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Results 30451-30500 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Je crois devoir profiter de la poste de Rotterdam, qui part demain pour la France, pour vous communiquer ce qui suit plus promptement. Un ami vient de m’écrire, que quoiqu’il ne puisse pas supposer que je puisse ignorer l’arrivée d’un Mr. Searle ou Searce (car je ne puis pas bien lire le nom tel qu’il est écrit) il croît...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am very sorry to hear that you have an attack of the Gout, but I hope it will soon be over. As to Business I must refer you to the inclosed. As I suppose I am to stay here some time longer, I shall be glad to hear from you what my future Line of Life is to be, for I take it for granted that I am not to return to England again. Mr. Lee mention’d that you...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This lettre will be delivred to you by the Countesse de Fries, a lady, to whose family I am obliged for their constant kindness and civitilities towards me. Her Husband, one of the richest and the most respectable men of Europe, establish’d here in the most extensive banking business, a protestant and a Republican, being a Swish born; being very desirous of...
Partial AL : Library of Congress … [sous] les yeux de M. le Cte. de Vergennes. Je desirerois fort, Monsieur, davoir un entretien avec vous et M. Jay, et vous m’obligeriez si vous vouliez me recevoir et me donner à diner avec lui jeudy prochain. J’attendrai votre réponse. J’ai l’honneur dêtre avec un On Oct. 24, a Thursday, Jay dined with BF at Passy and was surprised to find Rayneval there....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have Rec’d your favor of the 14th per Mr Oswald & am much obliged to you for your friendly Intentions, I have the Satisfaction to inform you that after all the Alarms & Apprehensions the upshot was tolerable, much better than I expected. I without delay waited upon the Secretary of State with the discharges of the Officers you sent me & he readily...
ALS : American Philosophical Society When I inform you that I am an American, and have been favour’d with an academical Education, you will conclude that I am not unacquainted with your political or literary Character. You will not therefore expect that I should attempt to add to the Encomiums which are resounded over every part of Europe, as it would surpass the power of human Invention to...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr Pigott presents respectfull compliments to his Excellency Dr. Franklyn & has the Honor to send Three Letters which He brought from Geneva. Mr. Pigott hopes his Excellence will permit Him the Honor to make his personal respects as soon as may be. Pigott ( DNB ), convinced that the American Revolution presaged the ruin of England, had sold his Shropshire...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the immediate opportunity of Mr: John Collin’s return from Paris, to Express my sincere and most Gratefull thanks to you, for your repeated favors, which have left Impressions on my mind that no Time can Efface; Happy shall I Esteem myself in every opportunity of Shewing my respect to so Great & Eminently distinguished a Character; May The Almighty...
ALS : Dartmouth College Library Monsieur franklin a eu la bonté de me promettre un livre qui a paru nouvellement en Angleterre sur le grand evenement de la liberté Americaine, et qui a eté composé en grande partie d’après des memoires que lui même avoit donnès autrefois à un homme qui dans ce tems là etait membre du parlement. Je crains qu’il ne m’ait òublié, ce monument est trop precieus pour...
ALS : American Philosophical Society My Husband Thomas Holland Was an officer in the Congress Service and Was kild, he left me with three Children in the outmost Distress in boy [body] and mind your Well Knowing goodness will take my Cause into your Serious Consideration and Communicate it to the Congress that I might meet with Such Relief as they Shall think most proper my Husband and me was...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We the underwritten being Natives of America (hearing there are Ships belonging to the united States at Nantes and bound for America) Pettiton your Excellency that you would gett us the Liberty to go in one of those Vessells in order for our proceeding to America and as we are able to engage in any office or Station onboard a Ship we hope your excellency...
LS : Library of Congress; copy: South Carolina Historical Society I beg leave to refer to my letter of the 6th Instant by the hands of Mr. Storer—to speak in the current stile, Government is still a float. In the moment when it was thought an Administration would be formed, the prospects of the Coalition have been dashed— The K. it seems has been the stipulator, insisted upon keeping the Lord...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <St. Malo, February 19, 1778: I served on the Reprisal for twenty months and was then in hospital for three. I am not yet able to do hard work, and lack clothes and cash; wages and prize money are due me. Please send me either money or a draft on a St. Malo merchant; I am in great need of help.> A seaman left behind when Wickes sailed the previous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had Yesterday the honour of receiving Your Excellencys letter of the 4th. and I shou’d immediately wait upon You at Passy, but I think it better to remain here for your reply to what I shall now write, and that shall intirely govern my Proceedings— I have not Yet been able to procure proper Conveyances for the supply’s that are here, nor indeed Can I say...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been confin’d to my House great Part of this Winter by my valetudinary State, and been little able to see and converse with my Friends, and less to write to them. A Line from you would have greatly refresh’d me in this Confinement, as your Letters have ever been one of the greatest Entertainments of my Life: but I do not mean to complain, having been...
(I) LS : American Philosophical Society; (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society Having received a Letter of the 13 Inst. from my Surgeon Mr Windship, whom I sent Express to you, Intimating to me that my Crew is to be compleated with French Seamen, that I am to go from hence to Port L’Orient to be refitted & Careen’d, & from thence to America. Upon which, I beg leave to observe to your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nôtre excellente Douairiere, mon respectable ami, Espere que vous aurés reçu avec votre bonté ordinaire la petite marque d’amitié qu’elle a cru devoir vous donner, après la perte que vous aviés faite de sa premiere canne. Plaignés la de n’avoir pu vous aller voir depuis long-temps; mais vous concevés toutes les affaires tous les embarras dont elle est...
AL (incomplete): American Philosophical Society In the Midst of our Confusions, You will permit me to trouble You with the reading a line from me also, but to give You a Regular Course of Intelligence Concerning our affairs, is What I will not Attempt, as I hate Writing Very much, and leave that to Mr. Hughes our Welsh Squire, who upon Honour has fought the Battle Manfully, and I think there...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je ne suivrai point l’usage, ni ne vous ferai de compliment du jour; le sentiment ne connoit pas ce language; je me bornerai à vous exprimer la sincerité des voeux que je forme pour vous en ce nouvel an: je vous souhaite, monsieur, une continuation de parfaite santé une issue satisfaisante dans vos glorieux projets, et l’accomplissement en entier de tout ce...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have some affaires which demand my immediat return to England. You are very sensible that the suspenssion of the Habeas Corpus Act subjects me to an immediat imprisonment on any suspicion of my having held a correspondence with your Countrymen on this side the Water. This Sir is the only reason why I did not fix a day to have the honor of seeing you at my...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library The present volume contains a number of letters from Frenchmen and other Europeans who want to settle in the United States, and we summarize them here in a single group. The writers are not only would-be emigrants, for a number of those included in our headnote on candidates for military service in America expect to make it their home. The ones...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library It is with much concern that we find ourselves reduced to the necessity of beging leave to lay before your Excellency the real state of our situation; which is that of being private Citizens and subjects of Great Britain, taken prisoners at Sea on Board the Snow Industery John Brown master, on our passage from the Island of Antigua to Britain, by the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The friendship you showd me in transacting the Debt that was due to me by Benjamin Mecom (for which I reckon myself much oblidgd to you) embol[dens me] to ask the favour, that with your Convenience you will also tr[ansact the] debt due to me, by Mr. James Parker of New York lately deceasd. [ Torn. ] I send you the Accompt, by which there is a ballance due to...
AL (fragment): Historical Society of Pennsylvania [ First part missing ] Franklyn for the Favor of his Invitation, sho’d have answer’d his Card sooner but has been kept at Westminster the whole Day, begs Leave now to say, that He will wait on the Doctor, and in the mean Time begs his Acceptance of his most respectful Compliments. The writer has not been identified, though the handwriting bears...
AL (draft) or copy: Carrow Thibault, (Ardmore, Pa. 1955) On the Seventh of this presant Septr. Captn John Manley now In Mill Prison in the presence of Captn John F Williams & Captn Gideon Hanfield Boath Captive did heare Captn Manley prepose his Selling his turn of gowing in the Furst Carteel to me or anney outher person that Would purtches it of him for the Sum of twenty one Shilling paid...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Izard’s Compliments to Dr. Franklin, and returns him the Newspapers he was so obliging as to send him. Mr. Izard encloses the Gazette Extraordinary, which gives an account of the evacuation of Mud Island, and Red Bank. Howe’s Letter gives us reason to expect news of very great importance soon. Addressed: A Monsr. / Monsr. le Dr. Franklin / a / Passy...
ALS : American Philosophical Society C’est avec empressement, Monsieur, que jai l’honneur de vous envoier mon ouvrage. L’hommage que je vous en fais vous est dû mieux qu’à toute autre personne. Je m’y suis attaché à défendre Les intêréts d’un peuple opprimé dont vous êtes aujourdhui le representant, comme vous en fûtes le créateur, car, le vrai créateur d’un peuple est celui qui lui donne de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je Reclame votre justice, pour obtenir Celle qui m’est dûe par Lun de vos Compatriotes appellé Vinzandt. Ce M: qui passa icy au mois d’aout 1777. etoit Descandu Chez L’un de nos Negts. quand il y eût fait ses affaires qui Ly avoient amené et quil fut à la veille de son depart, M: de la Croix Chez Lequel il etoit descandu veint avec Lui me demander une...
Printed invitation with MS insertions: American Philosophical Society T∴ C∴ F∴ L∴ R∴ L∴ des Neuf Sœurs, est convoquée pour le lundy 26 du 3e. mois D∴ L∴ D∴ L∴ V∴ L∴ 5783, en son local, rue Coquéron, à 4 heures précises. Il y aura Reception au 1er. Grade et affiliation, l’on fera la Nomination des officiers, ensuite Banquet . Vous êtes prié d’y venir augmenter les douceurs de l’union...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Letter I did myself the honnour to write your Excellency the 30th. ulto. Conveyd the Particulars of the Cruise of the Black Prince Cutter. Her Cap. Mr. Stephen marchant, Sends me, recd. per yesterday mail, The List of his Prisonners deliverd in Morlaix, & also, a List of 21, equal number, of his men on Board of the 6 Prises, which, he has all reason to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I hope you’l Excuse my Presumtion In thus Addressing you, as, It is not only In Order to Acquaint you of my Misfortune, by being taken on the 1 Inst. of May by the Faydrant Capt. Jervis, within a few Leagues of Nonte River to which Place I was Bound in a Bermuda Builte Sloop Cald the Alice Belonging to Messr. Thoms. Savage, Blake, Russell, Greenwood, &...
Letterbook copy: General Post Office, London Mr. Todd presents his Compliments to Dr. Franklin and sends him an extract of a Letter to Messrs. Foxcroft and Finlay of the 9th. of Decr. last concerning the Balance remaining in his Hands to which he has not as yet received an Answer, but makes no doubt when it comes it will clear up every Difficulty in settling his Accounts finally with this...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Two Bills which I have the honor to inclose you for Acceptance were sent me by Edward Bird Esqr: of Philada: with orders to procure payment for the same, unless I had advice that Major Peter Scull was arriv’d in France.— The firsts of these Bills were deliver’d to Major Scull & the seconds were forwarded by the Diana, which Vessell I understand is...
ALS : American Philosophical Society During the short stay my mother made here I could not find time to write a letter, therefore I hop’d my verbal acknowledgments would be accepted, yet I did not intend my pen should neglect it’s duty. I really am much oblig’d to you for the trouble you took to gratify me, and notwithstanding the frequency of my obligations to you I always have great pleasure...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I hope that you will Exkus my a wrighting To you and I hope that youre honner will Not be afronted at my Not aquanting him of my Comming here But I Receved a Letter that If I wood Com to Dunkirk I shold have the Command off a Prvereter and thinking It a Bad time of the yeare for to goo upon the American kost I consented for to Com Back and found for to Be...
L : American Philosophical Society Made. la Psse. de Chimay prie monsieur Francklin de diner au traitement que la Reine donne à Madame l’Ambassadrice d’Angleterre, chez Mr. le Marquis de Talaru Premier Maitre d’hôtel de Sa Majesté, mardi 22 juillet Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Francklin, ministre Plénipotentiaire / des Etats unis de L’Amérique Septentrionale / A Passy Laure-Auguste de...
AL (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères J’ai mis Sous les yeux de M. le Cte. de Vergennes, M, les differentes letres que M Hartley vous a écrites, ainsi que votre projet de rèponse; ce Ministre a donné une entiére aprobation à la manière dont vous vous exprimez. Je joins ici un postscriptum concernant M. forth; M. le Cte. de Vergennes, qui en a pris lecture, trouve que vous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Abbaye de St. Martin, Aumale, July 26, 1777, in French: I have long been one of your most constant admirers [he gives the reasons at great length] and one of the warmest friends of your cause; in this I take after my Irish father, an intrepid defender of justice. I cannot, because of my calling, shed my blood for the Americans, as I otherwise should to the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did myself the pleasure a few days ago of writing you a long Letter, which I committed to the care of Capt. All— also wrote to Temple & Ben—sent you the Indian Spelling Book, & the Dutch & English papers; these last I committed to the care of a Mr. Ray, a young Man that I have recommended to your notice, as he purposes visiting Paris soon after his...
ALS : American Philosophical Society L’horreur qe j’ai conçue dès long-temps pour la Tyrannie des Anglois, et la justice de la cause américaine, m’ont inspiré cette piece de vers. Que n’ont-ils la vertu d’entraîner quiconque n’est pas partisan du Congrès? Ce nombre est pourtant bien petit. On ne parle plus que de Vashington et de Franclin. L’Amérique, pour secouer le joug anglican, avait...
(I) Two LS : American Philosophical Society; copies: Library of Congress, Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; (II) LS : American Philosophical Society, Yale University Library, Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy: Library of Congress I have the Honor to enclose the Copy of Acts of Congress of the fourteenth and twenty third Instant, together with the Copy of my Letter of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai lu avec plaisir dans le Courier de l’Europe une traduction du fameux vers latin, qui vous est si justement apliqué. Elle m’a parue bien faite, et n’avoir d’autre défaut, que de ne point aprocher de la brieveté de l’original. C’est ce qui m’a engagé a en tenter une autre, qui n’a peut être d’autre mérite, qu’une plus grande précision. Quoiqu’il en soit,...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Recevez nos Sinceres remercimens du cadeau sans prix que vous avez eu la bonté de nous faire. Le Peintre ne nous la remis qu’aujourd’hui jeudi. Puissiez vous vivre autant que durera votre portrait. Ce bijou devient un immeuble dont personne de nous ne peut jamais être tenté de se déffaire: il passera dans la famille de pere en fils, et Sera respecté des...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Celle-ci est pour un acte d’amitié & d’humanité, auquel je suis sur que vous prendrez tout parti, & vous employeres pour reussir. C’est en faveur d’un ami, de celui que vous connoissez & voyez à Passy. Son frere Richard Nairne, capitain du vaisseau Marchand nommé the generous Friends. , en venant de Newfound Land, fut pris par la Fregate Flora , commandée...
Letterbook copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I have received yours of the 31: of Octr. by which I find my Self obliged for your kind Intention to have made an Electrical Operation upon me at Burlington had your Affairs allowd your coming thither which I am sorry they did not for I had concieved much Satisfaction in the Experiment being made by a Gentleman of so much knowledge and practice...
Copy: Papers of the Earl of Dartmouth deposited in the Staffordshire County Record Office Though I have nothing new to communicate yet as this is the last regular Packett that is to sail from hence for some time at least, I do not choose to let it go without dropping you a Line. I see with Concern that you have accepted of the Place of Postmaster from the Congress, a Step of itself which...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having received yours of the 11th of May, and 8th of June, the 30th of last Month, on my Way towards Burlington, with the Packet and Commission for Land-Waiter at New-York it may be not unnecessary, that I answer as fully as I can. As it was unexpected, and far from my Thoughts, I was the more surprized: It naturally excited me to reflect upon your...
Transcript: Harvard College Library (Sparks); another transcript: American Philosophical Society I have this day read over my version of Cicero’s Cato Major in thy Print, with my Notes on it, and cannot but applaud thy care but wish thou hadst not begun in pa: 49 with Greek Letter, since thou hadst not enough of the same character to go on with it, for to this alone I must impute the failure....
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ay l’honneur de vous réiterer votre demande de la fonte de Petit Romain par laquelle vous attendiés des modelles: Pour regler la hauteur en Papier, étant Prêt a la faire commencer, comme vous m’en avés Parû Pressé. Si votre courier d’anglettere est arrivé, et que vous daigné m’en faire Part vous obligérés celui qui a l’honneur d’être avec Respect,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society My Lord North being at the Head of Affairs and having show’d an Inclination in my Favour upon an Application made in my Behalf by Mrs. Johnson makes me flatter myself that, something or other may possibly be obtain’d for my Benefit. To this purpose I have wrote to the Bishop of Worcester, and as he is in the Country during the Summer Season have told him...