30651To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Nesbitt & Co., 20 October 1783 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society In consequence of orders received last winter from Philadelphia we desired our Correspondents at Nantes Messrs. David Gallwey & Co. to make Insurance on the Ship Nancy: Capt. Shewell to the Amount of One hundred and Seventy thousand Livres. They not being able to compleat the whole Sum, gave orders to Mr. Richard Gallwey of Brodeaux to Insure the residue,...
30652To Benjamin Franklin from Schweighauser, 5 June 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since the Letter, I had the honor of adressing your Excellency the 22. ultmo. I am without any of your esteemed favor. The purpose of this will serve to inclose the Account of my disbursements for the Alliance amounting to 79237. 9. l.t. & the account of those made for the Brig Morris 12177. 7.10 together 91414.16.10. l.t. on account of which I have...
30653To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Kalm, 6 August 1749 (Franklin Papers)
MS not found; reprinted from extract in The Pennsylvania Gazette , October 12, 1749. I have found more learned Men in Canada, than I imagined had been in all America. The Jesuits in general excel in several Parts of Learning; and the King’s Officers also are skilful in the Arts and Sciences. The new General Governor, Monsieur Jonquiere, who was taken Prisoner by the English in the last War,...
30654To Benjamin Franklin from Georges-Louis Le Rouge, 29 November 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je Vous prie Monsieur de vouloir bien me renvoyer cette premiere epreuve corrigée le plustot possible. Vous obligeres Monsieur celui qui se dit avec respect Votre tres humble et tres Obeist Serviteur Notation: Le Rouge 29. 9bre. 1780. This important Parisian cartographer, who had published numerous maps of North America in 1778 and 1779, seems to have met...
30655To Benjamin Franklin from Mr. and Mrs. William Strahan, 28 January 1767 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. and Mrs. Strahan present their Compliments to Dr. Franklin and Mrs. Stevenson and desire the favour of their Company this Afternoon to drink Tea and spend the evening. Addressed: To / Dr / Franklin / at Mrs Stevensons / Craven Street
30656To Benjamin Franklin from Bache & Shee, 2 January 1784 (Franklin Papers)
Two ALS : American Philosophical Society Tho’ hitherto, we have not taken the liberty of addressing your Excellency; we have requested Mr. W. T. Franklin, to acknowledge how sensibly we are obliged by your attention to the interest of our house, as well as the many advantages we have derived from your friendly recommendations, a continuance of which we flatter ourselves we shall merit, by...
30657To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Mante, 10 January 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society On the 10th. of last month I was cut for the stone the operation was attended with the desired effect. Since that time I have been struggling with the want of almost every thing necessary for a person in that situation. If once more you will permit me to ask your aid, it will be the last time, and by granting it to me, you will relieve an afflicted person...
30658To Benjamin Franklin from John Foxcroft, 4 January 1775: extract (Franklin Papers)
Extract in Franklin’s hand: American Philosophical Society The Vouchers to our Accounts was forwarded by the last Packet, which I hope will enable you to make a final Settlement at the Office. See the first extract above, Nov. 2. As promised in his letter above, Dec. 7. The packet was the Harriot ; her arrival was announced in the Public Advertiser , Jan. 7, 1775.
30659To Benjamin Franklin from John Temple, [before 21 December 1781] (Franklin Papers)
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society I had the Pleasure to write to you by Mr. Knox on the 2d Nov. last, to Acquaint you of my safe Arrival, and to congratulate you on the Glorious & Important Events of the last Campaigne. Events which I hope & trust will cause an Almost immediate Peace; concluding, as I do, that the English Ministry cannot be quite so distracted as to think of...
30660To Benjamin Franklin from Guy-Claude, Comte de Sarsfield, 4 April 1778 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society M de Sarsfield fait bien des complimens a Monsieur franklin et le prie de ne pas oublier qu’il luy a fait esperer que si M. Adams arrive avant mercredi il l’engageroit a venir diner avec lui chez M. de Sarsfield. Si monsieur franklin n’a plus besoin du Garma teatro de Espa[sym]a ni de l’histoire romaine de M. Gibbons, il fera plaisir a M. de Sarsfield de les...
30661To Benjamin Franklin from Seth Paddack, 29 November 1769 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I arivd here The 15th Inst: from Nantucket and Being an Intimate acquaintance of Capt. Timo: Folger, he Put on Board a Quintal of Salted Cod fish Cured: Directed To You But The Letter was omited: and if youll Send a Line to me with an order on Board The Yarmouth Laying off with Iron Gate or at Mrs. Fossick, The Fish is at your Service: I am Sir with Respect...
30662To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 25 March 1782 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I embrace the Opportunity the departure of Mr Meyers gives me to send you two Bottles of Cramberrys: I will send you more by the first messagerie. I beg leave at the same time to introduce Mr Meyers to your kind Notice and Friendship. I am as ever your dutifull & affect Kinsman Addressed: His Excellency / Doctor Franklin &c &c. Notation: J. Williams, Nantes...
30663To Benjamin Franklin from Claude Mammès Pahin Champlain de La Blancherie, 2 July 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Je me serois mal expliqué, si vous aviez compris que je vous eusse prié de me servir de caution pour une somme quelconque empruntée pour me procurer un logement. J’avois seulement imaginé que, par l’interêt qu’on doit prendre à votre recommandation, M. de Chaumont auroit pu donner les mains à aider un établissement qui a mérité votre approbation, en...
30664To Benjamin Franklin from Silas Deane, 27 January 1781 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I arrived here yesterday but so fatigued by the badness of the Road & Weather that I shall rest untill tomorrow to recover sufficiently, to pursue my Journey; You can expect no Information from me, from a Town, in which I am a Stranger, & from which both Politics, and Commerce, appear to have been long since banished, though from what I have seen of it, it...
30665To Benjamin Franklin from Gaspard-Louis de Franchessin, 7 July 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mon frere, nommé franchessin ou desprée, jentilhomme francois, capitaine a la suite du regiment de rouergue, chevalier de St. Louis, a l’occasion de la defense du chateau de Cracovie en pologne, dans l’intention de servir dans les armees du congres de l’amerique, s’est embarqué pour philadelphie, au courant de mars mill cepcent soixante et seise. Un...
30666To Benjamin Franklin from John Bourne, 9 March 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library The esteem I have for America, permit me to lay before you, a few Remarks, which if they meet with your aprobation, the End will be answer’d, as America is become a new State, beware of Taxes Tax not her Land, let the Land and People be Free, encourage Agriculture do not Increase your Shipping too fast that may bring opulence to Individuals but Pride &...
30667To Benjamin Franklin from Sartine, 22 March 1779 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu avec plaisir, Monsieur, le Commodore Gillon de la Caroline meridionale que vous m’avez annoncé et j’espére qu’il aura été content de l’accueil que je lui ai fait. Je serai fort aise de levoir pendant son Sejour ici et de conferer avec lui sur les Objets de sa Mission qui pourront concerner mon Departement. J’ai l’honneur d’être avec une parfaite...
30668To Benjamin Franklin from Joseph Priestley, 1 July 1772 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I presume that by this time you are arrived in London, and I am willing to take the first opportunity of informing you, that I have niver been so busy, or so successful in making experiments, as since I had the pleasure of seeing you at Leeds. I have fully satisfied myself that air rendered in the highest degree noxious by breathing is restored by sprigs of...
30669To Benjamin Franklin from Mary Stevenson, 27 April 1761 (Franklin Papers)
Draft: American Philosophical Society Had I never known you I could not have read those Writings you were so obliging to put into my Hands without entertaining the highest Esteem for you, but as I have had the Happiness of experiencing your Condescension and Candour Gratitude and Affection are join’d to my Esteem, and together fill my Heart with Sentiments I am not able to express. You assert...
30670To Benjamin Franklin from O’Gorman, 4 February 1782 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society On my return from Versailles late last night I learned at my Lodgings that your Excellency did me the honour to call thither on friday evening last. I was unhappy not to have been at home to receive you. I had the honour to write to your Excellency on friday morning before my departure for Versailles, and went this morning to the Merchants of Nantes to...
30671To Benjamin Franklin from Gabriel-Antoine de Lorthe, 6 May 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai eu l’honneur Monsieur d’aller chès vous à Philadelphie, et de suivre avec Mr. Roger vos expériences d’Electricitè. On ne peut pas avoir fait d’aussi grandes decouvertes dans cette Sçience, sans ètre Géomètre. Dans cette Idèe je prens la liberté de vous demender vôtre avis, sur les ouvrages sous ce ply, que j’ay l’honneur de vous faire remêtre. Je suis...
30672To Benjamin Franklin from Hilliard d’Auberteuil, 10 May 1782 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library J’ai l’honneur de vous envoyer une épreuve de mon ouvrage, ma mauvaise santé m’a privé de rendre mes devoirs à votre excellence, et a aussi retardé l’impression, mais je vais reparer le tems que j’ai perdu malgré moi. Je suis avec respect de votre excellence Le très humble & très obéissant serviteur Notation: Dauberteuil. 10. May 1782.
30673To Benjamin Franklin from Emmanuel-Yves Bersolle, 9 April 1781 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jai recu Le nouveau billet qu’on ma fait passer de Votre part sous La datte du 3. Courant avec Les deux derniers Pacquets. J’aurai soin de profiter de la premiere occasion pour Les acheminer sous couvert de M. holker Egalement que Vos précédens. Comptez S’il Vous plait 7 l.t. a M. Le Rai de Chaumont pour ports des derniers. Je me ferai Toujours un Vrai...
30674From John Adams to Benjamin Franklin, 14 May 1779 (Adams Papers)
The Day before Yesterday, We arrived here, in two Days from Nantes, all well. There is a Frigate now turning into this Port, which is said to be Le Sensible, and if this is true, I hope, it will not be a long Time before We get to sea. The Chevalier de La Luzerne I hope is sensible of the Value of every Moment in the last half of the Month of May towards a Voyage to America. If We wait untill...
30675To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Hamelin, 21 February 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettés moy de reclamer la Justice que vous manifestés avec tant d’Eclat, j’y ai La plus grande Confiance, quoique l’objet pour Lequel j’ose l’implorer ne soit pas digne de vous distraire des fonctions serieuses, et interressantes que vous remplisséz avec l’admiration de l’Europe. Il est neantmoins question d’un acte de Justice, et le grand homme se plait...
30676To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Lloyd, 9 July 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society You’ll please to let my situation beg your excuse for this trouble, the Gentleman to whom the enclosed is addressed I know not how to direct to, because my baggage is gone on for Calais & with it his instructions on this head. It being of moment to him, & your polite disposition will be a early conveyance— Had I it in my power to have reached Paris I was...
30677To Benjamin Franklin from William Moody and John Crawford, 11 August 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society These Lines Comes With our Humble petition to you Hoping you Will Have Sum compasion upon us poor amarican prisoners Here in prison and We Do Humbly Beg that you Will try to Get us out of Here and We Will Go in any of our Continentall Ships or any Ship you pleas to put us on Board. I William Moody Was Born in Newbury port Was Taken By The English in The...
30678To Benjamin Franklin from Hannah Walker, 20 June 1773 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I return you thanks for your Goodness in freeing my Letters. I Should have wrote before now but I have been quite ill and quite uncapable of all things. At Sometimes notwithstanding I Strove to keep my Spirits up but it was not in my Power. Trouble would overcome them but hope I Shall now get the Better for as my Son has wrote to me and Seems to like his...
30679To Benjamin Franklin from the Vicomte de La Houssaye, 1 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Comme tresorier principal de la Guerre En la province de Bretagne, jay Ete chargé de vous faire passer a Boston plusieurs millions, je me Suis acquitté de Cette Commission avec autant d’exactitude que de zele, Comme Bon Citoyen Et amy des americains; j’ose vous suplier de vouloir Bien me faire Le Cadot d’une medaille qui me Servira de Reconnoissance Et de...
30680To Benjamin Franklin from Joshua Johnson, 29 April 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Inclosed I forward you Som American Papers which I have rec’ed this Day by a Vessell from Virginia, you will be pleased to give Mr. Jennings the perusial of them when you are done with them. I have the Honour to be Sir. Your most obed. Hble Servt Notation: Joshua Johnson 29 April 79
30681To Benjamin Franklin from James Bowdoin, 23 September 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to congratulate you on the return of peace, and the conspicuous part You had in bringing it about: especially as the terms of it are So advantageous to the united States. Though the late contending powers appear disposed to peace, we greatly wish the confirmation of it by the completion of the definitive treaty: wch. notwithstanding reports,...
30682To Benjamin Franklin from William Temple Franklin, 9 November 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society You may recollect, my dear Sir, when I informed you of Mrs. Hewsons having deviated from her first Determination, I said, or hinted, that it was not impossible that she might change again:— It has turn’d out so. On my Return from Chilbolton I found a Letter from her, informing me that I had staid so long, that I had given her time to Change her Mind again—&...
30683To Benjamin Franklin from Gourlade & Moylan, 11 August 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society We are persuaded that Commodore Jones Kept you regularly advised of the State of the Frigate Ariel wch. was the reason we did not trouble you on the same subject since our letter to you of the 19 ulto.— That vessel has been in the Rode since the 29th. of said month and nothing now delays her departure but the settlement of the Bon homme Richard’s prize...
30684To Benjamin Franklin from James Logan, 13 September 1749 (Franklin Papers)
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I received thine of Yesterdays date this day about II but do not believe that discourse of Doctor Frees explains the Discourse of the Picts or as he calls them the Pyhtas as I have done for he mentions the duration of their Language. I shall cause my younger Son next Month when he is out of his time [to] copy out that discourse: Thou may...
30685To Benjamin Franklin from John Landers and Robert Willcocks, 1 December 1781 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society We have made Bold heare to trouble Your Honour with this petition, and hoping Your goodness will take our Case into Consideration As we have Been hear confined now above this Three Weeks, and for whatt we cant tell, last Januy. We Fitted out of Dunkirk, and went and made our Cruise, and Returned to Murlaix, and Fittied out Again, and Sailed 28th of May from...
30686To Benjamin Franklin from Lafayette, 15 March 1785 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Inclosed Your Excellency will find a Letter from a Canadian who Requests I would Recommend Him to You— While I was with Congress, I wrote a public Letter Stating the Case of the Citizens of that province who Had Assisted us and were not paid— I Hope a Committee was Appointed to Consider the Affair— So far as Respects Mr. Calvet, I need not See the Lady, But...
30687To Benjamin Franklin from Sartine, 7 October 1780 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu, Monsieur, avec la Lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 4. de ce mois les deux Passeports que vous avez jugé convenable d’accorder pour deux batimens anglois qui doivent transporter de Dublin dans l’un des ports des Etats unis et le Sr. Collins qui se propose de s’y établir avec sa Famille. J’ai rendu compte au Roi de la demande que vous...
30688To Benjamin Franklin from New Jersey Assembly Committee of Correspondence, 7 December 1769 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society The House of Representatives of this Colony on the 8th of last mo. unanimously chose you their Agent in London and appointed us to correspond with you on the affairs of the Colony. The Resolve of the House by which you are appointed Agent, his Excellency will transmit to you properly attested. To a Gentleman whose inclination to serve these Colonies, we...
30689To Benjamin Franklin from Henry Potts, 6 May 1761 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Letter which you left with me last Week I read to my Lord Bessborough who Orderd me to Acquaint you he desired Mackrath might be removed Directly and that you would appoint the Person Post Master at Charles Town that was recommended by Governor Littleton some time ago, I shall Acquaint the Governor on Friday next with this Nomination. I am Sir Your most...
30690To Benjamin Franklin from Servin, 13 January 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je n’ai reçû qu’avant hier La Lettre Que Vous avez bien Voulû m’Ecrire le 16 novembre dernier. Ce retardement etonnant a fait Que mon libraire n’a pû Vous Envoier de Basle l’Exemplaire Que Je Vous ai prié d’Agréer. Mais j’irai a paris dans Quelques Semaines et j’aurai l’honneur de Vous presenter en personne Mon hommage. Je desire d’autant plus Qu’il Vous...
30691To Benjamin Franklin from Mary Stevenson, 15 June 1765 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am heartily glad you made up the quarrel without coming to blows; and as we hope to find you peaceable and happy, we all promise ourselves much pleasure in spending this day in Craven street. To my mortal day I shall remain Your dutiful and affectionate
30692To Benjamin Franklin from James Price, 11 July 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having lately sent a Memorial to the controuler General of finance, praying that he would permit me to sell 180 Hogds. of Jamaica prize sugars, which is now stored at Bordeaux, on paying the same duties that french sugars pay, which memorial the farmers Genl. acquaint me must be recommended by your Excellency before it can be taken notice of. If therefore...
30693To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Cushing, 25 June 1773 (Franklin Papers)
Reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., The Works of Benjamin Franklin … (10 vols., Boston, 1836–40), VIII , 52–3. The House of Representatives have lately had divers letters, signed Thomas Hutchinson, Andrew Oliver, &c., laid before them, attested copies of which, you have enclosed; and, after maturely considering their contents, they have voted as their sense, that the tendency and design of said...
30694To Benjamin Franklin from Jacques Barbeu-Dubourg, 8 May 1768 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society This is apparently the earliest surviving letter in a correspondence which, as the wording makes clear, had been going on for some time. Out of it was evolving a friendship that with the years grew in significance for both men. Jacques Barbeu-Dubourg (1709–79) had interests as broad as Franklin’s own and, like him, engaged in a range of activities that was...
30695To Benjamin Franklin from John Torris, 11 August 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Judgement your Excellency sends me for the five first Ransoms of the Black Princess I have Recd. & am thankfull for the Same. I had already been Told the Intentions of our Councill for Prises, relative to the Flora; the Same I cannot conceive, & I think the Judgment Issued by your Excellency, Conformable to the King’s Réglement 28th. June 1778, must...
30696To Benjamin Franklin from Pecholier Frères, 18 January 1777: résumé (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society ⟨Bordeaux, January 18, in French: Our good friend M. Ternant, who sailed for Cap Français on the 15th, sent us the enclosed letter for you, which we hasten to send on. If you wish to write him by us, we will forward your letters with the same promptness.⟩ The letter above, Jan. 15.
30697To Benjamin Franklin from Samuel Wharton, 29 September 1779 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Wharton presents his Compliments to Dr. Franklin, and returns the Journals of Congress, and News papers with Thanks. He does not find any Paper upon the Subject of back Lands. Upon Enquiry, and looking over his Invoice Book, He finds, That Copper in Sheets, was in the year 1770, from 87/6 to 90/ Sterling per hundred;— of 112 pds. to the hundred. Mr....
30698To Benjamin Franklin from Henry Wyld, 15 September 1782 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Yours on the 31st. April duly came to hand with those inclosed, addressed to M. —— E—— C our London friend, I desire to be forgiven respecting forms, all I have to say, is that on our arrival at L,Derry we were apprehended and committed to Goal, we are now liberated upon giving security for our appearance when called for, what the End may be I cannot...
30699To Benjamin Franklin from Alexander Wilson, 14 April 1771 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society By last post we had a Letter from Mr. Kettleby in Dublin, informing us that he had had a Letter from you inquiring if he could furnish some Fonts of Printing Types for a Printing Office in America, and that in return he had mentioned us and recommended our Types. I now use the freedom in letting you know that we have just now ready finished Several Fonts of...
30700To Benjamin Franklin from John Adams, 17 August 1781 (Franklin Papers)
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society The Day before Yesterday, were brought to my House, Fifty one Bills of Exchange, amounting to 40958 B. f. [Banco florins] all drawn on the 22 June 1781 at Six months Sight, on the Honble Henry Laurens Esqr, in favour of Mr John Ross. This is a Pheenomenon which none but you Philosphers can explain, at least, I can think of but one Hypothesis, which...