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Results 30511-30540 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I last night recieved a Letter from Congress, informing me of the arrival of a French Fleet, on our Coast, extracts of which I have the Honor to enclose. In addition to that information, I have recieved intelligence, of tolerable authenticity, to day, of its arrival off the Hook. Every thing we can do to aid and cooperate with this Fleet is of the greatest importance. Accounts from New-York...
By Mr. Tailor, who has promised me to deliver this with his own hand to you, or distroy it if necessary, I take the liberty of writing rather more freely than I should otherways venture to do. I cannot think but with pain of being debared this privilidge, the only one left me for my consolation in the many solitary and I may add melancholy hours which pass. I promissed myself a negative kind...
I am so unwell to-day that I cannot stir out. Will you have the goodness to expedite what is necessary for Mr. Livingston and he will bring the Papers for me to sign. I suppose a Commission, Instructions and our Orders for his sailing will be sufficient. Adieu RC ( PPAmP : Franklin Papers); addressed: “Mr Commissioner Adams Passi”; docketed in an unknown hand: “Hon. A. Lee Esqr to Hon J. Adams...
Versailles, 15 July 1778. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 4:161–162 ( JA ’s English translation). For the French text, see Adams Papers, Microfilms , Reel No. 94. Sartine’s letter concerned James Niggins and John Selby, prisoners at Nantes, who claimed to be American seamen pressed into...
[ Haverstraw, New York, July 15, 1778 .] Is sending “a small quantity of livestock” and has directed commissary to supply D’Estaing with whatever supplies may be needed. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Charles Henri Hector, comte d’Estaing, vice admiral of the French fleet.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I cannot deny myself the Pleasure of endeavouring to introduce the Bearer Commodore Gillon to your Notice. He hath been always very active in promoting the American Cause and been of great Service to it in several respects as well generally, as particularly to this State and our Assembly during its last Sitting appointed him Commodore of our Navy and in...
Copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society <Versailles, July 15, 1778, in French: Among the English prisoners on Belle Isle, taken from ships in French ports, are two who say they are Americans, James Niggins of Charleston, and John Selby of Baltimore. They want to be freed and sent home. They were on the Hancock , they say, en route to Charleston from Nantes when an...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mess. Kossakowsky et Strestsky gentilshommes Polonnois qui vous remettront ce billet mon Illustre Docteur nous donnent à diner à Mde. Le Roy et à moi Jeudy prochain avec plusieurs académiciens. M. Strestsky nous fera voir ses curieuses experiences sur l’air inflammable dont j’ai eu l’honneur de vous parler. Vous devriez être de la partie et ces Mess. le...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Once France entered the war, its eager young men had an obvious outlet for their martial energies. Many of the commission-seekers, henceforth, come from abroad—even from England—but there remains a trickle of French applicants, special cases who turn to Franklin for help. A seasoned officer addresses Franklin on July 24. Captain C.F. de Wiebel, once in the...
On my Return from Mt Vernon to this Place, I found the Packet, containing your Letter and Deed. I am much oblidged to you for the Trouble you have taken, to have a new Deed made out, from yourself to Me. It was the Method I proposed, but my Uncles Bassett and Dandridge thought it best, to have the Deed made from you to Henry; I shall be in no Hurry to have your Deed acknowledged, unless a good...
A considerable fleet of french men of War, chiefly Ships of the line, has just arrived at Sandy Hook, under the command of Admiral Count D’estaing. As the Admiral is a Stranger to our Coast, and is come for the purpose of co-operating with us against the Enemy, it is absolutely necessary that he should be immediately provided with a number of skillful pilots, well acquainted with the Coast &...
This moment Colonel Armand & a major Ottendroff called at my quarters, and being about to set out for the Army, the Major desires I would write your Excellency that he is exceeding sorry for leaving the service the last year, and wishes you would over look it; that he desires again to serve in the Army. He has made several applications to the Navy Board to serve in the navy; he is now...
I desire you immediately to select Fifty of your best Bullocks, and give orders to have two hundred Sheep if to be procured and a parcel of poultry purchased in the most convenient part of the Country. They are intended as a present to the Count D’Estaing Admiral of the French Fleet now laying off Sandy Hook. You are to send them to the Coast as expeditiously as possible, and upon giving...
Passy, 16 July 1778. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 4:164 . The Commissioners told Sartine that the congress and the authorities in Massachusetts would be notified of his request, but that the presence of British warships on the Newfoundland and Halifax stations might make assistance to...
Passy, 16 July 1778. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 4:163 . The Commissioners notified Schweighauser of Thomas Simpson’s appointment to command the Ranger and ordered him to provide Simpson with whatever he might need to prepare for sea. The Commissioners also informed him that the...
Passy, 16 July 1778. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 4:162–163 . The Commissioners informed Whipple of Thomas Simpson’s appointment to command the Ranger as part of a force under Whipple’s overall direction. He was ordered to make every effort to take or destroy the Jersey and Guernsey...
Pardon the presumption of addressing you in this manner at this unhappy Crisis of my life. Considering the distinguish’d nobleness of your sentiments, and your present exalted station as a support and defender of the American, glorious , Cause and persons, I at once resolve that this is an incumbent Duty on my part, and cannot entertain the least doubt but it will be attended too with that...
The State of South Carolina, desirous of protecting her Trade, with as little Burthen to the United States as possible, has voted a Sum of Money for the purpose of purchasing three Frigates, has appointed Mr. Gillon to the Command of them and sent him to France to procure them. Satisfied as I am that, you would chearfully shew any Civilities, and if necessary, yield your Protection, to a Man...
A considerable fleet of french men of war, chiefly ships of the line, has just arrived at Sandy Hook, under the command of Admiral Count D’Estaing. As the Admiral is a stranger, and is come for the purpose of co-operating with us against the Enemy, it is absolutely necessary that he should be attended by some Gentlemen of intelligence and who possess an accurate knowledge of the Coast and...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives <Passy, July 16, 1778: We enclose a request from M. de Sartine, which we promised to send you. Americans will doubtless be inclined to supply the islanders, and the northern states be able to do so in the absence of, or perhaps even despite, British warships. We hope the attempt will be made; it will fetch a good price...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society <Passy, July 16, 1778: We enclose a letter from M. de Sartine that we promised to communicate to Congress. We have no doubt— > See the preceding document and Sartine’s letter of July 14. The draft, without the incomplete second sentence, is published in Butterfield, John Adams Diary , IV , 164. This letter, as explained there, was never sent; the...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives <Passy, July 16, 1778: We shall take the first opportunity to send to Congress and the government of Massachusetts your letter of the 14th; it will, we are confident, lead to exertions for the relief of the islanders. Success is undoubted if British warships are withdrawn from the area; if not the difficulty will be...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives <Passy, July 16, 1778: We have ordered Lieut. Simpson, commanding the Ranger , to sea as soon as possible; please furnish him promptly with what he needs. The British prisoners on these ships are to be left behind, in such custody as you advise; we shall try tomorrow to get the ministry’s orders for their lodging.>...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; copies: National Archives (two) <Passy, July 16, 1778: We have wanted to settle disputes among the Ranger ’s officers for some time, and at last have the pleasure of sending you a letter from Captain Jones which allows us to reinstate you on board the Ranger . Upon receipt of this, you will take command of the Ranger as first lieutenant, join...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; copies: National Archives (two), Yale University Library <Passy, July 16, 1778: We have instructed Lieut. Simpson, on whom command of the Ranger devolves now that Capt. Jones is on another service, to join you under your orders. The Boston, Providence , and Ranger should put to sea with all dispatch. Do your best to take or destroy British...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permit me to lay before your honors the foregoing State which by your interpossion we flatter ourselves may be relieved. I am most respectfully Honorable Sirs your most Obedient Humble Servant Notation: Mr. [Bondfield] Bordeaux 1778 Bondfield’s letter was written at the bottom of a request in French in another hand on behalf of Captain William Jones. Jones...
Copies: American Philosophical Society, United States Naval Academy Museum, National Archives (two), Massachusetts Historical Society When I took Lieutenant Simpsons Parole I did not expect to have been long absent from America: but as circumstances have now rendred the time of my return less certain, I am willing to let the dispute between us drop for ever by giving up that parole which will...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Messieurs Les Députés du Congrès sont instamment pries de tirer d’inquiétude un Pere et une Mere qui sont dans les plus vives allarmes sur leur fils, dont ils n’ont, depuis très longtems, aucunes nouvelles. Ce jeune homme qui est fils unique est capitaine d’artillerie au service des Etats unis. Il s’appelle Ganot . Son Père est Lieutenant Colonel...
ALS : Harvard University Library Beging leave to refer you to mine of the 9 inst. I have now to inform you that Capt. Whipple at his return to his Ship, having wrote to me that he wanted the goods you had pointed out to be sent by him in order to stow his hold properly, I made yesterday application to Mr. Williams’ Clerk for the Continental stores in his Posession, when he told me that he had...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In consequence of the Remittance made to me by Mr. Delap of Bordeaux I have written the inclosed Letter to the officers and people of the Ranger, which if you approve please to return to be copied and forwarded. I have the honour to be with great Respect Your most obedient Servant Notation: J. Williams 16 July 1778. to Commrs At the request of the...