James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John G. Jackson, 17 April 1809

From John G. Jackson

Clarksburg April 17th 1809

Dr Sir.

The polls are just closed for Harrison, & the result

is Jackson 409 Lindsley 219 — last monday Monongalia
— Jackson 320 — do — 284
729 503
Wood & Ohio — 274 241
1003 744 Majority 259

the Counties of Brooke & Randolph have 450 votes & will give me 300 of them. The elections have been more warmly contested than ever heretofore & thus far my majority has encreased. In haste yours affectionately & sincerely

J G Jackson

Love to Sister D—Anna Cutts & boys

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM. In the lower margin JM wrote in pencil: “Will Ms. just mention to her J. that this letter has been recd. after J. M. had sealed on[e] to Mr. J.”

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