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Results 30591-30600 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
24 June 1813. Writes “in sincere anxiety for the health of the President,” and asks for “at least a line to say whether the reports of his illness are not exaggerated.” Adds at the request of her father [Anthony Morris] that he has decided “to leave us all here except Brother that he may be at more liberty to avail himself of the first opportunity which shall present itself from any port.” RC...
This will reach yoúr Excellency at his levee, I make no apologie for not forwarding it sooner while by the time I left her, and being after supper reading for dissepation I received an Account of a tiding from Rússia, by which the Emperess offerd her mediation; if this should appear (in consequence of what yoúr Excellency was pleased to enforce upon my mind) countrary to the intrest of...
My last was so full that it has left me little to add. General Cocke joined on tuesday afternoon which makes up a board; but we are chiefly engaged with the Examinations, which go on very well. I fear it will be impossible to get away before the middle of next week. I need not say how anxious I am to be with you. We have dined every day from home since we arrived except the first & are engaged...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In consequence of the case I have submitted to your consideration, I have to inform you that I waited on the Spanish Ambassador and received yesterday for answer that as he had no orders to advance money to Spanish subjects passing through France, he must beg to decline it and concluded with recommending it to me to apply to you as the most proper Person.—...
Philadelphia, March 21, 1795. “I have been desirous of writing to you for some days past about Mr Churchs Mortgage And only waited till I thot. you sufficiently settled As I am Anxious to put it on a different footing to What it stands on at present—I have allready Liberated the Estate from Prices mortgage which was paid off besides Which the Land has risen So much in Value that a part of it...
In May 1801, John Jay stepped down from his office as governor. This occasion marked not only the end of six years in office as the state’s chief executive, but also nearly three decades of public service on behalf of both New York and the young United States. As early as September 1783, after successfully completing his duties as American peace commissioner in Paris, Jay expressed a longing...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Tho’ I have not The honour of being personally known to you, I thus venture to address you, not as a Country man, but as a fellow creature, who is reduced by a Captivity of upwards of three years; by Sickness, and Every sort of Evil to the last degree of unhappyness. I am thus compel’d to have Recourse to this most humiliating method of Subsisting. Your...
Your favor of Dec. 18. is duly recieved and I am happy to learn from it that you are well and still active in the cause of our country. S. Carolina remains firm too to sound principles. of her orthodoxy I shall never doubt. you have the peculiar advantage of gathering all your aristocracy into Charleston , where alone it can be embodied, and where alone it can be felt. we are to have war then?...
(On Saturday last I returned from a Conference held with the Count de Rochambeau at Weathersfield, and found Mrs Washington very unwell, as she had been for five or six days preceeding, & still continues)— Her complaint was in the stomach, billious, and now turned to a kind of jaundice, but she is better than she has been, though still weak & low. As she is very desirous of seeing you— and as...
[ Philadelphia, April 1, 1791. On April 11, 1791, Seton wrote to Hamilton : “I have to acknowledge the honor of your Letter of the 1st. instant.” Letter not found. ]