Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Isaac Hazlehurst, 24 March 1782

From Isaac Hazlehurst

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Nantes 24th. March 1782


The very polite attention that you did me the honor to shew me during my stay in Paris,7 claims my warmest acknowledgements & a due sense thereof will always be held in gratefull remembrance.

I promis’d to inform Your Excellency in what vessel I propos’d to embark for America, it is the Brigantine Betsey Capt. Gallagher,8 I expect she will sail by the first of next month, If I can take charge of any papers you may be sure of the utmost care or if in any other mode I can be serviceable, I hope you will command me. I am with great respect Your Excellcys. Most obt. humle. serv

Isaac Hazlehurst

Addressed: His Excellency / Benj: Franklin Esqr. / Passy

Notation: Haslehurt Nantes 24 March 1782.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

7Hazlehurst had arrived in Paris a year earlier but made a journey to the Netherlands in the interim. In February, BF had provided him and James Grubb with letters of recommendation to John Holker: XXXIV, 455; XXXV, 112–13; XXXVI, 553n, 617. On March 9, as he prepared to leave Paris for Nantes, he thanked WTF for his civilities and attention (APS). This is his only extant letter to BF.

8The Betsey had arrived from Philadelphia in January: XXXVI, 456n, 556. JW called her a “remarkable fine Brig” and put goods aboard for her return voyage: JW to Bache & Shee, March 22; to Jacob Morris & John Woodward, March 22; and to Desegray & Co., March 23 (Yale University Library).

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