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Results 3051-3100 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I last night had the pleasure of receiving your very agreeable and obliging favour by Mr Gist, 15...
The Generals Orders, or the Orders of any Superior Officer will, when once given, be a Law to me....
Captn Waggoner with 50 Men & 19 Waggon’s wait upon you for Provisions agreeable to my Yesterday’s...
Letter not found: to Robert Stewart, 7 Aug. 1758. On 8 Aug. Stewart wrote to GW : “Early this...
Letter not found: to Christopher Hardwick, 8 Aug. 1758. On 26 Aug. Hardwick wrote to GW : “Yours...
I Wrote You A few days Ago & Acquainted you that the Newgent Only Capt. Copethorn had gote Safe...
Early this morning I had the very great pleasure of recg your very acceptable Letter of...
Letter not found: to John Carlyle, 9 Aug. 1758. On 22 Aug. Carlyle wrote to GW : “I Was favd with...
I received your Canteens by the Waggons which brought up the Artillery & delivered them...
Mr Long the Waggon Mr of Maryland arrived here last night with 18 Waggons, which are to be loaded...
Letter not found: to Charles Smith, 9 Aug. 1758. On 15 Aug. Smith wrote to GW : “I Receiv’d your...
Capt. Possey’s Company is marched upon the Road, and as the Small Pox broke out some days ago in...
To Thomas Walker—Commissary Dear Sir Camp at Fort Cumberland 11th Augt 1758 I receivd a Letter...
To Captn Stewart—of the Light Horse My dear Stewart Camp at Fort Cumberland 11th Augt 1758. I am...
Your favour of the 9th I was honourd with the 11th—39 Waggons are loaded with Stores according to...
The Waggon’s met with all possible dispatch in loading, but being assurd that the Horses were not...
I have got the outside of the House finishd, the Closets excepted, & that by not having plank;...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania We have received your kind Letter as also your Present...
This day the Waggons set off from Pearises and about five Hundred Beef Cattle are to set off...
I Receiv’d your Favour Aug. 9th Concerning The Ten Barrels of Flower, I have spoke to Mr Walker...
The Waggons are arrived safe to this Place, and the Detachmt of Light Horse. As it is not...
Letter not found: from Francis Fauquier, 17 Aug. 1758. On 2 Sept. GW wrote to Fauquier : “Your...
Nothing of moment has Occurr’d since I came here, otherwise wou’d have inform’d you. The Genl...
I am favourd with yours of Yesterday, intimating the probability of my proceeding with a Body of...
Invoice of Sundries Shipd by Thomas Knox on the Nugent Only John Copithorn Master for Virginia on...
Your requests obliges me. I hope they are intended to do justice to our injur’d Colony, this I...
This afternoon the Party Commanded by Capt. McKinzie return’d without being able to discover...
ALS : American Philosophical Society My Son I know intended writing to you this Morning, so as to...
Letter not found: to John Carlyle, 20 Aug. 1758. On 22 Aug. Carlyle wrote to GW : “I Was favd...
Letter not found: to John Kirkpatrick, 20 Aug. 1758. On 23 Aug. Kirkpatrick wrote to GW : “I am...
Letter not found: to Charles Smith, 20 Aug. 1758. On 22 Aug. Smith wrote to GW : “I Receivd Your...
Thirty Cuttawba’s came here this Evening. and the Convoy may be expected on Wednesday, as it was...
I Send you 20 Pack horses for the use of your Scouting Partys, wth Pork. Your Convoy will I hope...
Letter not found: to George William Fairfax, 22 Aug. 1758. On 1 Sept. Fairfax wrote to GW : “I...
I Was favd with yours of the 9h & 20t. Int. —In Answer to the former you have A Letter from Me to...
As I think it my duty to Report any thing to you that is Extraordenary I take the Fredom to...
I Receivd Your Favour Dated the 20th & has sent Down Your Inclos’d Letters to Allexan⟨a⟩ by Mr...
I have scarce been able (from a Sprain in my Wrist) to hold a Pen for this sometime past, or...
The Governors in America have no Comand of the Troops even of their own Province as soon as they...
I assure you my not having a single Line from you for a Very Long time gives me no small Pain. I...
I am no less honour’d than entertaind by your kind Letter of the 20th which has had a speedy...
Yesterday we had a very fine rain which has wet things to the Roots. Ellse we have had None...
Your favour of the 21st Instt accompanied by the 20 Pack Horses with about 3000 lbs. of Salt Pork...
Yesterday your waggoner Came Down from Your Quartrs in fredrick with one mair and four Colts and...
I hope no Eval will accrue from my detaining a Letter derected To you So Long by me, When had...
I had last night your favour of the 24th. 308 Beeves were brought here, and as 320 had been Sent...
Yours of the 8th Instant Came to hand the 20th . I wou’d have wrote to you as often as you...
Letter not found: to John Carlyle, 27 Aug. 1758. On 1 Sept. Carlyle wrote to GW : “Yours of the...
Letter not found: to George William Fairfax, 27 Aug. 1758. On 1 Sept. Fairfax wrote to GW : “I...
Letter not found: to Christopher Hardwick, 27 Aug. 1758. On 3 Sept. Hardwick wrote to GW : “I...