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Results 30421-30430 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
30421[July 10. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
July 10. 1778. We approve of the Directions given by you to stop the Reparation of the Arms at Nantes, paying the Workmen their Wages, Gratifications and Conduct Money, according to Agreement, of which you inform Us in your Letter July 3. 1778. Mr. Williams is desired to send the Commissioners an order for the Goods remaining on hand, including the sixty three Barrells of Beef to be delivered...
I had been so short a time in this place when I wrote you last, that it was out of my power to furnish you then with any particulars respecting the enemy’s conduct during their continuance here. By enquiries and observations since, I am enabled to give you some particulars on that head. The City in general has escaped, but houses and fences detached from the Town have felt the wantoness of...
Passy, 10 July 1778. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 4:156–158 . Adams reported the arrival on 8 July of the ratified Franco-American treaties, which were seen as fresh evidence of the increasing isolation of Great Britain and of the unlikelihood of the formation of a coalition of powers...
Passy, 10 July 1778. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 4:155–156 . Adams discussed British reports of the evacuation of Philadelphia, congratulated MacCreery on the arrival of a ship in which he had an interest, and advised MacCreery that his description of the actions of Lafayette at...
We agree that the Bills drawn on you, by Mr. Williams, and paid by you according to the list herewith transmitted shall be charged to the Public Account of the United States; Mr. Williams to be accountable for the expenditure of all the sayd Sums to Congress or to any Person, or Persons appointed by Congress for that purpose, and to the Commissioners of the United States at the Court of France...
I have receiv’d the papers you Sent me, and will make a proper use of them as soon as possible. When I have done with them they shall be returned you with my gratitude. I am with the greatest respect Your most humble and obedient servant PS Keppell’s fleet was still at St. Helen’s on the 6th. The mediterranean fleet under convoy of the Worcester was come into port, and also part of the Jamaica...
By Yesterdays’ Post I had the honor of receiving your Letter of the 19th of April. What could have occasioned its not reaching my hands before now, I cannot say, unless the Person who was entrusted with sending it by the Post might have detained it to answer some particular purpose. You inform me in your letter that I am charged in your Bankers Account with upwards of one hundred thousand...
Copy and transcript: National Archives <[July 10, 1778: ] We are agreed that Mr. Williams’ bills on you, as listed herewith, be charged to the public account; he will be responsible to Congress or its agent, and to the commissioners, when called upon to render account of his expenditures. Our consent is not to be taken as approbation of his account or to influence the settlement of it. >...
ALS (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; incomplete draft: American Philosophical Society; two copies: National Archives We approve of the Directions given by you to stop the Reparation of the Arms at Nantes paying the Workmen their Wages, Gratifications and Conduct money according to agreement of which you inform us in your Letter July 3 1778. Mr. Williams is desired to send the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In the letter I had the honor of writing to you yesterday by Capn. Amiel, I inclosed a Certificate from the officers of the Admiralty. This serves to cover the three other Certifficates I promised in the Said letter, Vizt. one from the Bourgmaster and Magistrates, one from the President and Counsellors of the board of Commerce, and an other from the Judge...