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Results 3051-3100 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have read the proceeding against Lt. Mariner of the frigate Adams, inclosed in your favor of...
I thank Mr. Bordley kindly for his Book and you for your care and trouble in Sending it. I have a...
3053Tuesday 11th. (Adams Papers)
Went to Boston. The C hief J ustice not there. A Piece of political Finess, to make the People...
3054Thurdsday. Jany. 31st. (Adams Papers)
The snowy Weather prevented me from going to Dudleys. The Sodality however met and read the two...
Give me Leave to introduce to you Mr. John Brown Cutting, who will need no other Recommendation,...
I thank you for your Address presented to me by Mr. Freeman your Representative in Congress. Your...
I go farther than you in your Glooms I expect Detroit and Michigan will be again taken and all...
I have received the Letter you did me the honor to write me this morning and as the Secretary of...
3059June 21st. 1760. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
June 21st. 1760. Saturday.
3060Auteuil May 3. 1785. (Adams Papers)
Tuesday. At Versailles, the C. de Vergennes said he had many Felicitations to give me upon my...
3061Sunday. Jany. 19th. 1766. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Robbins of Milton.
I rec d this morning your favour of the 7 th and am glad that your State have not too much...
I have recd. your Favour of the 16th. The Speech of Pastoret I had before received by two...
3064June 20th. 1761. (Adams Papers)
I have latterly arose much earlyer than Usual. Arose at five and at 6 O’clock, instead of 8 and...
I have rec’d from M r: Ridley, some Letters from home and a Newspaper.— My Son wrote you Sometime...
Thanks for your Journal of the 26th. There is in human nature a germ of superstition, which has...
I have received yours of the 20th & return the letter of Gen. Pinckney & Capt Taylors report &...
Yesterday at the Ministers Levee, one of the foreign Ministers put into my hand a Leyden Gazette,...
3069[April 1761] (Adams Papers)
Z. tells me, that Jona. Rawson is malicious and cruel as well as conceited. He spights Edd....
Inclose a few Sheets of Paper, and will send more as fast as Opportunities present. Chesterfields...
It is a long Time, Since I had the Pleasure to see you, but my Esteem is not at all diminished....
3072[January 1770] (Adams Papers)
At my Office all Day. Last Evening at Dr. Peckers with the Clubb.—Otis is in Confusion yet. He...
Enclosed is a letter from General L. R. Morris, recommending John Cook Esqr to be a Capt in the...
By the Tenth Article of the Treaty of Alliance with France “The most Christian King and the...
Last night I received your favor of 31st July. Upon looking over the list of candidates for...
Common Law is common Right, 1. Inst. 142.a. Cokes Proem to 2d Inst. The Law is the Subjects best...
3077Fryday July 25th. (Adams Papers)
We contend that the Plaintiffs ought to recover nothing on this Bond, because according to the...
Yours of the 20 th. is before me.— The Senate I hear is perfectly Satisfied at length, by a...
I have received your favour of the 15th. with two printed Copies of the Abstracts &c. One Copy I...
AMSTERDAM, June 15, 1781—wrote to Congress: “The long expected courier has at last arrived at the...
3081Saturday 15th. March 1766. (Adams Papers)
The Snow is as deep and in as mountainous Banks, as it has been at any Time this Winter.—The...
Will you be good enough to have fifty copies of the enclosed invitation printed for me before the...
I thank you for a copy of Judge Minots oration, which is worthy of the great Master of...
Your last letter was brought to me from the Post office when at breakfast with my family. I bade...
30851778 (Adams Papers)
I was almost out of Patience, in Waiting for the Frigate till the Thirteenth day of February...
I return you the three letters to the Queen of Portugal signed, which were inclosed in your favor...
I have rec d your Letters in Succession to N. 9. I think inclusive but they are in So much...
30881760. June 26. Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Feel indifferently well after my yesterdays walk and sail. I have begun to read the Spirit of...
308914 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
I seem to have lost sight of the Object that I resolved to pursue. Dreams and slumbers, sloth and...
I have received the letter you did me the honor to write me on the 16 Oct together with your...
The Letter for Philadelphia, inclosed in your’s of the 18 th , I have caused to be inclosed to M...
3092[February 1754.] (Adams Papers)
This winter, we had a vacation. In the winter of 1754 we had no snow at all save a smattering or...
Diverse Causes and considerations essential to the Administration of the Government, in my...
At the hazard of the little Vision that is left me I have read your Travels in the Wilderness...
I was very glad to receive a Line from you, by Mr. French, tho the Account you give me of the...
I have the honour of your Letter of the 11th. It is all over with me. I can recollect an Old...
I have received your kind Letter of January 31, and thank you for your obliging Congratulations,...
You were a Letter in my debt, when you wrote yours of March 17th but you did not know it. I wrote...
Must We, before We take our departure from this grand and beautiful World, Surrender all our...
Inclosed is a letter from John Davis Esqr, District Attorney at Boston, recommending Charles...