, 29 July 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Regimental Quarter Masters are to be pointedly exact in having Vaults sunk for necessaries...
I had the honor to inform your Excellency by Mr Lott, that I intended coming with the Cavalry to...
the fourth Pensylvenia Regt and a Detatchm. of the Rifle Corps Arrived here 27th Inst. but in a...
Letter not found : from Lund Washington, 29 July 1778. On 15 Aug., GW wrote Lund Washington :...
His Excellency is informed, that there is a quantity of state-cloathing coming on under your...
ALS : Franklin Library, Franklin, Massachusetts Give me leave to present You with a Copy of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Reason I have Presum’d to take the Liberty To Address...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Lalanne negociant au havre, mon ami, et encore plus...
Copy: American Philosophical Society <Ste. Croix de Teneriffe, July 30, 1778, in French: Having...
30788General Orders, 30 July 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Guard at Terrytown is to be reinforced with a Captain 2 Subalterns, 3 Serjeants 3 Corporals a...
I have this minute the honor receiving your Excellencys favour of 27th Inst. Colonel Hartleys...
I have had the honor since my last under the Inst. of presenting Your Excellency’s Letter of 22d...