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Results 30721-30750 of 184,264 sorted by recipient
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Garth presents his Compliments to Mr. Franklin, begs Leave to acquaint him, that the Request of the Agents for ½ an hour’s Audience to their Deputation was yesterday mention’d to Mr. Grenville, who was pleas’d to signify his Compliance therewith, and that he would send us Notice when he would choose to be attended. Addressed: To / B. Franklin Esqr. / in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous prévenir que vôtre fonte de Gros Romain et l’italique est finie. Elle pèse le tout ensemble assorties, de cadrats, et espaces, deux cent soixante et une livres, à vingt quatre sols la livre sera la somme de trois cent treize livres quatre sols. Marqué moi s’il vous plait comment on vous l’envera si vous jugez à propos que je la fasse...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Dans une lettre de messieurs Les freres reycend Libraires a turin, jay recu Le petit Billet cy inclus, que je joins a la presente. Les mauvais temp, et mes incommodites mont empeche Daller moy meme faire cette commission. Comme je prevois ecire Lundy a turin, je vous prie de me faire savoir au dos de ce Billet, La reponse que je dois faire. Jay Lhonheur...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je suis instruit que Mr. le Prieur de Cardonne vous a fait une visite il y a eu Mercredi huit jours, et qu’il vous a donné un volume de mon traité sur les moutures que vous lui avez promis de me faire l’honneur de venir manger ma soupe Dimanche 29, je sais aussi qu’il vous a ecrit depuis pour vous renouveller la mémoire de cette promesse et les offres de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society No doubt you will wonder I have not sent you a Power according to my Promise: The Reason is this: Mr. Colden tells me he has a Copy of the Power he sent, Which he would lend me to form one by: and he says he cannot at present recollect where it is, but will search for it, and I being desirous to have it unexceptionable, have waited in hopes he will find it:...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I often Recolect the Advice you wonce Gave won of my Sons to do the right thing with Spirit & not to Spend time in makeing Excuses for not Doing it & I ought to have profited by it, but I have So long Delayed writing to you that I am hardly capeble of makeing any Excuse at all, & now have no time to Atempt it. I have Removed From Cambridge with my...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In consequence of the letter I had the honor to receive from you, dated (Novr. 28th) I applyed to Govr. Pownal, concerning what you mentioned of his publication of the map of the middle Colonies, and of your generous concurrence with his declaration in the preface to the pamphlet that accompanied the new edition: but my letter not having been honored with...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; incomplete AL (draft): American Philosophical Society; incomplete AL (draft): James S. Bradford, Philadelphia (1956) I yesterday received yours of the 13th April, and as Mr Hodgson, in the note which inclosed it, offers to forward an answer I sit down to write one, tho’ I wrote to you last saturday by Mr W. to acknowledge that which he brought us from...
ALS : Yale University Library Yesterdy I received your Favor of 16 May ult with Relandi Analecta Rabbinica you was so obliging as to send me. For which please to accept my Thanks. One of the Tracts I wanted is contained in Relandi Hist. Hebraea. I am sorry to have given you so much Trouble. I could wish for an Answer from Mr. Dow——as I have a very great Thirst after Oriental Antiquities. With...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society My last to you by the Carolina Captain Duncan, contained the second Copy of a Bill of Exchange for £100. which I hope is come safe to hand. You have now inclosed the first Copy of one other Bill for £100. (which will make the fourth Hundred remitted you since you left Philadelphia) the Receipt of which you will please to own by the first Vessel...
LS : Library of Congress J’ai l’honneur de prier Votre Excellence, de vouloir bien m’indiquer le jour et l’heure, ou je pourrais avoir celui de vous Faire ma cour, ayant differentes choses a vous communiquer. Je serais charmé de Faire connoissance avec vous, et de vous assurer de vive voix de la sincerité des sentiments d’Estime et de respect avec lesquels je suis De Votre Excellence Le três...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bellême au Perche, August 24, 1777, in French: Because I have been to America several times, two families have asked me how to emigrate and settle there. The head of one is a retired pilot; the other wants to farm the rich land of Pennsylvania. They ask for recommendations and a free passage to Philadelphia. Unless the war prevents your obliging them, they...
Extract: printed in Jacques Barbeu-Dubourg, ed., Œuvres de M. Franklin … (2 vols., Paris, 1773), II , 129–33; ALS (incomplete): American Philosophical Society The document that follows is in two parts, a printed extract and the conclusion of a letter in manuscript. The two are quite different in subject matter; neither contains any evidence of precisely when it was written, or of its belonging...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library J’ai encore recours a vos bontées, pour vous prier de me donner quelques moments pour faire votre portrait sur la copie de votre dessein que j’ai destinés à être gravées. Vous voudrés bien donner au porteur l’heure et le Jour que vous m’accorderés cette grace. J’ai l’honneur d’etre avec respect et reconnaissance Monsieur Votre tres humble et tres...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’espere que vous n’avez pas oublié, mon cher Docteur, notre partie de Marly—la permission de manger dans les Jardins ou dans les pavillons est obtenu.— Messrs: de Breuil et Pechmeja vienent—et porteront avec eux une bonne provision du fruit—pour moi Je porterai la plus grande longe de veau que Je pourrois trouver à St. Germain et quelques couverts—la reste...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Haller Presents his most respectful Compliments to the Right Honourable Doctor Franklin and shall be very glad of his company at dinner on wednesday next the 9 inst. PS Pray answer iff you Please Addressed: To / The Right Honble. Doctr. Franklin Esqr / chez Mr. Le Ray de / chaumont / Passy / hotel Colbert Born in Bern, son of the famous Swiss...
Copy: University of South Carolina Library This will be accompanied by a Letter of equal date accounting for my Reciepts of public Money to which I beg leave to refer. Since my arrival in London I have been rather too much hurried by Visits & returns to enquire minutely into News, I learn however that Mr. Fox’s (Lord North’s) Bill for changing the system of Government of East India Affairs...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have seen with Mr. Coffyn the Petition, addressed to your Excellency by one Wam. Power a Prisonner of the Black Prince Taken on Board of the Good Will, who promised to Serve the Privateer for his Freedom the remainder of the Cruise. This Petition, I am told, is signed by many more such Prisonners— Their Leader Wam. Power has appeared yesterday before Mr....
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library I have this day sent Mr Chaumont a Draft on you at 10 days sight for the amount of his Goods £428,330.2.8 Tournois [ l.t. ] payable in your Bills on the Congress of which I sent you a Model in my Letter 7 November last, This is the amount of the Invoice exclusive of Charges—which I will Furnish you a duplicate as soon as I...
AD : American Philosophical Society When Jacques Finck was hired as maître d’hôtel in January, 1783, he and Franklin made the following agreement: after three months, during which Finck would get a sense of what the family expected and what the expenditures were likely to be, he would no longer receive an annual salary and be reimbursed for itemized monthly statements. Instead, Finck would...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I wrote you a few lines by Capn. B—— [Belt] the 28th ultio, & hope to have it in my power in a few days to forward the Contents of this by another friend for fear it may be lost by the common conveyance of Post. The Royal Society at their last meeting, came to a resolution to have a certain number of Gold, Silver & Copper medals struck of Captain Cooke;...
ALS : William L. Clements Library Having been much engaged in the late Sitting of our Assembly and Supream Court which has continued Since the Adjournment of the House till this Time, I was fearful It woud not be in my Power to write you per this Packet. But the Subject of this Letter appears to me of so much real Importance to the Welfare of the Colonies and their future Peace that I resolved...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I send you herewith the paper of your experiments, and shall think myself under great obligation for the addition. I am quite at a loss what to think or say about the Bell. The effects are so contrary to the notions I [had] entertained of Electricity; and yet I scarse know how to disbelieve my Friends relation, for though by his Letter he appears to be no...
Your very agreable and friendly Letters I have rec d . and shall take an early Opportunity of answering fully.— I have as no Reason as yet to think a Loan here will be practicable. Bills on me arrive daily. Be pleased to send me a Credit for Residue of our Salaries. America rises in the general Estimation here. Tell M r . Deane I have rec d . four of his Letters & written three to him. He may...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have this day a letter from Mr. Guerin of Auray in which he requests me to let you know that he had forwarded for your perusal under Cover to the Count de Vergenes the Copy of a letter from the Admiralty officers of Vannes to those of Auray. There appears to be a jealousy between these officers and Mr. Guerin, from the latter having ventured on such a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de souhaiter le bonsoir a Monsieur franklin et de le prevenir que le diner projetté pour demain chez M Le Pot d’Auteuil ne peut pas avoir lieu, et qu’on lui proposera de le remettre a vendredi. Mais c’est une affaire a traiter jeudi chez M Grand Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur franklin / A Passy The affair was the French loan BF was trying...
AL : American Philosophical Society Dans Lincertitude Si Monsieur Franklin a Connoissance d’un arrest du Conseil concernant La Caisse dEscompte Mr Grand a Lhonneur de lui en Envoyer un Exemplaire, Il y verra que les anciens actionaires ont le droit de participer pour ¼ dans les nouvelles actions & que par Consequent Monsieur franklin ayant 40 actions anciennes peut en demander 10 nouvelles...
LS : American Philosophical Society Ayant entendu dire, Monsieur, que vous preniez un hotel à Paris et par conséquent un Suisse; Le nommé Abbeg m’a demandé une Lettre pour Se presenter à vous, et vous offrir Ses Services, dans Le cas où ce bruit Serait fondé. Il m’a été recommandé par Mr Le Noir, et est parent de son propre Suisse dont il est très content; cela Serait d’un bon augure pour...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I arrived here last Evening just in time to see the last of the Races, and to go to a brilliant Assembly. This is not the Business of my Journey, but it may not be amiss to mix a little. We sett of this afternoon, and shall not stop ’till we arrive at Glasgow, from thence we shall go to Edinburgh and come home through Yorkshire. That you may not think I am...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy and transcript: National Archives This note and Franklin’s reply, which follows, must have been exchanged in the early hours, for later the same morning Lee called on his friend Lauraguais and told him that the commissioners were withholding the news of Deane’s recall until official confirmation arrived. As early as the 6th Deane himself had heard...