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Results 30551-30600 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
30551 Jefferson, Thomas Lemaire, Étienne Thomas Jefferson to Étienne Lemaire, 25 April 1809 1809-04-25 You were so kind, my good friend, as to offer to execute any little commissions for me in...
30552 MacGowty, John Jefferson, Thomas John MacGowty to Thomas Jefferson, 25 April 1809 1809-04-25 here is a number of high Federal Characters that wish to misrepresent the causes of our...
30553 Roscoe, William Jefferson, Thomas William Roscoe to Thomas Jefferson, 25 April 1809 1809-04-25 I presume upon your well known partiality to liberal & scientific pursuits, to introduce to your...
30554 Woodward, Augustus B. Jefferson, Thomas Augustus B. Woodward to Thomas Jefferson, 25 April 1809 1809-04-25 I have the honor to transmit to you, Sir, a work on the Executive of the United States . In every...
30555 Adams, John Cunningham, William From John Adams to William Cunningham, 24 April 1809 1809-04-24 I received your favour of March 31 in due time: But I am become all at once and very unexpectedly...
30556 Adams, Joseph Adams, John To John Adams from Joseph Adams, 24 April 1809 1809-04-24 these from your friend and cusen Joseph Adams that went from Braintree to Uxbridge in the year...
30557 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 24 April 1809 1809-04-24 I have recd. your favor of the 19th. You will see in the newspapers the result of the Advances...
30558 Madison, James Mother Superior of the Ursuline Convent From James Madison to the Mother Superior of the … 1809-04-24 I have received your letter of the 11h of March, with the sentiments due for the respect and...
30559 Tyler, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Tyler, 24 April 1809 1809-04-24 I receiv’d your favor which enclos’d the Correspondence with the Minister of G. B. out of which a...
30560 Madison, James Dinsmore, James From James Madison to James Dinsmore, [ca. 24 April … 1809-04-24 I have recd. your letter of the 17th. and will attend to the bill of Articles inclosed in it. I...
30561 Madison, James To James Madison from an Unidentified Correspondent, 24 … 1809-04-24 Rais’d by the honorable Suffrages of the American people, to the most dignified state amongst...
30562 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas George Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 24 April 1809 1809-04-24 I hope that you will have received the trunk N o 28, as it certainly is not here. I thought I had...
30563 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 24 April 1809 1809-04-24 I have rec d your favor of the 19 th . You will see in the newspapers the result of the Advances...
30564 Hening, William Waller Jefferson, Thomas William W. Hening to Thomas Jefferson, 23 April 1809 1809-04-23 I have not sooner acknowledged the receipt of the MSS which you were so obliging as to send me,...
30565 Bourne, George Adams, John To John Adams from George Bourne, 22 April 1809 1809-04-22 During some time past my time has been devoted to writing the History of Mr. Jefferson’s...
30566 Adams, John Boston Patriot From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 22 April 1809 1809-04-22 WHEN I had received that authentic act of the sovereign authority of France, a copy of which is...
30567 Madison, James Rodney, Caesar A. From James Madison to Caesar A. Rodney, 22 April 1809 1809-04-22 I return the letter from Mr. Duane to you. I find by one from Mr. Dallas to the Secretary of...
30568 Madison, James Thomson, Charles From James Madison to Charles Thomson, 22 April 1809 1809-04-22 Having just recd. the 4th. & last Volume of your Translation of the Septuagint, I beg leave to...
30569 Douglass, John H. Madison, James To James Madison from “H.” [John H. Douglass], 22 April … 1809-04-22 The double conduct of De Witt Clinton has so far weakened the republican party in this State, as...
30570 Tennessee General Assembly Madison, James To James Madison from the Tennessee General Assembly … 1809-04-22 22 April 1809, Knoxville. A joint resolution notes that the country has long been assailed by the...
30571 Divers, George Jefferson, Thomas George Divers to Thomas Jefferson, 22 April 1809 1809-04-22 I send you some parsnep seed which I think had better be sow’d pretty thick they do not look very...
30572 Madison, James Jackson, John G. From James Madison to John G. Jackson, 21 April 1809 1809-04-21 The inclosed paper contains the result of what has passed between Mr. Smith & Mr. Erskine. You...
30573 Madison, James Pinkney, William From James Madison to William Pinkney, 21 April 1809 1809-04-21 I have duly recd. your favors of Jany. 16. & 23d. with the inclosures. The letters from the Dept....
30574 Jackson, John G. Madison, Dolley Payne Todd John G. Jackson to Dolley Madison, 21 April 1809 1809-04-21 The enclosed letters particularly the one for Mr. Dublois are upon business the most urgent...
30575 Latrobe, Benjamin Henry Madison, Dolley Payne Todd Benjamin Henry Latrobe to Dolley Madison, 21 April 1809 1809-04-21 Your letter of the 19th. has just been received. Permit me in the first place to thank You for...
30576 Franklin, Walter Madison, James To James Madison from Walter Franklin, 21 April 1809 1809-04-21 Letter not found. 21 April 1809. Mentioned in Robert Smith’s letter to Franklin, 24 Apr. 1809...
30577 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas George Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 21 April 1809 1809-04-21 I have received eleven Hhds of your Tob o , which the person who sent it informs me is all there...
30578 Adams, John Lyman, Joseph From John Adams to Joseph Lyman, 20 April 1809 1809-04-20 I have received your respectful letter of the 21 March. It is not now necessary for me to say any...
30579 Dinsmore, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Dinsmore, 20 April 1809 1809-04-20 Understanding that your waggon is now on its way to washington I take the liberty of encloseing...
30580 Palmer, Aaron H. Madison, James To James Madison from Aaron H. Palmer, 20 April 1809 1809-04-20 I herewith present thee with a Printed copy of the Minutes of the Proceedings of the Twelfth...
30581 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy From John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 19 April 1809 1809-04-19 Please to deliver the inclosed three sheets to the Boston Patriot. MHi : Adams Papers.
30582 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 19 April 1809 1809-04-19 I have to acknolege your favor of the 9th. and to thank you for the political information it...
30583 Madison, James Presidential Proclamation, [19 April] 1809 1809-04-19 By the President of the United States of America. A Proclamation. Whereas it is provided by the...
30584 Pope, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Pope, 19 April 1809 … 1809-04-19 19 April 1809, Washington. Has heard from Ninian Edwards, chief justice of the Kentucky appeals...
30585 Dougherty, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas Joseph Dougherty to Thomas Jefferson, 19 April 1809 1809-04-19 I beg you will pardon me for not returning you thanks for the noble recommendation you were so...
30586 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, George Thomas Jefferson to George Jefferson, 19 April 1809 1809-04-19 The articles sent by mr Randolph’s boats are arrived safe, except a trunk N o 28. your note by...
30587 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 19 April 1809 1809-04-19 I have to acknolege your favor of the 9 th and to thank you for the political information it...
30588 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James Enclosure: Deed of John Freeman’s Indenture to James … 1809-04-19 I hereby assign & convey to James Madison President of the Uni ted States the within named...
30589 Adams, John Perley, Samuel From John Adams to Samuel Perley, 18 April 1809 1809-04-18 I have received your favor of April 5th. I agree with you that our prosperity has been as great...
30590 Jay, John Munro, Peter Jay From John Jay to Peter Jay Munro, 18 April 1809 1809-04-18 I rec d . your Letter by W m ., and am happy in having rec d . so favourable an Acc t ....
30591 Campbell, Arthur Madison, James To James Madison from Arthur Campbell, 18 April 1809 … 1809-04-18 18 April 1809, Kentucky. Seeks the appointment as governor of the Illinois Territory, since “Mr....
30592 Vauquelin, Nicolas Louis Enclosure: Nicolas Louis Vauquelin’s Analysis of Green … 1809-01-12 Analysis of the Nicotiana latifolia. By M. Vauquelin . translated by D. B. Warden . Though we...
30593 Vauquelin, Nicolas Louis Enclosure: Nicolas Louis Vauquelin’s Analysis of … 1809-01-12 Analysis of Snuff of the Hôtel Longueville —By Mr Vauquelin . In occupying myself in this...
30594 Jackson, John G. Madison, James To James Madison from John G. Jackson, 17 April 1809 1809-04-17 The polls are just closed for Harrison, & the result is Jackson 409 Lindsley 219 — last monday...
30595 Rodney, Caesar A. Madison, James To James Madison from Caesar A. Rodney, 17 April 1809 1809-04-17 Your favor of the 14th. inst: with its enclosures was received by the mail of this morning. The...
30596 Warden, David Bailie Madison, James To James Madison from David Bailie Warden, 17 April … 1809-04-17 17 April 1809, Paris. The acting American consul in Paris congratulates JM on his election as...
30597 Jefferson, Thomas Alexander, Eli Thomas Jefferson to Eli Alexander, 17 April 1809 1809-04-17 Being much pressed by mr Higginbotham for a debt I owe him, and towards the discharge of which I...
30598 Cross, Caleb Jefferson, Thomas Caleb Cross to Thomas Jefferson, 17 April 1809 1809-04-17 That you may see by means the passions of the People of this town are worked up to such a mad...
30599 Jefferson, Thomas Shoemaker, Isaac Thomas Jefferson to Isaac Shoemaker, 17 April 1809 1809-04-17 A little before I went to Washington in September last, you promised to accept & pay my order in...
30600 Shoemaker, Jonathan Jefferson, Thomas Jonathan Shoemaker to Thomas Jefferson, 17 April 1809 1809-04-17 Thine of the 6 th Instant duly came to hand & is now before & feel somewhat alarmed at the...