Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Jones & Howell, 22 December 1803

To Jones & Howell

Washington Dec. 22. 03.

Messrs. Jones & Howell.

I inclose you a letter from Gibson & Jefferson in Richmond which will inform you of the reciept of only 70. instead of 80. bundles of nail-rod, which you will doubtless have rectified wherever the error has happened. when you forward on the 10. bundles deficient, I shall be glad if you will send at the same time 3. sheets of sheet-iron 5 f. 9 I. long, and of whatever width above 16. I. they may happen to be. it is wanting at Monticello for a particular purpose.

Your house, under some one of it’s former firms, (say about the year 1794.) furnished me with some sheets of iron, between 8. & 9. feet long, made up, each, of two sheets put together at the end in the manner of the paper herein inclosed, and as perfectly consolidated at the joint as if they had originally been rolled together. perhaps they were cemented while hot, & in the rolling press. how it was done I know not. I should have occasion for a good deal, next summer, if they could be got, of still greater length than this, say 10.½. feet, & 16. I. wide. not knowing in what way the edges are annealed together, nor whether several sheets can be put together to the extent above mentioned, I ask your information on the subject, that I may be enabled to take my measures accordingly. Accept my friendly salutations & good wishes.

Th: Jefferson

PrC (MHi); endorsed by TJ in ink on verso. Enclosures not found.

TJ did not record receiving a letter from gibson & jefferson around this time, and the letter has not been found.

former firms: on several occasions during the 1790s, TJ ordered iron, most identified as nailrod, from Samuel Howell, Jr., the father of Samuel E. Howell of Jones & Howell. He also ordered sheet iron from Caleb Lowndes in 1794 (MB description begins James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826, Princeton, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:910, 940, 942, 948; Vol. 29:89n; Vol. 39:172n).

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