James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John Adams, 23 March 1815

From John Adams

Quincy March 23 1815


The inclosed Letter Supposes more importance in my Judgment than it deserves. Whatever it is worth, however, it is all in favour of the request in it. Waterhouse is another Rush: and for no other Reason that I can conjecture than his respect and able Services to the national Government for the last fourteen Years, has been cruelly treated by the worst Faction against it.

I Submit the Subject to the rightful Authority and have the honour to remain, Sir, your most obedien[t] Servant

John Adams

RC (DNA: RG 59, ML); letterbook copy (MHi: Adams Papers). The enclosure has not been found, but it was evidently Benjamin Waterhouse to Adams, 18 Mar. 1815. That letter was catalogued in American Clipper: Monthly Catalogue of American Historical and Literary Material 13 (1942): 119–20, item 179, where it was described as a three-page autograph letter, signed, summarizing Waterhouse’s career and asking Adams to plead his case with JM. For the probable object of the letter, see Waterhouse to JM, 18 Mar. 1815.

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