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Results 30601-30650 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have received your polite Letter of the 26th. Instant, and its Contents have — ly convinced me...
I left New Orleans on the 12th. ultimo, on a tour thro’ the State , as well with a view to inform...
On yesterday we had nearly witnessed in this city a serious riot. A guard of Spanish soldiers,...
Of late there has been a defference between the Mayor of this City, and the officer commanding...
8 September 1804, New Orleans. “Enclosed is a translation of a letter to me from the Marquis of...
22 June 1804, New Orleans. “The twenty passports you lately forwarded, are nearly all...
I have forwarded you by the Ship Fame bound to Baltimore, a small Box containing a few Fossils...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 14 May 1806, New Orleans. “The Secretary of the Territory, Mr....
I inclose for your perusal a translation of a letter from Governor Folch in answer to a...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 16 April 1806, New Orleans. “Late accounts from Nachitoches...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 6 August 1805, New Orleans. “I forgot to mention to you in my...
Since my last letter, I have made with Colonel Freeman an arrangement concerning the regular...
10 March 1804, New Orleans. Has been informed by Daniel Clark that he considers himself no longer...
21 April 1805, New Orleans . “I was this Morning visited by the Marquis of Casa-Calvo: We...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 30 January 1806, New Orleans. “Your letter of the 14 ultimo, via...
I have filled up the blank Commissions , which you committed to my Care, with the name of John...
On last evening, I received by the express Mail, your Letter of the 31st. Ultimo, together with...
Mr. Daniel Clark is elected the Delegate to Congress,—the sincere friend to his Country, Doctor...
16 September 1801, Knoxville. Reports that arrangements for his descent of the Mississippi are...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 26 August 1805, “120 Miles from New Orleans.” “The report of the...
I have the honor to enclose you attested Copies of a Petition to Congress from sundry Inhabitants...
Since the 12th. Ultimo Messrs. Poidrass Morgan and Watkins have been attending in the City with a...
1 July 1804, New Orleans. “In the forenoon of this day a number of the citizens of this place and...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 8 January 1806, New Orleans. “I persuade myself that my late...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 19 February 1806, New Orleans. “The Marquis of Casa Calvo left...
1 January 1805, New Orleans. “Great exertions are now making to revive the Louisiana Bank, and I...
I was duly honored with the receipt of your Letter of the 1st. of October, and took immediate...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 5 October 1805, New Orleans. “I arrived here on last Evening, and...
4 August 1804, New Orleans. “I enclose you copies of two letters which I this morning received...
15 March 1803 , “ Near Natchez .” Has been requested to forward the enclosed petition from the...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 22 July 1805, New Orleans. “I received by the last Mail My...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 30 October 1805, New Orleans. “I enclose for your perusal and...
16 October 1804, New Orleans. “I return’d to this City on this Morning, and find my Health much...
I have heard with great regret, that you should have been disturbed in your Retirement, by that...
From a desire to promote the happiness of a Family, I am induced, to address to you this Letter,...
On last evening, I received your Letter of the 3rd of April , enclosing your Answer to an...
26 November 1803, Natchez. “I have certain information that on the 11th Instant General Wilkinson...
Mr. John C. Carr, the Parish Judge of Nachitoches, advises me by letter, bearing date the 9th....
My Administration here, from the time of my Arrival in Louisiana, to the close of the late...
17 December 1809 , “ Near New Orleans .” Informs JM of the death of his second wife from yellow...
On the 5th. Instant I left the City and passed up on the East side of the Mississippi.—It is only...
Your Letter of the 29th of October has been received, and its enclosure delivered to the...
30 March 1804, New Orleans. “Since our last of the 11 instant, a Duplicate of which is under...
Since our last of the 27. ulto. a Duplicate of which goes under Cover, the Spaniards have sent...
Since our Letter of the 27. ulto but little Progress has been made in the Business of the...
Since our last of the 14 current, of which a Duplicate was forwarded by the last Mail; the French...
Designing Men here, have made the most of the imprudent conduct of the Navy officers; they affect...
18 November 1803, Natchez. “Shortly after closing my despatches of this morning I received the...
A certain Muntford Perryman has been convicted before the District Court for the District of...
Wanting in the case of the batture. (copy deliv d to Gov r Claiborne ) Edict of 1664. granting to...