30401To Benjamin Franklin from James Hunter, Jr., 28 March 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mrs. Strange desires me to continue the Liberty of addressing Her to your Care, and I pray your Excuses for the Trouble. I am most respectfully Sir Your mo Ob Sert. The Virginian whose wife was Isabella Strange’s cousin: XXXV , 394; XXXVII , 690.
30402To Benjamin Franklin from Mary Richardson, 5 April 1779 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to write these few lines to let You know a little of my misfortunes Since I left my Native Country I am the Widow and Daughter of Mary Richardson the occasian of my leaving my Native Country was upon the hearing of the famous Doctor Taylor at London by Advertizement in the Paper my Mother being totally blind she was willing to try for her Sight...
30403To Benjamin Franklin from the Count of Belgioioso: Two Letters, 30 September 1772 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society The Count of Belgioioso presents His best Compliments to Dr. Franklin and would take it as a particular Favour if He’d please to inform Him where the Person lives who makes the Glasses for the Harmonica according to His Invention: as the French Embassadour who is a great Lover of Musick and is desireous of having One enquired to The Count about this said...
30404To Benjamin Franklin from Pierre-Jean-Paul, Chevalier de Berny, [February 1778] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society La protection que vous accordés si généreusement a ceux, qui avec un nom, professent les sciences et les Arts, m’enhardit a prendre la liberté de Vous présenter ce petit Essai sur le Ministére, le fruit de la fréquentation de nombre de Cours ou j’ai résidé depuis la paix d[erniè]re. Connu de Mg. Le Comte De Vergennes , qui daigne m’honorer de sa protection,...
30405To Benjamin Franklin from Pierre-François de Boy, 25 February 1782 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le Sr. Montigny, sergent des Grenadiers Dans Luxembourg, et Capitaine d’Armes Sur la fregatte Americaine, ditte, la Caroline du Sud, Sur laquelle il a eté blessé a La Cuisse Se battant Contre deux fregattes Angloises, m’Engage a vous supplier de Lui faire payer Son Du, reconnu par le Certificat ci-inclus a Lui donné, par Le Commandant de la ditte fregatte....
30406To Benjamin Franklin from Edward Bridgen, 4 September 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Will you my Dear Sir excuse the liberty I hereby take to introduce to yr: Excellency the bearer Mr Canning as a particular friend of mine and of Liberty he being very desirous of paying his respects to so eminent a person and any civillities you may have the goodness to shew him I shall esteem as personally done to Yr: Excellency’s much obliged & Obedt...
30407To Benjamin Franklin from Isabella Strange, 28 July 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg once more leave to trouble you with a Letter to my Friend Mr Hunter. I do not yet know any other way of sending a Letter to Him and all I have hitherto are on Business. Mr Strange joins with me in presenting our respectful compliments. I have the honour to be Dear Sir Your very humble Sert Addressed: His excellency / Benjamin Franklin Esqr / Paris...
30408To Benjamin Franklin from Ferdinand Grand: Receipt, 3 September 1779 (Franklin Papers)
DS : American Philosophical Society J’ai recu de Monsieur Franklin ministre plenipotentiaire des Etats unis de l’amerique Deux mille soixante Livres un sols sept deniers Endorsed: Mr. Grand’s Receipt Corroborated by a Sept. 3 entry in BF ’s private account with Grand (Account XVII: XXVI , 3): “La Remise sur J. Cottin fils & Jauge … 2060.1.7.”
30409To Benjamin Franklin from Georgiana Shipley, 12 May 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society You my dear Sir by your most flattering attention have anticipated my very wishes, this moment I have received from Mr Digges your kind letter & valuable present; it would be difficult to express the real pleasure they have both given me, we all are made happy from your account of your own health, my father desires me to say, that a life so precious cannot...
30410To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Darling, [February 1747?] (Franklin Papers)
MS notes for a letter: Yale University Library 1. How many men imployed in the whole? 2. How many men imediately about the Glass blowing? 3. How maney feet of Glass Do they make a Day? 4. How Do they Sell it per foot in their Philedalphia? 5. What are the Stone they make their furnace of and 6. Where Do they Git them? 7. Where are the pots made that Contain the metal? 8. Who makes them? 9. Can...
30411To Benjamin Franklin from Arthur Lee, 13 June 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): National Archives The Passport you gave me being expird & useless; I shall be obligd to you for sending me another. I have the honor to be with great respect, Sir, Yr. most obedt. Humble. Servt. Addressed: The Honble / Doctor Franklin / Minister plenipotentiary / from the United States / at / Passi Notation: A. Lee L’Orient June 13. 1780....
30412To Benjamin Franklin from ——— de Saint Paul, 10 December 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le Choix que le Conseil du roy a fait de vous, pour etre un des Commissaires, dans la recherche du Magnetisme animal, fait honneur à la sagacité de leur jugement, et n’ajoutte rien à l’immense, et hautte réputation, dont vous jouïssés dans les deux Emispheres; mais vous avés bien voulu ettre l’un des Commissaires, et en cette qualitté, pourriés vous éttre...
30413To Benjamin Franklin from Gabriel-Louis Galissard de Marignac: Bill for Benjamin Franklin Bache’s Schooling, [5 … (Franklin Papers)
ADS : American Philosophical Society Monsieur Franklin doit pour la pension de Monsieur son petit fils depuis le 5e. 7bre. 1780 jusqu’au 5. Fevrier 1781. 5 Mois £229 — ” — ” — Papier, encre & plumes 2— 10— ” — 4. Rubans de queuë 1— 6— ” — pre. [paire] boucles 1— 3 — ” — Canif
30414To Benjamin Franklin from Jean de Neufville & fils, 11 October 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society As it hath been the favoúr of yoúr Excellency that we have found our Selfs honourd with the providing of the Squadron of Comandore J P. Jones Esqr. we thought it oúr duty again to assure yoúr Excellency that we will pay the utmost attention to this expedition; and obey his orders in every respect. We were informed that Sr. Joseph York made private...
30415To Benjamin Franklin from James Parker, 14 April 1769: résumé (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society [Philadelphia, April 14, 1769. John Foxcroft has summoned him there. Encloses a second bill for £60 13 s. 9 d. , the first of which he had sent from New York on February 13. This Foxcroft had returned to him to send to Franklin. Is in poor health but hopes to recover.]
30416To Benjamin Franklin from Benjamin Franklin Bache, 12 September 1781 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous écris cette lettre pour vous donner de mes nouvelles et pour vous en demander des vôtres je ne vous l’écris pas en anglois parceque je n’y suis pas bien perfectionné mais la première lettre que je vous ècrirai je vous l’ècrirai en anglois et je vous enverrai en même temps de mon dessin. J’ai deja fait un joli paisage et j’ai entrepris un autre petit...
30417To Benjamin Franklin from Francis Eyre: Bill and Receipt, 16 February 1760 (Franklin Papers)
DS (two copies): Historical Society of Pennsylvania On February 16 Franklin’s legal adviser Francis Eyre called upon him to receive “Instructions to sollicit the Confirmation of nineteen Pennsylvania Acts of Assembly” passed during 1758 and 1759. The Proprietors opposed eleven of the measures, including the two most important, the £100,000 Supply Act of 1759 and an act authorizing Franklin, as...
30418To Benjamin Franklin from the Abbé Guillaume-Thomas-François Raynal, 2 February 1779 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Jeudi 4 du mois, vers les onze heures du matin, une societè tres aimable doit prendre du thè de Russi chès l’abbè Raynal. Monsieur franklin est suppliè par toute la compagnie d’honnorer ce petit dejeunê de sa presence. On demande la meme faveur a monsieur Adams. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur le docteur franklin / ministre plenipotentiaire des etats unis /...
30419To Benjamin Franklin from Henry Harford, [before 7 June 1783] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Being as your Excellency must know, very deeply interested in the welfare of America, permit me to congratulace the Congress in General and the state of Maryland in particular, thro your Excellency on the approaching acknowledgement of that independance that has been so Gloriously Struggled for, which cannot fail giving to the United States the wished for...
30420To Benjamin Franklin from Samuel Wharton, 9 July 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I return the american paper with many Thanks. Inclosed, you have the London packet, containing part of Mr. Galloway’s extraordinary Evidence. A Gentleman, a Native of the united States, writes July 2d,— That Sir Charles Hardy sailed out of the Channel with thirty One Sail of the Line, and if the Wind continued Easterly a few Days, several more Ships would...
30421To Benjamin Franklin from William Carmichael, 22[–27] April 1780 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Library of Congress I have at length the pleasure of being relieved from much Anxiety by the Receipit of your Letter of the 31st. of March and 7th. of April. I endeavoured to recollect every Circumstance of my Conduct since I left france, and altho’ I found in this Scrutiny that I had left many things undone which I ought to have done, I brought myself in not guilty biased perhaps by...
30422To Benjamin Franklin from George Ross, 10 December 1775 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Amherst College Library I am told that the Congress have determined to raise four more Battalians in the Province. And as a member of the committee of Safety have been applyed to by several Gent who will be glad to enter into the Service. Among others Mr: Thomas Hartly of York Town a Gent of the Law of distinguished Zeal in the Cause he is generally known to the Genl: [Gentlemen] who are...
30423To Benjamin Franklin from Deborah Franklin, [6–13 October? 1765] (Franklin Papers)
AL (fragment): American Philosophical Society This document begins close to the upper margin of a leaf, without date or salutation but with “(5),” possibly a part of the original writing, at the top. The paper is in Deborah Franklin’s hand, but there is no signature. The writing occupies the whole of one rather large page, with the paragraph beginning “Salley is still att Burlinton” written...
30424To Benjamin Franklin from Vergennes, 29 July 1783 (Franklin Papers)
LS and transcript: National Archives; L (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères Vous vous rapellez, Monsieur, que sur votre demande le Roi a ordonné la Main-levée de la saisie faite à la requête des Srs forsters, freres, de tous les deniers qui pouvoient être dus à la frégate américaine l’Alliance. Ces négociants se sont conformés aux intentions de Sa Mte. à cet égard; mais vous...
30425To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Digges, 4 September 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have risqued two letters to you very lately, and having an oppertunity by private conveyance I repeat to you the substance of them. Mr. Peters’s affair has been settled to His wish as you will see by his inclosd Letter. I am rather surprisd that my bill forwarded the 9th July had not appeard on the 20th Augt.— but suppose it is at the Bankers unknown to...
30426To Benjamin Franklin from Joseph Galloway, 21 June 1770 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society A number of new Engagements occasioned by the Death of Mr. Growdon, which detained me in the Country for the most part of several Months, prevented my acknowledging the Receipt of your Favors of Jany. 11. Mar. 21. and April 10th. I am much obliged to you for the State of American Affairs on your Side the Water, containd in yours of Mar. 21. The M[inistr]y...
30427To Benjamin Franklin from Joseph Compagnoni, 30 November 1777: résumé (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Lugo in the Romagna, November 30, 1777, in French: I wrote you on September 21 to the following effect: Your literary merit and your patriotism move me to dedicate to you a small rhymed work on a war that has brought Europe the good fortune of having you back. The poem, entitled “Il Washington,” will not offend reason or virtue and, though most favorable...
30428To Benjamin Franklin from Dorcas Montgomery, [5 November 1781] (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Mrs. Montgomery’s Respectful Compts. Attend Doctr. Franklin, with many thanks for all attentions—will with pleasure deliver the inclos’d for Mastr. Ben —Mastr. Bob’s Compts with a Thousand thanks,— Mrs. Montgomery wish’s the Doctr. a continuance of Health, and every Happiness. Addressed: His Excellency / Benjn. Franklin Esqr. / Passy The day BF recommended...
30429To Benjamin Franklin from Samuel Wharton, 14 June 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS and copy: American Philosophical Society I Am sorry to have Occasion to write you on the Subject of all the Letters, which are addressed to you by this Courier. Captain Jones, Messrs. Moylan and Nesbit will inform you of the particulars of the outrageous Behaviour of Captain Launday, and the (original) Officers, and Crew of the Alliance, in taking Possession of Her. I will take the Liberty...
30430To Benjamin Franklin from John Jay, 13 December 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS and AL (draft): Columbia University Library The Marqs. de la Fayette is so obliging as to take Charge of this Letter. He has seen much of our Country since his Arrival, and, having had many Opportunities of knowing our true Situation, will be able to give you full Information on the Subject. I think he is (and has Reason to be) convinced that the Attachment of America to him, has not been...
30431To Benjamin Franklin from Vicq d’Azyr, 7 September 1780 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society La société Royale de Médecine Connaissant les talens et Les Lumieres des différens Médecins Résidens dans l’Etendue de Votre Pays, s’est fait un devoir de leur Conférer Le titre de Correspondans; Elle a Crû que Ce témoignage du juste hommage qu’elle Rend à leur Capacité, leur deviendrait plus précieux en passant par Vos mains et elle Vous prie instamment de...
30432To Benjamin Franklin from James Lovell, 12 October 1779 (Franklin Papers)
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy and transcript: National Archives Mr. Gerard having been particularly applied to relative to the Affairs of M. Du Coudray by the Heirs has the original Certificate of which this is the Triple; but Doctr. Franklin will mark out for himself a Line of Conduct referring properly to the Civility due to Mr. Gerard and the Interest of Mr. Du Coudray’s...
30433To Benjamin Franklin from Dumas, 28 August 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (letterbook draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Les Lettres que j’ai reçues, et les Dépêches que j’ai pu voir depuis quelque temps, ne me disent rien de plus que ce [ que ] publient en même temps les Gazettes, et surtout celle de Leide, qui est la meilleure, et laquelle je suppose que vous voyez regulierement. J’ai craint, depuis ma derniere du 18, d’abuser...
30434To Benjamin Franklin from Henry Wyld, 8 October 1782 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library We have all got our Bonds discharged, but with a great deal of trouble and expence, we still wish to persevere in the first design, but our Circumstances being greatly impared we shall not be able to proceed directly, yet as there are hopes of a more free passage through a Peace which we conclude by our Prints not to be far off we wish early to arrive...
30435To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Cushing, 20 July 1771 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society At the desire of the Committee of the House of Representatives I now transmitt you a Copy of the Commissioners Taxes in the Towns of Dorchester, Roxbury, and Brooklyn for the years they respectively resided in those towns certified by the Assessors of the Several Towns aforementioned. I am with respect Your most humble Servant See the House Committee to BF...
30436To Benjamin Franklin from Griffith Williams, 2 October 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer Captn. T. Barnard has been very liberal to the Unfortunate. You will readily Conceive my meaning without Mentioning particulars. His attachment to the Rights of Mankind Keeps Pace with his Benevolence. Whatever favour he may require (which I dare say will be not unreasonable) grant it if Possible. The Papers by Mr. Channing you Safely Received as...
30437To Benjamin Franklin from Barbeu-Dubourg, 12 February 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je suis chargé de vous demander, mon cher Maitre, ce qui vous a fait manquer a la parole que vous aviez donnée de diner hier 11e chez Mesdes. les Princesses de Sapieha et de Sangusko où nous vous attendimes jusqu’a trois heures et un quart; et quand vous comptez pouvoir reparer cela et consoler ces Dames que vous avez désolées, et qui sont charmantes. Voicy...
30438To Benjamin Franklin from Charles-Eléonor Dufriche de Valazé, 14 January 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous demander une Entrevue, pour avoir celui de vous remettre un Exemplaire du livre intitulé loix pénales que je viens de dédier à Monsieur frere du Roi. Je vous prierai d’En faire passer un Exemplaire au Congrès d’amérique. J’ai la glorieuse Espérance de Contribuer à la perfection des loix de ce pays. Je suis avec un profond Respect,...
30439To Benjamin Franklin from Jean-Sylvain Bailly: Two Letters, 6 May 1784 (Franklin Papers)
(I) and (II) AL : American Philosophical Society Mr Bailly de L’academie des sciences presente ses respects a Monsieur Franklin. Il est chargé par mrs les commissaires de la faculté de medecine et de L’academie des sciences pour le magnetisme animal, de lui demander s’il veut les recevoir apres demain samedi pour avoir l’honneur de le voir et de conferer avec lui. Addressed: a Monsieur /...
30440To Benjamin Franklin from James Parker, 10 October 1765 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society About a Fortnight ago, I wrote you by the Packet in Answer to yours of July 14: Since which this Packet arrived, by whom I had not the Pleasure of one Word: I therein told you, I had gone down to Mr. Foxcroft to Philadelphia, by his Order, to consult about the Table of Rates for the Post-Office, which he expected to receive a Copy of from you, but not...
30441To Benjamin Franklin from Madame Brillon, 20 April 1781 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Je vais répondre a votre lettre mon bon papa avéc franchise et amitié: il auroit été doux à mon coeur et trés agréable a monsieur Brillon de pouvoir formér une liaison qui ne fit de nous qu’une mesme famille, nous aimons monsieur votre fils et nous croyons qu’il à tout ce qu’il faut pour faire un sujét distingué et rendre une femme heureuse; mais il ne peut...
30442To Benjamin Franklin from Mary Hewson, 19 July 1782 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Dr Shuttleworth informed me that he intended going to Paris in order to consult you upon some American business of his own, and desired an introduction from me. He attended Mr Hewson’s Lectures, and as he has dined several times at our table you probably may have seen him. He was in Maryland with Mr Eden. I am highly delighted with the importance I am...
30443To Benjamin Franklin from John Canton, 29 June 1764 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Favour of the 14th of March came to my Hands the 15th of May last, and gave me great pleasure. The first Experiment of Mr. Kinnersley’s which you mention, is, as you observe, a beautiful one to see; and I think, fully proves that the Fusion of Metals by Lightning is not a cold Fusion. I have myself, several times, melted small brass Wire by a Stroke...
30444To Benjamin Franklin from Le Maire, 3 October 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Suivant les conditions que Mr. gruel a fait de son Navire sont arretées, je vous en ai envoyé cidevant copie, je vous enverrai par le courrier de mardi le Marché. J’ai enfin décidé M. L’ée a prendre ce parti, c’est à mon avis le plus sur moyen de reussir a faire parvenir tous les objets en Virginie que le gouvernement a demandés. J’ai recours a vous,...
30445To Benjamin Franklin from Henry Coder, 27 May 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je prends la liberté de vous envoiér le surplus des modeles que m. dubourg, avoit cru pouvoir vous portér hier a passi, ainsi que la notte si jointe; vous verés Monsieur par le billet que je vients de rescevoir, le facheux etat de mdme. dubourg, que je crois sans ressoursse. Je verai M. bayar cet apres midi, et comme il seroit apropos de l’abouchér avec...
30446To Benjamin Franklin from Robert Morris: Two Letters, 31 March 1780 (Franklin Papers)
(I) ALS and LS : American Philosophical Society; (II) ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I have just recvd by the hands of our mutual Friend Mr Holker your favour of the 22d Octr last recommending the affairs of Monsr De la Freté with Mr. Roulhac of Edenton to my assistance. I had already engaged in that service and you may depend that every recommendation of yours has the Force & effect...
30447To Benjamin Franklin from Jan Ingenhousz, 7 February 1781 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you a lettre some weaks ago containing an account of some experiments done according to your direction with wires of various metals. I hope you will have recieved it. I did begg the favour of inquiring about a lettre, which Mr. Wharton has sent me and which I never recieved, tho it is of great concern for me. As I have this oportunity, I take the...
30448To Benjamin Franklin from William Brailsford, 8 June 1781 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Agreeable to promise, I take the liberty of informing your Excellency, that the Crew of the South Carolina being happily compleated, and every difficulty removed, that we shall in the Course of a few Days be ready to put to Sea— Should you have any Commands, I should esteem myself particularly favord, to be honor’d with them, when your Excellency may rely...
30449To Benjamin Franklin from John Kearsley Read, 25 May 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the liberty to introduce to your particular regards, Mr. Joseph Mayo a gentleman of the first character & fortune in this country— I have not a doubt but his Situation in France, will be extremely elegible when patronized by you,—& shall consider yr. favours to him as done to myself.— I wrote you by the fair [Fier] Rodrigue, enclosing letters to my...
30450To Benjamin Franklin from Arthur Lee, 21 August 1772 (Franklin Papers)
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr. Lee’s Compliments to Dr. Franklin. The Gentleman who deliverd him the inclosd Letter, having informd him, that the Bearer of it from Mr. Cushing was under an express injunction to deliver it to Dr. Lee in the absence of Dr. Franklin, as the Contents requird immediate attention; Mr. L. took the Liberty of opening it. The Contents however appear to Mr....