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Results 30601-30610 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Extract: reprinted from Clarence W. Alvord and Clarence E. Carter, eds., The New Régime 1765–1766 , in Collections of the Illinois Historical Library, xi (Springfield, Ill., 1916), 366. I approve much of the Preposal of a strong Colony at the Illinois. It is well listned to here; But all affairs, except what immediately relate to Great Britain are laid aside, until the Season of Publick...
Should the Intelligance from Canada which your Excellency may Shortly receive through General Bayley, and our own Situation in this quarter be Such as Should induce you to order a winter’s expedition to the Northward, Leggen’s and mittens must be provided for the Troops Distined for that Service, which I have heretofore observed may be provided in a very little time, and even after the...
Letter not found: from Col. William Grayson, 26 Jan. 1777. On 1 April 1777 Grayson wrote to GW : “I also put a letter in the Post office here, dated the 26th of January, acquainting you among things, that I had clos’d with Major Ross and had not spoke to Majr Frazer on the subject.”
18 May 1805, “On the Missisippie, 60 Miles, from New orleans .” “I left the City on the 14th. instant, and am this far on my way to Point Coupeé. The necessary appointments under the new Judiciary System, are made as I pass, and although I am not enabled on all occasion<s> to avail the public of the services of enlightened Men, yet I am persuaded that the conduct of those selected, will...
Tomorrow I leave this for Washington . on the 6th. instant I drew on you for 600 D. paiable to Dabney Carr , and this day I have drawn on you in favor of Joel Yancey for 375 D. & of Thos. Carr for 408 D. 55 c. these two [last] will probably be presented towards the close of the month & are paiable at sight. yesterday I drew on you in favor of Craven Peyton for 213 D. 33 c paiable at 30 days ....
Agreably to your permission I herewith inclose you a copy of the correspondence which passed between his Excellency Sir George Prevost & myself during the time that I was a prisoner of war in Quebec & the neighbourhood & which finally terminated in my being permitted to come to the United States upon the Terms and for the period which will be found in my letter containing my engagement and...
In proportion as the time lengthens since the receipt of your last Letter, which is also the last that I have received from any of my friends at Quincy, I find not only my anxiety to hear directly from you increasing with it, but also my desire and determination if possible to relieve you and my other friends with you from a similar anxiety respecting us, which you would feel in the case of so...
Painfull as the task is I am under the necessity of soliciting the attention of the President of the United States. my long service in the Army dureing the late War, has deprived me of a property, which with common Industry would e’re this have placed me in a very Independant situation. Since the peace I have been employed in settling an Estate of which I am Administrator, constantly watching...
I find by the act of your late Convention, that another is to take place in Nov. with power to propose a form of Government for Kentucky. In consequence of this information I shall forewith execute the request contained in your letter from Fort Pitt, and forward the remarks on Mr. Jefferson’s draft by the next mail. I am sorry it is not in my power to do it by this. The delay proceeded from...
21 October 1811. The society’s members have deemed it expedient to address JM “at the present very critical time & posture” of public affairs and to express their confidence in his talents and patriotism. “We are not unmindful of [the] enviableness of our condition.… Nor have we been idle Spectators of those events w⟨hich⟩ threaten our peace & hazzard our rights as an independent nation.” They...