Results 30751-30800 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Mr. Hamilton Dr. to Duplaine for the 12 numbers of the paris monthly chronicle for the year 1792...
In the course of the last war the house of Schweighauser & Dobrée of Nantes, and Puchelberg of...
The season calling for corks has come upon me before I had thought of it, and it being difficult...
Your Excellency’s favor of the 18th Instant, did not come to hand before the 23d Instant in the...
As I have heretofore had the honour to request your acceptance of such Discourses as my people...
Your letter of April 29 with the copy of your speech was duly recd.; but not without a little...
Congress have received authentick Information that his most Christian Majesty is preparing to...
The articles sent by mr Randolph’s boats are arrived safe, except a trunk N o 28. your note by...
On the 13 Instant I wrote to Wm Patterson and Jonathan D. Sargeant Esquires, Attorney Generals...
[ Bergen County, New Jersey ] July 11, 1780 . Orders Lee to Monmouth, New Jersey, to assist...
Sibley’s acct of the Indians. pa. 1.  the French while possessing Louisiana had a fort & some...
I have recd your favr of the 23d respecting Capt. Hutchins and shall give you a more difinitive...
I have the Honor to acquaint your Excellency that a party of the Militia commanded by John...
Monticello [Va.] 13 Aug. 1792. Sends “the inclosed letters which the tardy movement of the Post...
During my recess in Virginia Mr. Jefferson put into my hands to be forwarded to you, your Letter...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr Vaughan has the honor to present his respectful comps. to...
I hope the Proceedings of the Court of Enquiry on my Conduct have e’er this reached your...
Gen. Armstrong’s compliments to Mr. Madison and begs his acceptance of a copy of a pamphlet which...
I wrote you by the last Post to which must now Cheifly Refer you, this being just to beg your...
In addition to my last (duplicates enclosed) I have obtained accurate information of the offer to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Notwithstanding I left Orleans on Tuesday Morg, I did not...
The Petition of Cap. John Hazelton is respectfully submitted to the President. The authority of...
I have received this moment your Excellency’s Letter. I will make a Stage here according to your...
Paris, 14 Feb. 1789 . M. Dechezaulx, French consul at Bergen, Norway, states that either TJ or...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I should have been happy to the greatest degree in the...
The conduct of M. Woolsey collector of Champlain (N.Y.) had apparently been so fair & energetic...
30777[Diary entry: 2 October 1772] (Washington Papers)
2. Colo. Burwell & Mr. Fitzhugh went away after Dinner.
Subalterns 9 James Church Springfield 24 years Shepherd } sprightly active—good stature S Lyman
I have just received from Mr George Chalmers, a bill of Exchange for sixty pounds sterling, in...
If you should happen to draw a prize in the militia , I must provide a man, either there or here,...
Since the letter which I had the honor of writing to your Excellency the 17th instant; I have...
I am much obliged by your professions of respect and affection, and I am truly grateful for your...
I arriv’d here on the 21., and have already deriv’d advantage from the use of the water. I...
30784[Diary entry: 9 April 1799] (Washington Papers)
9. In the morning Mer. at 56. Wind very fresh from South & very likely for Rain. Shifted abt. 9...
I am a senior Captain in the Maryland line and from my indisposition at present which has been...
Letter not found: from John Augustine Washington, 7 Nov. 1777. GW wrote his brother John...
I understand that Mr. Dill is an applicant for the office of Marshal of this district, which is...
Colonel Smith, who is to remain at Dobbs Ferry, for the sake of transacting the business of his...
In answer to your letter of the 21st. inst. enclosing the application of William Eaton Esqr. and...
I have coverd to you the dispatches which are for Thomas Welch to take with him. I hope in the...
30791Orders, 5 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Ensign Polson being appointed in Colonel Gage’s Regiment, has Colonel Washington’s leave to...
I have recd. your favor of the 23 Ult. Callendar made his appearance here some days ago in the...
I did not expect to have written by this post as I was much engaged in preparing some papers & in...
The season for asking my annual supply of wines being now come about, I have first to acknolege...
I fear you will complain of me, for not writing so often as I ought. But I write as often as I...
War Department, April 9, 1799. Acknowledges receipt of Hamilton’s letter of April 8, 1799 . Has...
30797[Diary entry: 27 August 1769] (Washington Papers)
27. Dined with Lord Fairfax & drank Tea there also.
Several of your letters have been received, and we have been occupied in endeavours to have you...
Bermuda Hundred, 27 Apr. 1791 . Has consulted all our lawyers on The Prince of Wales and, on the...
I have recieved, my good old friend, your favor of Feb. 24. and rejoice to find you can still...