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Results 3051-3100 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
305111th. (Adams Papers)
We recited this morning in Locke on the Understanding to Mr. Hale. A number of the scholars first...
305212th. (Adams Papers)
I went down to our Office, to see if there was a Gravesande, there, but none was to be...
305313th. (Adams Papers)
Went down and staid part of the forenoon, at the Office. Drank tea at Mr. Apthorp’s. A man of a...
305414th. (Adams Papers)
We went down to General Palmer’s at German town. Went to catch fish, forenoon and afternoon, but...
305515th. (Adams Papers)
At home all day; wrote to my Sister. Mr. Cranch return’d, in the Evening, and brought a number of...
305616th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Weld the Minister in the middle Parish, preached for Mr. Wibirt, and took his text all day...
305717th. (Adams Papers)
We went out on a shooting party, and were gone all the morning. The weather quite warm all day....
305818th. (Adams Papers)
My Uncle Cranch, and Mr. Tyler went to Boston in the morning. About noon it began to Storm; at...
305919th. (Adams Papers)
Drizzling, misty weather all day. Did not stir out of the house. Amused myself with reading,...
306020th. (Adams Papers)
The weather continued just the Same, all day. It sets every one yawning, and keeps all within...
306121st. (Adams Papers)
Same Story over again. Chilly, and misty. This is but a poor way of dragging out an existence; I...
306222d. (Adams Papers)
I went to Boston this morning, with a Chaise, for Mr. Cranch to come home. Stop’d at Milton, and...
306323d. (Adams Papers)
Heard old Parson Wibird, preach from Luke. XIX. 10. For the Son of man is come to seek and to...
306424th. (Adams Papers)
It seems as if there is to be no end of this Stormy weather. It does not look more likely to...
306525th. (Adams Papers)
Weather still the same. Mr. Wibird spent the afternoon at Mr. Cranch’s. I went with my brother...
306626th. (Adams Papers)
The Vacation being at end; Charles and I left Braintree at about 10 o’clock. My Cousin has been...
306727th. (Adams Papers)
A List of the Present, junior Sophister Class William Lovejoy Abbot. *Abiel Abbot *John Quincy...
306828th. (Adams Papers)
The weather fine, but rather cool. Somewhat unwell, and had a bad head ache in the afternoon. My...
306929th. (Adams Papers)
Went to Mr. Dana’s, in the afternoon, upon some business. There were two gentlemen, there, one of...
307030th. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Hilliard all day upon Acts. VII. 9. And the patriarchs moved with envy sold Joseph into...
3071[May 1786] (Adams Papers)
We recite this Week again to Mr. Jennison. This is a young man: indeed much too young, (as are...
3072Monday May 1st. 1786. (Adams Papers)
We recite this Week again to Mr. Jennison. This is a young man: indeed much too young, (as are...
30732d. (Adams Papers)
Our Tutor, gave us this morning, a most extraordinary, construction of a passage in Homer. Abbot...
30743d. (Adams Papers)
Wednesday, and Monday, are our two busiest days in the Week. Every minute is employ’d. This...
30754th. (Adams Papers)
No reciting this morning, on account of the last Nights Class meeting. This is a privelege, that...
30765th. (Adams Papers)
We had, this morning, a Philosophical Lecture, from Mr. Williams, in which he concluded the...
30776th. (Adams Papers)
Recited in Doddridge’s Lectures on divinity. This is an attempt to refute mathematically all the...
30787th. (Adams Papers)
Sacrament day. Mr. Hilliard, preach’d in the morning from 1st. of Corinthians. I. 30. But of him...
30798th. (Adams Papers)
We recite this week in Terence, and Caesar to Mr. James. This is the tutor of the oldest standing...
30809th. (Adams Papers)
We had this afternoon a public Lecture upon Divinity. It is a pretty common Custom among the...
308110th. (Adams Papers)
We finished the Andria of Terence this morning. The Class began it last Feby. I went through it...
308211th. (Adams Papers)
There has been no reciting this day. Cranch, went to Boston, in the morning, and will not...
308312th. Friday. (Adams Papers)
We had a Lecture, this day from Mr. Williams upon Hydraulics. Studied Algebra, in the morning; as...
308413th. (Adams Papers)
No reciting, this morning: was employ’d all day in mathematical Studies, of which I begin to grow...
308514th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Thatcher of Boston preached in the forenoon from John XX: 13. And they say unto her, Woman,...
308615th. (Adams Papers)
We recite this week to Mr. Hale, in Locke. This is upon the whole, the most unpopular Tutor in...
308716th. (Adams Papers)
We had this morning, a forensic dispute, upon the Question, Whether the immortality of the human...
308817th. (Adams Papers)
I never was so impatient in my Life, as I am now for other Letters from Europe. Leonard White,...
308918th. (Adams Papers)
This morning I received two very long Letters from my Mamma, and Sister; at length the whole...
309019th. (Adams Papers)
I was informed, that Captain will sail to-morrow for Europe; went to Mr. Reed, and requested to...
309120th. (Adams Papers)
Cranch went to Boston this day, and brought me back, another large packet from my Sister,...
309221st. (Adams Papers)
We had to day a Doctor Haven, from Portsmouth to preach; to day: he took his text from Psalm...
309322d. (Adams Papers)
We recite this week to our own Tutor Mr. Reed, in Gravesande’s experimental Philosophy. This...
309423d. (Adams Papers)
We could not recite this morning, because Mr. Reed, was not in at prayers. This morning a number...
309524th. (Adams Papers)
It is feared that some bad consequences, will ensue, from the high-go, of the Syllogists last...
309625th. (Adams Papers)
Government met, and were assembled, almost all this day, to determine what Punishment to inflict...
309726th. (Adams Papers)
This morning after Prayers, Borland, was called out to read an humble Confession, signifying his...
309827th. (Adams Papers)
No reciting this morning. I was employed all day in studying mathematics, which are the most...
309928th. (Adams Papers)
Parson Hilliard preach’d us a Sermon in the morning from Isaiah LIV. 14. In righteousness shalt...
310029th. (Adams Papers)
We recite this week to Doctor Jennison, but he was not in this morning. Je fus ce soir a...