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Results 3051-3100 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
305111th. (Adams Papers)
We recited this morning in Locke on the Understanding to Mr. Hale. A number of the scholars first read, the Lesson that has been given, and the others in their turns give an account of particular Sections. At about 10 o’clock 2 horses came from Braintree for my brother and myself to go home upon. Mr. Cranch came a little before 11. At about 11 ½ the Government and Corporation came and seated...
305212th. (Adams Papers)
I went down to our Office, to see if there was a Gravesande, there, but none was to be found;—while we were at dinner my Cousin came in from Boston, where he went last night from Cambridge. In the afternoon Charles, and I went out fowling, but came home, as deeply laden as we went. We went in the Evening, and Cranch play’d to an Echo; it has a very agreeable effect. That is, JA ’s law office,...
305313th. (Adams Papers)
Went down and staid part of the forenoon, at the Office. Drank tea at Mr. Apthorp’s. A man of a strange character. I intended when I came from Cambridge to have written, a great deal during this Vacation, but I find there is continually something or other happens to prevent me; so that I begin to fear, I shall do but very little.
305414th. (Adams Papers)
We went down to General Palmer’s at German town. Went to catch fish, forenoon and afternoon, but with little success; It was late before we got home, and I was very much fatigued; I have, not walk’d so much in one day these 6 months.
305515th. (Adams Papers)
At home all day; wrote to my Sister. Mr. Cranch return’d, in the Evening, and brought a number of English News Papers with him. All, as common, full of nothing. A Declamation to be spoken on Wednesday June 7th. 1786. “Varro, the most learned of the Romans, thought, since Nature is the same wherever we go, that this single circumstance was sufficient to remove all objections to change of Place,...
305616th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Weld the Minister in the middle Parish, preached for Mr. Wibirt, and took his text all day from Hebrews IV.11. Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. I have not heard a more indifferent prayer, or Sermon, since I came home. Sermon I say, for although I was all day at meeting, yet I did not hear the afternoon one. We went down...
305717th. (Adams Papers)
We went out on a shooting party, and were gone all the morning. The weather quite warm all day. Mr. Tyler return’d, but did not come into the House, till 11. at night. It is the last day before the setting of the Court; so that he had a great deal of Business.
305818th. (Adams Papers)
My Uncle Cranch, and Mr. Tyler went to Boston in the morning. About noon it began to Storm; at about 5 afternoon, Mr. Tyler came up the yard, with Eliza, just returned from Haverhill and there was nothing, but how do you do? and I am so glad to see you, and when did you come? and how and so on. No news from Haverhill but bad. Mr. Johnny White’s wife, after lying in the 6th. of this month, was...
305919th. (Adams Papers)
Drizzling, misty weather all day. Did not stir out of the house. Amused myself with reading, writing, and taking lessons on the flute; which I have lately begun to learn.
306020th. (Adams Papers)
The weather continued just the Same, all day. It sets every one yawning, and keeps all within doors. But it is very advantageous for the husbandry, and has already given a great start to the grass.
306121st. (Adams Papers)
Same Story over again. Chilly, and misty. This is but a poor way of dragging out an existence; I want much to be doing something: here, every minute something turns up to prevent me, from writing. I could do more in two days at Cambridge, than I have in the whole vacation here. Next Wednesday we shall again return to our Business.
306222d. (Adams Papers)
I went to Boston this morning, with a Chaise, for Mr. Cranch to come home. Stop’d at Milton, and bespoke me a writing desk. Dined at Mr. Foster’s: and at about 4 o’clock set out again and got to Braintree, just after dark. Convers’d on the road, with Mr. Cranch Who is always entertaining, and always instructive. Continuation of the Storm. The Sun has not appeared this week.
306323d. (Adams Papers)
Heard old Parson Wibird, preach from Luke. XIX. 10. For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. Mr. Cranch said he had heard it ten Times before. No one would complain if the Parson would read printed Sermons, But to hear one thing continually repeated over which does not deserve, perhaps, to be said more than once, is very fatiguing. We had the Pleasure of Mr. Tyler’s...
306424th. (Adams Papers)
It seems as if there is to be no end of this Stormy weather. It does not look more likely to clear up, than it did, a week agone; Charles and myself lodg’d down at our house; it is almost 7 years since I pass’d a night there before this.
306525th. (Adams Papers)
Weather still the same. Mr. Wibird spent the afternoon at Mr. Cranch’s. I went with my brother down, and drank tea at my Uncle Adams’s. Had some difficulty to get horses to go to Cambridge with to-morrow. Mr. H. Hayden, died last night of a wound he received by a gun going off, while he was fowling, about 3 weeks agone.
306626th. (Adams Papers)
The Vacation being at end; Charles and I left Braintree at about 10 o’clock. My Cousin has been unwell, with a bad Cough several days, and therefore intends to stay till Saturday. The weather, for the first Time these ten days was favorable, which was a lucky circumstance to us. We got to College, at about 1. just after Commons. I dined on bread and cheese; there were only 40 scholars, in at...
306727th. (Adams Papers)
A List of the Present, junior Sophister Class William Lovejoy Abbot. *Abiel Abbot *John Quincy Adams. Jonathan Amory Samuel Angier *William Amherst Baron Barron *Benjamin Beale *James Bridge. *Josiah Burge John Chandler. Thomas Chandler *Gardner Leonard Chandler Caleb Child *William Cranch *Joshua Cushman Peter Eaton *Oliver Fiske John
306828th. (Adams Papers)
The weather fine, but rather cool. Somewhat unwell, and had a bad head ache in the afternoon. My Cousin, and Leonard White, both came. We had been anxious for Leonard, as we heard he was sick: he was so in the beginning of the Week, but, has now pretty well recovered. About half the College, are now here. The bill at prayers, is not kept, till the Friday after the Vacation ends. That is, bills...
306929th. (Adams Papers)
Went to Mr. Dana’s, in the afternoon, upon some business. There were two gentlemen, there, one of which, had a deal of small talk with Miss Almy, upon matrimony. Tea, at 3d Chandler’s. Most of the Members were there. Few of the Scholars are now absent. Windy Weather. Presumably a daughter of Benjamin and Mary (Gould) Almy, of Newport; Mrs. Elizabeth Dana’s family, the Ellerys, were...
307030th. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Hilliard all day upon Acts. VII. 9. And the patriarchs moved with envy sold Joseph into Egypt: but God was with him. The Sermons were good, but there is such, a sameness in almost all the Sermons, I hear preach’d, that they are Seldom very entertaining to me. Dined at Mr. Dana’s, with his brother in Law Mr. Hastings, Captn. Hobby, and two Seniors, Dwight, and Harris. Mrs. Dana,...
3071[May 1786] (Adams Papers)
We recite this Week again to Mr. Jennison. This is a young man: indeed much too young, (as are all the Tutors,) for the Place he occupies. Before he took his second degree, which was last Commencement, he was chosen a Tutor, of mathematics, in which he betray’d his Ignorance often. In hearing the Sophimores recite in Geography, he had occasion to speak, of the alteration of the Style by Pope...
3072Monday May 1st. 1786. (Adams Papers)
We recite this Week again to Mr. Jennison. This is a young man: indeed much too young, (as are all the Tutors,) for the Place he occupies. Before he took his second degree, which was last Commencement, he was chosen a Tutor, of mathematics, in which he betray’d his Ignorance often. In hearing the Sophimores recite in Geography, he had occasion to speak, of the alteration of the Style by Pope...
30732d. (Adams Papers)
Our Tutor, gave us this morning, a most extraordinary, construction of a passage in Homer. Abbot 1st. was beginning to construe, the 181st. line of the 6th Book. πρόσθε λέων, ο̈πισθεν δὲ δράκων, μέσση δέ χίμαιρα He said, a Lion, before, but the Dr. corrected him, by saying it meant superior to a Lion; Abbot immediately took the hint, and made it, superior to a Lion, inferior to a Dragon, and...
30743d. (Adams Papers)
Wednesday, and Monday, are our two busiest days in the Week. Every minute is employ’d. This morning at 6. We went into Prayers after which we immediately recited. This took us till 7 ¼. At 7 ½ we breakfasted, at 10, we had a Lecture on Divinity from Mr. Wigglesworth. It was upon the Wisdom of all God’s actions, and justifying those parts of Scripture which some, have reproached, as contrary to...
30754th. (Adams Papers)
No reciting this morning, on account of the last Nights Class meeting. This is a privelege, that all the Classes, and joy, and I am told there have been in our Class fellows, so lazy, and so foolish, as to call a Class meeting merely for that Purpose. I went to Boston this morning, with Leonard White. Sauntered about Town; almost all the forenoon. Dined at My Uncle Smith’s. In returning,...
30765th. (Adams Papers)
We had, this morning, a Philosophical Lecture, from Mr. Williams, in which he concluded the Subject of the mechanical powers. This is not so entertaining a subject, as some others but it is a very important one as all the instruments that mankind make use of: of what kind so ever, are upon the principle, of one or more of these Powers. There was a Lecture, at the meeting house in the...
30776th. (Adams Papers)
Recited in Doddridge’s Lectures on divinity. This is an attempt to refute mathematically all the objections, that have been raised against the Christian religion, and the Bible in general; I wish we studied some other book instead of that. A day or two since, Mr. Hale, the Tutor in metaphysics, gave us out a forensic question, to dispute upon, Tuesday, the 16th. of this Month. I employ’d...
30787th. (Adams Papers)
Sacrament day. Mr. Hilliard, preach’d in the morning from 1st. of Corinthians. I. 30. But of him are ye, in Christ Jesus, who of God, is made unto us, wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption. I do not remember all his arguments; What I did remember , was not so pleasing to me, as his afternoon, discourse, which was from Acts. XI. 26. And the disciples, were called...
30798th. (Adams Papers)
We recite this week in Terence, and Caesar to Mr. James. This is the tutor of the oldest standing in College. He is very well ac­ quainted with the branch he has undertaken, and Persons, that are not Students, say that he is much of a Gentleman. But it seems almost to be a maxim among the Governors of the College, to treat the Students pretty much like brute Beasts. There is an important air,...
30809th. (Adams Papers)
We had this afternoon a public Lecture upon Divinity. It is a pretty common Custom among the Students, to take their books into the Chapel, and whilst these Lectures are going on they study their next Lessons; those indeed, that do this, are some of the good Scholars of the Class, for there are many, that do not look, into a book, more than once a Quarter, before they go in to recite. Lovell,...
308110th. (Adams Papers)
We finished the Andria of Terence this morning. The Class began it last Feby. I went through it at Haverhill in 3 Evenings, however it must be said, here they Study it only 1 week in 4, and that week, only 4 mornings, but even in that way, it has taken 12 lessons to go through this one play. At 11. we had a Lecture from Mr. Williams, upon hydrostatics. He keeps exceeding close to Gravesande’s....
308211th. (Adams Papers)
There has been no reciting this day. Cranch, went to Boston, in the morning, and will not probably return this Night. I have been employ’d almost all day in writing off, Mr. Williams’s yesterday Lecture; perhaps I spend too much time, at this, but I think it may be of considerable advantage, for the Study of S’Gravesande’s; and the whole must be over before the 21st. of June; on that day, the...
308312th. Friday. (Adams Papers)
We had a Lecture, this day from Mr. Williams upon Hydraulics. Studied Algebra, in the morning; as I have determined to do, a couple of hours every friday, and Saturday morning. Cranch came back to day; he stay’d to hear the Concert, which was given last Night. The musical Society, took it into their heads to Serenade, the Tutors, and a number of the gentlemen, belonging to the Town; they were...
308413th. (Adams Papers)
No reciting, this morning: was employ’d all day in mathematical Studies, of which I begin to grow exceeding fond. After dinner, I had Bridge, Kendall, Little and Sever about an hour at my Chamber. Bridge, and Little are two of the best Scholars in our Class, and moreover very clever fellows. Sever has a strong natural genious, and genuine Wit. But his morals are loose, and he is not by any...
308514th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Thatcher of Boston preached in the forenoon from John XX: 13. And they say unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? She saith unto them, Because they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him, and in the afternoon, from Ephesians V and 11. And have no fellowship, with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather, reprove them. This is the best Orator, that I have seen in...
308615th. (Adams Papers)
We recite this week to Mr. Hale, in Locke. This is upon the whole, the most unpopular Tutor in College. He is hated even by his own Class. He is reputed to be, very ill natured, and severe in his Punishments. He proposes leaving College, at Commencement, and I believe, there is not an individual among the Students, who is not very well pleased with it. One of my Class Mates, said the other...
308716th. (Adams Papers)
We had this morning, a forensic dispute, upon the Question, Whether the immortality of the human Soul be probable from natural Reason. My Inclination coincided, with my duty, and I read the following piece in the affirmative. “That there is in Man, an interior Power, far different, and vastly superior, to that possess’d by any other being, of the animal Creation, no one I believe will deny to...
308817th. (Adams Papers)
I never was so impatient in my Life, as I am now for other Letters from Europe. Leonard White, went to Boston in the morning, but did not bring back any Letters. Was employ’d great part of the Day in writing off yesterdays Lecture. JQA ’s curiosity was aroused after Billy Cranch had received “a hint of a certain Circumstance” in a letter from his mother the previous day, the same day JQA had...
308918th. (Adams Papers)
This morning I received two very long Letters from my Mamma, and Sister; at length the whole mystery is revealed, and explain’d. We had from Mr. Williams a Lecture of an hour and an half, with which he finished the Subject of air. One of these letters was AA to JQA , 16 Feb. ( Adams Papers ), in which he was informed of AA2 ’s engagement. AA2 ’s letter “No. 11,” which concluded on 15 Feb. and...
309019th. (Adams Papers)
I was informed, that Captain will sail to-morrow for Europe; went to Mr. Reed, and requested to be excused from reciting to-morrow morning, in order to write, to my friends. Studied Algebra, and wrote off part of the Lecture. Sullivan a Senior Sophister, spent an hour with me, in the afternoon. The Class are in the greatest anxiety, and Suspense, concerning the Parts, which are expected to be...
309120th. (Adams Papers)
Cranch went to Boston this day, and brought me back, another large packet from my Sister, inclosing a Poem written, by Coll. Humphreys, on the happiness of America, addressed to the Citizens of the States. There is a great brilliancy of Imagination, I think display’d in it, and he is somewhat poetical, in describing the happiness, that reigns in this Country; but the poem I take to be a very...
309221st. (Adams Papers)
We had to day a Doctor Haven, from Portsmouth to preach; to day: he took his text from Psalm XXIII. 1. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want: in the forenoon, and in the afternoon, from I Corinthians. I: 18. For the preaching of the Cross is to them that perish; foolishness: but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. I did not by any means like him so well, as I did Mr. Thatcher...
309322d. (Adams Papers)
We recite this week to our own Tutor Mr. Reed, in Gravesande’s experimental Philosophy. This gentleman, is not much more Popular, than the rest of the Tutors; he is said to be prejudiced, and very vindictive. He is liked in general by the Class, however; and this may be a Reason why I have not heard, as much said against him, as against the others. We had a Class meeting, this evening about...
309423d. (Adams Papers)
We could not recite this morning, because Mr. Reed, was not in at prayers. This morning a number of the Seniors were sent for, by the President, to go to his House at 8 o’clock. They went, and the parts were distributed thus. Thompson + English Oration A:M: Champlin Latin Oration A:M: Fowle and Gardner 2d. each a Poem. Blake English and Andrews + 1st. Latin Oration’s P.M. Harris, Dwight + ,...
309524th. (Adams Papers)
It is feared that some bad consequences, will ensue, from the high-go, of the Syllogists last evening. Borland, it seems, was the most active of them all; he collar’d Mr. Reed, and threw an handful of gravel, in his Face, and was rather disrespectful to Mr. James; He went this morning to the former, to make an apology for his Conduct, but was told, it could not be received, as the matter was...
309625th. (Adams Papers)
Government met, and were assembled, almost all this day, to determine what Punishment to inflict upon Borland, he was informed of it in the evening, and the Class petitioned, that it might be mitigated; but probably without much success.
309726th. (Adams Papers)
This morning after Prayers, Borland, was called out to read an humble Confession, signifying his repentance of his Conduct &c. The President read, the Votes of the Government; the affair was stated, and it was said, that Borland, had insulted in a flagrant manner, two of the Governors of the University, whereupon it was voted, that he read a Confession, and 2dly. that he be degraded to the...
309827th. (Adams Papers)
No reciting this morning. I was employed all day in studying mathematics, which are the most pleasing to me, of any of our studies. Spent, a couple of hours at Bridge’s chamber after dinner. Rain in the Evening.
309928th. (Adams Papers)
Parson Hilliard preach’d us a Sermon in the morning from Isaiah LIV. 14. In righteousness shalt thou be established; thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear, and from terror; for it shall not come near thee, and in the afternoon, from Galatians IV 27: For it is written, Rejoyce thou barren, that bearest not, break forth, and cry thou that travailest not; for the desolate...
310029th. (Adams Papers)
We recite this week to Doctor Jennison, but he was not in this morning. Je fus ce soir a l’assemblée, d’une Societé, etablie, depuis deux ans, par quelques jeunes gens de la presente premiere Classe, qui voulaient se perfectionner, le stile, et se donner reciproquement des conseils vrais, et sinceres. Les assemblées ordinaires sont une fois dans trois semaines. Chacun y lit une piece de sa...