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Results 30391-30420 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
LS : American Philosophical Society Je Suis chargé d’ecrire l’Eloge de feu M Pringle pour être Lu dans notre Prochaine séance Publique; sachant que Vous etiez l’ami de cet illustre Médecin, Je Vous prie de Vouloir bien me faire part des Anecdotes intéressantes dont Vous pourriez avoir connaissance relativement à sa Vie, afin de me mettre à portée de Louer sa mémoire le plus dignement qu’il me...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This wil inform you of my Arrival here again, after a short Cruize of 18 days, during which time I have taken two Prizes—the one a Brigantine from Newfoundland Loaden with dry Codd Fish—The other a Dutch Dogger from Barcalona Loaden with Nutts—bound for London. Notwithstanding the Dutch Captain first Possitive Declaration when I took him on Board the Ship...
ALS : American Philosophical Society There being at this Port many American Seamen and officers lately arrived from England and other Parts have engaged us to purchase a fast Sailing Brig at this Port of which we have given the Command to Captain James Tucker. I request the favor that you will please to send me by return of Post a Commission for the said Brig as I intend to Arm her as a Letter...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Dans Le recueil de M. Le President Rolland, que J’ay eû L’honneur d’envoyer à votre Excellence, il Se trouve une dissertation sur L’emplois de La Langue française dans Les inscriptions, Les traités, &c. L’autheur desirant y faire Les Changements et Les additions Convenables, me Charge de recourrir à vos Lumieres pour Sçavoir si Les delibérations de votre...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The first applicant for emigration during the months covered by this volume, whose letter is printed below, is torn between his patriotism and a desire to provide his children with an upbringing appropriate to their birth. On March 4 a discalced Carmelite friar named Father Paulus writes in Latin from Saint Peter’s Church in Marseilles, wishing to emigrate...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief De retour, et un peu incommodé d’un petit voyage fatiguant pour mes affaires particulieres, il me fut impossible d’écrire l’ordinaire dernier. Je réponds aujourdhui à la fin de la respectée vôtre du 22e. 7bre. qu’il y [ a ] certainement des démarches à faire de votre part, Messieurs, de temps en temps, non aupres de...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Nous répondons à la lettre que vous nous avez fait l’honneur de nous écrire le 31. Xbre. der. L’opération qui nous avoit été confiée par Monsieur Morris consiste a acheter en Espagne des Piastres fortes livrables à la havanne. Nous avons pu l’exécuter a 33 Pr% de bénéfice en faveur des Etats unis, nous la croyons encore possible dans ce moment quoique...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Forc’d out of Town at an hours warning by a Gentleman who insisted upon my taking a seat in his carriage to Bath, prevented my Waiting upon you, not only for the Memorandum relative to Lecock, but to say fare well, which I hope you’ll excuse. I now find myself distant from Lecock between five and six miles, I shall have ocasion to go that road verry soon,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society M. de Lestrade medecin du Roi à la martinique a fait depuis nombre d’années L’utile découverte d’un remede Contre la pierre. Après avoir multiplié ses expériences sur un grand nombre de sujets atteints de Ce mal, & arrivé à Ce dégré de Conviction qui peut seule authoriser un médecin à qualifier un remede de spécifique. M. de Lestrade a employé divers moyens...
LS : American Philosophical Society Lieutenant Colonel Clarkson will have the honor of delivering your Excellency this Letter. His business in Europe is to solicit donations for the University of the State of New York. We have instructed him to consult with your Excellency on the most proper mode of effecting the Objects of his Mission And we flatter ourselves that notwithstanding the...
AL : American Philosophical Society Lord Morton’s Compliments to Dr. Franklin, desires the favor of his Company to Dinner on saturday next the 28th Inst.; and that he would be so good as to come about 12 o’Clock, that there may be time for Auditing the Accounts of the Society before dinner. Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin / Craven Street / Strand. This audit may have been connected with the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society M.M.Les Comtes de Langeron et de Lastiques m’avoient conseillés il y a environ six mois d’avoir L’honneur de vous voir de leur part pour vous démontrer plusieurs découvertes utiles a L’humanité; L’incertitude de vous rencontrer dans un temps que vous n’eussiez pû me donner une heure d’audience, joint aux embaras de transport d’instrumens et autres...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have thy Kind letter of August the 26th before me which Comforted me as comming from my dear intimate ould friend. The pamphlet and espetially the picture of my dear Peter was very acceptable, and now I am furnished with four of our worthies Lineus, Franklin Edwards and Collinson (but I want Dr. Fothergill,) to adorn my new stove and lodging room which I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Pour répondre a l’honneur de votre demande des cinquante livres de caracterres d’imprimerie que vous m’avez faites le jours de la st. Louis lorsque j’ai eu l’honneur de vous parler étant avec mon épouse et ma fille, je n’ai pas fait la reflexion de vous repondre que vous ne pouviez pas faire grand choses avec si peut du caracterre dont vous avez gardé...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous avés, Sans doute, entendu parler de la Maladie épidémique qui a affligé et qui afflige encore la ville de Toulouse. La frayeur a été Si grande que tous les etudians de l’université ont disparu. La these dont vous aviés bien voulu accepter la dedicasse n’aura donc pas lieu pour Cette année. J’espere que vous voudrés bien nous Conserver pour un meilleur...
Your Favor of the 15 ult. with the Packets mentioned in it, arrived in good order. I regret your long Silence, tho’ I am strongly tempted to rejoice in the Cause of it—a Fit of the Gout, it is said, often prolongs Life. Affairs here begin to wear a better Aspect— I have been promised three Millions of Reals, that is one hundred and fifty Thousand Dollars, which tho’ very unadequate to the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As perhaps the inclosed accot of Genl Sullivans Successes against the Indians & Tories has not yet reached you I thought it worth the Postage.— I am in haste (Post agoing) ever your dutifull & affectionate kinsman Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin ministre / plénipotentiaire des / Etats unis de l’amerique / septentrionalle / a Passy / près Paris...
AL : American Philosophical Society Thy very kind Letter of the 9th. Instant I [had the pleasure] of receiving yesterday the Contents whereof afforded Matter of real Satisf[action, and] on being shewn to my honoured Father gave Him that just Sensation, which [warms the] Breast of every true Friend. I have done myself the pleasure of visiting [thy Wife] and Daughter since thy departure; Who...
AL : American Philosophical Society On January 26, Franklin wrote a critique of hereditary nobility in general and of the Society of the Cincinnati in particular, couched as a private letter to his daughter, Sarah Bache. After keeping that essay secret for “some Months,” he asked Morellet to make a translation, which the abbé returned with the present letter. In response to the concern that...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Eight Days ago, I wrote you per Packet, inclosing the 2d Bill from Mr. Courtney of Baltimore, the first of which I sent per Capt. Haight, for £141 6 s . 11 d . Sterling. Last Night I received the inclosed Bill for £10 1 s . 3 d . Sterling from Mr. Vernon of Rhode-Island; he says, it is good, and he is trying to get more for further Remittance. This is all I...
New Windsor [ New York ] January 15, 1781 . Introduces and commends Lieutenant Colonel John Laurens. Explains reasons for sending Laurens to France. Df , in the writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
ALS : American Philosophical Society We yet remain without a Line from you; tho’ we have had the pleasure of hearing you were safe arrived; this is my third Letter to you, since you left us; I think I have never mentioned to you before, that Mr. Galloway, when the Enemy were at Trenton, passed over the Delaware and took protection, three of the Allens did the same, viz: John, Andrew, and...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Les offres Gracieuses et obligeantes que vous avez eu la bonté de me faire presence du Capitaine Jean Burnel, me donne la hardiesse de vous informer du malheur irreflechy qui luy est arrivé hier. Vers les 9 heures du matin un des Pilotes de notre port amena chez moy un Anglois se disant etre Capitaine d’un petit Sloupe fraudeur et avoir eté poursuivy...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu Mon Illustre Docteur le pacquet Sur les ballons que vous avez eûe la bonté de m’envoyer je les examinerai et en ferai l’usage que vous désirez. Je vous envoye un pacquet que Je comptois vous porter depuis Long-tems mais que la rigueur de la Saison m’a empêché de vous aller remettre Mais bien malgré moi Je vous assurre. Je compte m’en dédommager au...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous envoyer le Rapport de Mrs. Andry & Thouret Sur les Aimans de M. L’abbé Le Noble, conformément a la Demande que vous avez bienvoulu m’en faire le 24 du mois dernier.— La Société R. de Médecine, à laquelle j’ai présentéce Billet que Vous m’avez adressé à ce Sujet, a été on-ne-peut-pas-plus flattée du Désir que Vous témoignez avoir de...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr Vaughan presents his most respectful compliments to Dr Franklin, & will do himself the honor of accepting his kind invitation to dinner on Sunday next: Mr Vaughan would have done himself the pleasure of sending an earlier answer, but having changed his abode, Dr Franklin’s obliging note came late to hand. If any letters should be laying at Dr Frankins for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The enclosed Letter will fully disclose to you the Plan and the views of the Gentleman, who designs himself the honor of delivering you this. They, however crude and indigested from my hurry, pruned and dressed by your judicious Pen before they are presented, and your being so obliging as to accompany Mr. O’Gormand to Lord Clare on the occasion; I cannot...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since I had the Honor of seeing you I have influenced a Relation (while in England) to discharge all my pecuniary obligations there, and am now at liberty to offer myself to you to serve in any capacity you may think me capable of. My profession is that of a Surgeon, but will exert myself with pleasure in any other line, to the utmost of my abilities. I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Besides the two Letters you will find herwith there are some larger packets to your address by the Brig Duke of Leinster from philadelphia we suppose them to be less important than those and mean to forward them by Colonel Laurence who arrived here this Evening in the Alliance Cap: Barry & who will set out tomorrow. We have the honor to be sincerely Hond....
AL : American Philosophical Society M. de Germany makes his most humble compliments to Mr. Franklin and begs the favour of forwarding the inclosed letter to his direction by the next safe opportunity. Addressed: a Monsieur / Monsieur Le Docteur / Franklin / chez M. Le Ray de Chaumont / hotel Colbert à Passy The elder brother of Jacques Necker was a mathematician, a writer, and a banker who was...