George Washington Papers

General Orders, 24 July 1778

General Orders

Head-Quarters Wrights-Mills [N.Y.] Friday July 24th 1778.

Parole Hackensack—C. Signs Holland. Hull.

The Commanding Officers of Corps will take particular Care that their Men are made acquainted with all such Orders which are necessary for their Government, as the plea of Ignorance will not be admitted in Excuse.

The Rolls are to be called regularly twice a day (at troop and retreat beating) and every possible means used to keep the soldiers within the limits of the Camp—Those who disobey are to be severely punished.

Pay-Abstracts to the 1st of June are immediately to be made and examined by the Pay-Master General and Auditors for all the Continental Troops, that Warrants may issue for Payment to that date.

Accurate Lists of all the Field Officers belonging to the Brigades now on the Ground according to the present disposition are to be made out and brought to the Orderly-Office tomorrow morning nine ôClock, at which time the Brigade Majors will bring in a morning Report of the several Brigades.

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

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