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Results 30601-30650 of 184,264 sorted by recipient
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The restriction I was subjected to by my parole,—not go to France—, determined me not even to write to any person in that kingdom, till I should be exchanged. The officiousness however of some persons in London, in converting me into a Messenger of peace from Congress, inclined me, for very obvious reasons, to break through the restraint I had imposed...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Hier treize de ce mois nous avons celebré l’anniversaire de la fete etablie en l’honneur de nos bons amis et alliés les insurgents. Nous vous faisons passer un imprimé qui vous apprendra en detail ce qui s’est fait dans cette delicieuse journée. Nous avons bu au bruit des boëtes la santé du roy, celle des insurgents, et celle du comte d’estaing. Nous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I was favour’d by my Brother with a few Lines from you, just Acquainting me with your Intentions of taking a Trip to Ireland. I hope this will find you safe return’d and in Good health. I expect two Casks of Flour up every tide Manufactured by the same Man who I had the other two off, if they get up by Friday they will come in Falconer if not it will be too...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous avons appris aujourd’hui, mon Respectable ami, que les préliminaires de la paix avoient êté signés le 20e entre les puissances belligérantes, et sur le champ la Dame du chateau a ordonné à son secrétaire intime de mettre son tendre hommage aux pieds du libérateur de l’amérique, du Vengeur du droit des Nations, en attendant qu’elle puisse l’embrasser de...
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library Dès que Vôtre Excellence juge convenable de ne rien changer aux arrangemens qui avoient été faits par M. le Colonel Laurens, pour l’Examen et réception, ainsi que pour constater la remise et l’Embarquement des Effets destinés pour le Service des Etats unis de L’Amérique M. de Corny, Commissaire principal des guerres, et M. Bertier, Commissaire ordinaire,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Lyons, January 13, 1778, in French: I write to ask how I go about getting to America. I was born near Lyons and educated there. My father left seven children at his death; my eldest brother inherited everything, as is the local custom, and I was left with a pittance. After an unsuccessful venture into commerce here I got a financial post with the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Donner un petit pois pour une grosse fève , comme dit un ancien proverbe Belge (et je suis de cette bonne Nation) voilà mon histoire avec vous. J’ai eu L’honneur de vous adresser une partie de mes foibles ouvrages, et vous me gratifiez de vos oeuvres scientifiques! J’ose encore, Monsieur, vous envoyer La bagatelle ci Jointe, dont L’avertissement seul et...
Copies: National Archives, Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society; transcript: National Archives J’ai l’honneur de vous envoyer, Monsieur, mes Depeches pour Mr. le Chevr de la Luzerne. Le pacquet est volumineux mais il renferme beaucoup de Duplicata. Je voudrois pouvoir lui mander que notre Negociation est au meme point que la Votre, mais elle en est encore fort eloignée. Je ne...
(I) LS and copy: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy and press copy of copy: American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress; (II) LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress By the enclosed Acts of the twenty eighth of April and second of May with the Copy of my Letter to Congress of the third of May you will perceive that I am to Continue somewhat...
AL : American Philosophical Society Dr. Dubourg presents his dutifull civilities to his Excellency, no man will celebrate more gladily next Monday the anniversary of the Declaration of American Independency. He will bring with him his Refutation of the Morals of Chess, in order of submitt this little Piece to the judgment of his dear and respectable Master. Addressed: A S.E. / M Le Docteur...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Indulge me with this and I shall trouble no more. Establish no priest craft in the Land. Curtail the power of Executors viz a person Dies posess’d of Effects, left in the hands of Executors; let there be two Courts, an upper and a lower the lower Court to take Cognozience, & the Will to be Register’d, the Executor with an examiner to give in a just...
LS : American Philosophical Society Vous aurés vu, Monsieur, par la remise qui vous a déja été faite de plusieurs lettres venant de Newyorck a votre destination que le Gouvernement S’est occupé des Moyens d’établir une Correspondance fixe et réglée entre les treize Etats unis et la France par la voye des Paquebots qu’il a établis à Lorient partant une fois par Mois de ce port pour Newyorck et...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Hall Coled to let me know that a vesill was to saile to Bristol this day I donte love to let a vesill go with ought letting you nought we air well. I had wrote so far when our good friend Mr. Rhodes come in and then Mr. whortons Eldeste Son thay stayd a while and talked of you and seemed well plesed as I gave them your letter to me Dated May 11 and June...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettéz, Monsieur, que je vous envoie ce memoire en faveur d’un infortuné digne a tous egards de votre compassion? Vous y verrés qu’une chute qu’il a faite l’hiver dernier le met hors detat de continuér ses travaux; votre coeur genereux et sensible qui previent les besoins des malheureux qui les devine meme me repond que celui cy vous interessera, oui...
ALS : Yale University Library We were made very happy by Temples Letter informing us You were perfectly well since your last fit of the Gout. I hope you may long continue so— The things you sent me by Ct. Smith came to hand safe he arrived in Boston, and I got them brought in a Waggon that was comming, almost all the goods in the same Waggon got wet Crossing the North River, I had the good...
(I) and (II), printed forms with MS insertions, signed: American Philosophical Society This invoice and lettre de voiture , or consignment note, signal the first significant purchase of tableware for an American foreign mission, one perhaps connected with the upcoming celebration of the Fourth of July. In previous years Franklin had rented tableware and other necessities, but by 1780, possibly...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr Bowen has by this time received your books, directed to Ostend.— May you go on with the work of peace for which you are so gloriously prepared by the spirit of sweet humanity & an enlarged mind. I think I may venture to say from a knowledge of characters that no liberality YOU introduce herein, will meet with a repulse; on the contrary, that it will meet...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am extreamly oblidg’d to you for the Book you was so Kind as to lend me, it has much contributed to augmente my desir to go next spring to america, I only wish to find means to be usefull either in the field of war, either as citizen of the world, and particularly as an admirer of the laws who established security in general, and conserve liberty :...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Give me leave to acquaint you, that I wrote an other letter to you the 23 of may, which I can make no doubt but you recieved in due time. I was in hopes of recieving a word in answer upon it and upon my former letters, but find me again disappointed. I think however, that your lettres, directed as I told you in my last can not fail of coming to hand. I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am happy that the inclosed gives me an opportunity of writing a line to one I have ever been taught to revere & respect. There are few Events I have so much at heart as once more enjoying your company. I hope from a change of men system & times that day may not be far distant. We have been too long accustomed to misfortunes not to rejoice at the least...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I hear that Capt. Sparkes is to saile to morrow or next day. I set down to chatt a littel to you, and in close a letter, which I had sente to N yorke but the vesill was gon. I wente up to see our Children att Burlinton on Satterday and Billey Come doune with me on munday and returnd yisterday and Salley wente up with him and I expeckte her down this day or...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I cannot let my first ship go without dropg you a few lines—Jonn woud inform you of my arrival of the severity of the Winter, & of my Journey to Philadelphia which was necessary for setling a plan for conducting my money transactions which I did to my Satisfaction— I had the pleasure of Seeing your amiable Daughter Grand Children & Mr Bache, & received...
Press copy: Library of Congress We received your kind letter of the 21st. of Febry. with the greatest pleasure as you have therein approv’d our conduct whilst in this place & given us orders to proceed immediately to France, if the ships were not restored. We shall therefore in consequence of the King of Denmark’s, as well as your Excellency’s orders sail for Dunkirk the first wind. All...
ALS and incomplete copy: American Philosophical Society; transcript: Library of Congress I have the following answers to make to you from the board of Admiralty, in relation to yours of the 16th of June. The prisoners to be exchanged from hence will be taken From Forton and Plymouth in proportion to their numbers in each place, and to consist of those who have been the longest in confinement....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Some Hours after I had sent my Letter to the Office to go with this Packet, Mr. Colden’s young Man brought me the inclosed Bill of Exchange for £50 Sterling which he offered me as he had just bought it @ 62½——and it being 2½ per Cent. cheaper than any to be got, I took it drawn this Day, Henry Thompson on Messrs. Pearson & Baillie of Liverpool——on which I...
Copy: Huntington Library As I have been informed by Mr. Colden, that You have been enquiring when the packet for England was to sail, in Order to Your Taking Your Passage in her, I have taken this Opportunity to acquaint You, that there will be another packet to sail as soon as I return from Philadelphia, which I suppose will be about the 25th. of March. And as I have several very material...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, July 28, 1777, in French: To whom should one apply, a merchant friend of mine has written to ask, for a privateer’s commission? It is for a worthy Bostonian, who is in port with a ten-gun ship and crew. When you reply, I will write him to say whether he should make himself known.> He signs himself as a master goldsmith and jeweler. BF did, on Aug. 11.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did my Self the Pleasure to write you a Postcrip in Spoues letter by mr Austin of New haven a few days Past but am now at Providence where an oppertunity Presents of Sending my letter to morrow that I write you again as the other may Miscary and if it does not it will inform you of all our health and the Continuance of our Sincere love and affection for...
AL : (letterbook draft ): Algemeen Rijksarchief, the Hague A Gentleman belonging to Jam[aica] a particular friend of Dr. B.F., and very well known to him (je me sers de ces propres termes et il m’a assuré que vous le reconnoîtrez à ce signalement sans avoir besoin que je vous declare son nom) m’a chargé de bouche de lui écrire le plutôt possible pour . . . communes. Pour meilleure intelligence...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library La peste, mon cher Docteur a derangée tous les projets du Philosophe de Toulouse— il n’y aura ni Thèse ni dedicace— ainsi nous voila quitte de tous ces embarras là.— Je voudrois savoir si vous avez fait une visite à Madame la Comtesse de la Mark comme vous me l’avez promis—si vous l’avez oublier vous meritrez que J’aille à Paris exprès pour vous...
L (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; two copies: Library of Congress J’ai communiqué à M. de Sartine, Mr. le memoire par lequel vous avez demandé la liberté d’un forçat de Brest nommé Marc François Gautier; je joins ici la réponse de ce Ministre; vous y verrez que S.M. a bien voulu accorder la grace que vous avez sollicitée. Notation: [Liberté?] accordée à un [forçat]...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I was renderd very unhappy just now to be informd by my friends Messrs Cumming & Maccarty, that they had recd a Letter from Monsr. Jolley de fleury Minr. of Finance handing them a Determination respecting a Cargo of sugars which I brot with me from the Havanna in the Briga. Genl Galvez. These sugars being the product of Cape Francois I took in at the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have just wrote to you by Mr Duncan Ingraham Junr. upon some public Affairs— I beg Leave in this, lest he might be oblig’d to destroy that, should he meet with an Enemy just to mention him to you as my Friend, for whom I have a great Regard— He goes to France on a Plan of Business in his own Vessel: as he is a Stranger there he would be glad to be...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Cest avec reconnoissance que je recois la grace que vous me faite, en axceptant ma soupe pour samedy 8 du courant avec monsieur votre fils, qui comblera lhoneur que vous me faite, mais plus ce plaisir me tient a coeur, et plus je craint que mr Keay nay mal entendue, pour quil ny ay aucune meprisse, veülliez bien monsieur men assurer par un oui qui me...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <The Hague, December 30, 1777, in French: Only your kindness can help me out of my dilemma. We carry the name of the great General, and our family is English with a coat of arms. I have been assured that the General was English, and have written him a letter enclosing the coat of arms; you would oblige me by forwarding it. My grandfather came here and...
AL : American Philosophical Society J’ai lhonneur de vous souhaiter le bon Jour mon Illustre Docteur et de vous demander votre Ultimatum et celui de Monsieur votre petit-Fils au sujet de Lexperience de M De Montgolfier. Le tems ne s’annonce pas d’une manière trop favorable mais comme Le Brouillard tombe il pourra faire beau vers les midy. Si Monsieur votre petit fils vous mene il faudra partir...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I find myself very happy to be in a country, from which I may write to you in full safety, and to acquaint you, that I intend ear long to pay you a visit at Passy. I set out to morrow for Holland, from where I will go directely to Paris. I had asked leave to remain in London till next spring on purpose to publish a second volum of the work I send you, and...
Copy: Yale University Library This will be delivered to you by Mr W Burgess late a london Merchant but now bound to America. In his passage through Paris to come hither he wishes to pay his personal Respects to you. I therefore beg leave to introduce him & shall esteem every Civility shewn him as a Favour confered on me. I am as ever most Dutifully & affectionately In March, William Burgess...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Inclosed is a letter recd. by the Ship Nonsuch in 22 days from Philadelphia, it would have been sent on by the Express but by some unaccountabe means it was left behind & Mr. Williams now desires me to forward it to your Excellency— I ask a thousand pardons for having thus long delayed acknowledging the many kindnesses your Excellency was pleased to shew me...
L : American Philosophical Society M. Le Maréchal de Mailly, ayant sçû que, Monsieur francklin, désireroit connoître Le plan et la Situation du Port-Vendre. Il a crû pouvoir lui en Envoyer quelques Exemplaires, et Il désire qu’ils puisse Lui plaire Et luy paraître de quelque utilité Respective./. Notation: Le Mal. de Mailly— The military commander of Roussillon in the eastern Pyrenees ( DBF,...
(I) AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; (II) ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania At Plymouth Jany 1. 1780 the Prisoners stood thus— Exchangd by the Cartel Ship 97 Escaped in all 72 Enterd into the navy 63 Dead  15 257 Remaining in Prison 183 The State at Portsmouth the same day, & since which 3 or four have escaped In Prison 227
AL : Library of Congress D. Barclay presents his Respects and desires Dr. Franklin will peruse the inclosed and DB intends calling for it Tomorrow about 9 or 10 Clock. Addressed: Dr: Franklin Endorsed: Recd Jan 2. 75 Doubtless something to do with the meeting of merchants scheduled for Jan. 4, to consider a petition to Parliament; see Barclay to BF below, Jan. 12. At this time Barclay was too...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mrs. French’s compliments to Doctor Franklin desires to know how he does; if at leisure would be very glad of the pleasure of his company this Morning to play at Chess. A number of notes from Mrs. French to BF survive in the Franklin Papers, but the editors have been able to discover little about her; for what is known, see above, XII , 96–7 n. May 19 fell...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The very polite attention that you did me the honor to shew me during my stay in Paris, claims my warmest acknowledgements & a due sense thereof will always be held in gratefull remembrance. I promis’d to inform Your Excellency in what vessel I propos’d to embark for America, it is the Brigantine Betsey Capt. Gallagher, I expect she will sail by the first...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Beg Leave to Approach your Excellency with every sentiment of Esteem and Respect, and to Acquaint You with a very extraordinary event having taken place, vizt. the Mail from Philaa, due last evening, was Seized in the dead of night at Stratford, by the Enemy And was Carried over to Long Island, they obliged the post rider to Accompany them to their Boat,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society La personne dont J’ay eu l’honneur De vous parler chès vous s’est effrayés par les prises que font les royalistes et ne s’est decidée a passer qu’a la fin des troubles elevès entre l’angleterre et les Etats unis de l’amérique; elle et moÿ cependant apprenons l’anglais afin d’etre en etat de profiter a la paix de votre bonne intercession, que je vous prie...
ALS : American Philosophical Society During the French and Indian War Robert Rogers and his Rangers had become a byword on both sides of the Atlantic. They had raised more havoc and killed more of the enemy, Franklin wrote in 1759, than all the British regulars had. After the war Rogers fell on bad times. In the autumn of 1764 Franklin, it is said, offered to recommend him to the government;...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the Honour to write upon you this afternoon respecting the Letter I spoke to you of in Company with my Lawyer the last time I was hear— The projet of which he has sent prayer your Exellency to write one similir to the same. I hope your Exellency will see cause to grant this request will send for the same this Evening as we would wish to deliver by...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Görlitz, Silesia, April 7, 1781, in German: We would be extremely grateful if you would send the French warrant for a branch of our Masonic lodge here at Görlitz. The warrant sent from London was not suitable, for we have no intention of affiliating with the rite of Strict Observance of the Berlin lodge or the London lodge. If you could send us application...
LS : Library of Congress; draft: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères Jai eu l’honneur, Monsieur, de vous adresser le 22 . du mois dernier une lettre de Mr. le Mis. de Ségur accompagnée d’un Etat estimatif des effets d’artillerie apartenant au Roi qui Sont restés à Baltimore. Je vous ai prié en même tems de vouloir bien, le plustot qu’il vous Seroit possible, me dire votre Sentiment...