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Results 3051-3100 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have extracted from the late proceedings of the board of Visitors such articles as require to...
Your Note of yesterday has been handed me by the Boy—From a conversation will Gen l Cocke on...
Some months Since, I had the honour to present to you, a Copy of my work, the Fauna...
Your several communications intended for the board of Visitors of the University, together with...
I reached this late last evening & fell over one of the banks and got much injured in several...
I have the pleasure to inform you that by the unanimous vote of the Rector and Visitors of the...
In compliance with the wishes of my friends and my own inclination I am about publishing a...
In Compliance with the wishes of my friends and with my own inclination I am about publishing a...
The Undersigned respectfully suggests to the Rector and Visitors of the University the propriety...
I have the honor, agreeably to the Enactments, to lay before you the journal of the Faculty. In...
Several of the students have applied to me for information about the terms on which a diploma in...
You will pardon the liberty I take in troubling you with this letter, but I consider it a duty I...
The Undersigned respectfully suggests to the Rector and Visitors of the University the propriety...
You will excuse the liberty I am taking (being a total stranger) in addressing you on a subject...
Upon my arrival here I found no steps had been taken to prepose the tickets for the Lottery some...
For some time past I have been contemplating a publication on the American Revolution, intended...
75. Students of last year 85. New comers. 160. pay University rent @ 15.D. 2400 15 Outboarders...
At a meeting of the Visitors of the University of Virginia held at the said University on Monday...
I have the honor, agreeably to the Enactments, to lay before you the journal of the Faculty. In...
You will pardon the liberty I take in troubling you with this letter, but I consider it a duty I...
I contracted with Mr Philip Sturtevant for the carving of the Composite Capitels for the library...
I contracted with M r Philip Sturtevant: for the carving of the Composite Capitels for the...
On considering the reasons stated in your letter of the 27 th : Ult o : I am induced to comply...
The above statement shows the situation of Funds of the University of Virginia to the 31 st March...
Your favor sof the 27 & 29 th have both been rec d , the former covering one to Messrs: C & A....
Your favour 27 th Ult was rec d in due course & shewn to our Collector (Maj r Gibbon) who...
I wrote to mess rs Dodge and Oxnard the last summer as usual for my supply of wines and other...
Not knowing who is the Chairman of the Faculty for the present year, I must return the inclosed...
I am induced to address You, On the presumption that both might be benefited. And in a way, that...
The proceedings on my lottery are too far advanced to admit the practicability of any change...
I do not recollect ever to have known any person of the name of Swope mentioned in your letter of...
I am indebted to you for the communication of your law for the establishment of primary schools....
1826. March. Sally’s M. 1816. Louisa. x Martin Beck’s x Miles x Lindsay. x Jennet 1817. Moses’s...
I am thankful for the very interesting message and documents of which you have been so kind as to...
I thank you, Sir, for the treatise of mr M c Culloch, and your much approved republication of it....
I have recd yours of the 21st. inclosing a copy of your correspondence with J. P. Todd, and...
Waggoner Aleck will deliver 2 Hhs Tobo which will be followed by others as fast as they can be...
I have recd. your letter of the 22d. inst: inclosing a copy of the Law providing for primary...
I beg leave to ask Your acceptance of a speech lately delivered by me, on a motion to Amend the...
The most calamitous event which could happen to my family would be my death intestate; and...
By the papers I perceive that the Lottery granted for your benefit is in progression, my object...
I hereby take the liberty of addressing to you a few lines, in which I hope you will find no...
Upon my return home, I looked into the question which you mentioned yesterday, and I find two...
My anxiety for you is greater than, that for myself, I long to know the state of your Health, and...
Your kind concern for me, fills me with deep feelings of gratitude—I am as yet confined to my...
On the 22 nd . Instant I was honored by the Receipt of your Letter of the 18 th . Ins t .,...
J. Madison has received, under the President’s name, a copy of the Message and documents...
I have recd. your favor of the 18th., with a supplemental document relating to the Civilization...
Having to thank you for a copy, just come to hand, of the Exve. Communications to the H. of Reps...
Both M r King’s letters mention the apparatus, but as the last is the most specific I have sent...