Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Arthur Lee, 13 June 1780

From Arthur Lee

ALS: American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): National Archives

L’Orient June 13th. 1780


The Passport you gave me4 being expird & useless; I shall be obligd to you for sending me another.

I have the honor to be with great respect, Sir, Yr. most obedt. Humble. Servt.

Arthur Lee

The Honble. Doctor Franklin

Addressed: The Honble / Doctor Franklin / Minister plenipotentiary / from the United States / at / Passi

Notation: A. Lee L’Orient June 13. 1780.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4Probably in February, when BF approved Lee’s taking passage on the Alliance. BF at the time had expected the frigate to leave in a fortnight or three weeks. Lee suspected the delay was a plot: XXXI, 500–1; Lee to James Lovell, June 16, 1778 [i.e., 1780] (National Archives).

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