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Results 3051-3100 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
However you & I may have been taught by Civilians, & however History confirms the Maxim, that an...
A Vessel from N York to Liverpoole which saild the 24th. June, brings advice that Clinton had got...
I have the honour to transmit you herewith, a list of Invalid Pension-Applicants, belonging to...
Privious to my Taking any ultimate step relative to presenting the names of persons to offices,...
I have the honor to inclose 15 blanks, permissions to collectors to clear out flags of truce...
M r. Hamilton will have the honor of Dineing with the Vice President on the 30 th. of June...
I have been duly honored with your Excellency’s favors of the fifth tenth and eleventh of July— I...
We the Undersigned, prisoners in the Goal of Philadelphia, beg leave to present their Humble...
I Recollect That I Stand Indebted to you one Letter for your favor of the 22d. Feby and have...
Hesitating to bother the Count de Vergennes, you have done me the honor of addressing me in order...
I have the honor to enclose a letter for Capt Talbot, enclosing a commission for your signature....
While in the silent watches of the Last night I was Contemplating the Vicissitudes of Life, the...
I take the liberty of addressing you on a subject which from its nature I trust from your known...
When I wrote to you on the 9th. inst. I did not expect that I should again trouble you; nor did I...
I have read over most part of your book with no less satisfaction than pleasure and gained much...
Th: Jefferson presents his respects to the President of the US. and will have the honor of...
I find upon my table this morning your favour of the 7. March; and I know not whether I have ever...
At this important crisis, while the sensibility of our good citizens through the union is...
Tu m’aduli, ma tu mi piace says anÿ where Chesterfield—but so you do in a most egregious...
Th: Jefferson presents his respects to the Vice-president of the U. S. and has the honor to...
I have received a letter from one of my brothers, who went thro Pittsburg to New Orleans in June...
I have now before me your favour of July the 15th, with which, as usual, I was highlÿ gratified....
Vous trouverez sans doute surprenant que sans V ous connaitre & sans avoir l’honneur d’être connu...
Your favour of April the 8th tho’ frankt was not received till the 22d of May. Tis mortifying to...
I have the honor to inform you, that on considering, with the Secretary of the Treasury, the mode...
I had the Honour of your Note and the inclosed Extracts yesterday Morning; I waited on Mr. Luzac...
On the 27th. Instant, I had the Honnor to Receive your kind frendley Letter with a Number of...
The enclosed Letter from President Lee to you (of the Subject and Contents of which I am...
I wrote you a post or two Ago, of being informd Mr. Gearey had wrote his brother to procure a...
I had the Honour of your Letter by Monsieur Jean Baptiste Petry about six Weeks since, and should...
I have your favor of the 15 th: inst t: and am pleased to find in it an interpretation of the 6...
I have the very great pleasure to acknowledge your favour of the 15th. Inst. Be assured, Sir,...
I had the honor to receive your Favour of the 15th of December, for which I beg leave to express...
At a meeting of the Citizens residing in the Town of Cumberland in the County of Allegany and...
In answer to yours of July 2 d , sent You, Sep t 19, under cover to Mess rs D e Neufville’s by a...
I cannot omit so good an opportunity as now offers, of paying my respects to you. Nothing...
Various causes, connected with the absence & illness of Revd Mr Fay of the old church, have...
As Mr. Rand, a good American, sails in a lettre of Marque from the Texel direct for Boston, I...
I received yours of Nov br. 9 th 11 th 12 & 14 th . you are made easy respecting the Election of...
Having been honored with a commission of a Captain in the Navy by you, and still desirous of...
Although for some time I have had neither the honor nor the pleasure of inquiring after your...
Yours of the 22 d. of Feb y: has come to hand this moment, and has given me much satisfaction. I...
I do myself the honour to present schedules, shewing the vacancies in the 1st. & 2d. Regiments of...
È comparso alla luce un’elogio dell’Abate di Mably, scritto sotto gli auspici dei 2. vecchi Abati...
You had done me the honour of answering my letters to you, so fully, that I had supposed I should...
I received at this place your letter of the 1st of Sepr. instant with its several references. I...
If I have not addressed you before it was not that gratitude did not prompt an expression of the...
On receipt of your favors of Aug. 18. & 23. I conferred with mr̃ Barclay on the measures...
you did me the honour some time since after reading my memoir of Dr Hugh Williamson to write me a...
J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 13. de ce mois. Je...