30351To Benjamin Franklin from Bailly, 2 July 1784 (Franklin Papers)
L : Historical Society of Pennsylvania M. Bailly présente ses respects à Monsieur Franklin. Il a l’honneur de lui envoyer la continuation du Regître de MM. les Commissaires du Magnétisme animal. Il le prie de vouloir bien en prendre lecture, le signer et le lui renvoyer le plus tôt qu’il le pourra. Il auroit bien desiré le lui porter lui même, mais il est obligé d’aller si fréquemment à Paris...
30352To Benjamin Franklin from Richard Bache, 29 April 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society At the request of my Friend Mr. John Wilcocks, I take the Liberty of introducing to your Notice & Civilities Mr. Fox, Son of the late Mr. Joseph Fox, with whom you was well acquainted; I have not the pleasure of knowing this young Gentleman, but from the Character I have of him, I trust you will find him deserving of your Countenance & protection— I am ever...
30353To Benjamin Franklin from Henry Laurens, 30 April 1782 (Franklin Papers)
L : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copies: Library of Congress, South Carolina Historical Society; transcript: National Archives I writ to you on the 7th. Inst: by Mr Oswald, since which, that is to say, on the 28th. I was honored by the receipt of your letter of the 12th. inclosing a copy of the Commission for treating for Peace, by the hands of Mr Young. The Recognizance exacted from me...
30354To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 16 August 1782 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library I have lately received a letter from Tristram Dalton Esqr. of Newbury-Port, informing me that you some Time ago advis’d him of having obtain’d orders for payment of a Sum, for the loss sustain’d by the owners of the Brigt. Fair-Play; & that you would deposit it in my hands— Mr. Dalton desires me to give him some information...
30355To Benjamin Franklin from Le Rouge, 20 March 1781 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettes Monsieur que Jaye lhonneur de Vous presenter la reduction de la Carte que Vs. aves bien voulu me Communiquer. Cest un homage que je Comptois avoir lhonneur de Vs: rendre moi meme Si ma Santé le permettoit. Comme les Environs du fort Pitt Sont fort detaillées, J’en ai fait une Carte calquée sur l’original et par consequent sur la même Echelle que...
30356To Benjamin Franklin from Dumas, 22 August 1777 (Franklin Papers)
AL (letterbook draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague Vous aurez vu, avec Mr. D― par ma lettre du 21e. à Mr. C― la situation très désagréable où je me trouve. Depuis quelques mois la famille où je demeure est un enfer, gouverné par une furie, qui nous fait payer, à ses enfants et à moi, de toutes les manieres possibles à sa méchanceté, les folies qu’elle a faites depuis une année, et qui, de...
30357To Benjamin Franklin from Mary Haine, 16 July 1781 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Excellency will be so kind is to Excuse the Liberty of my troubling your honr. in Ragard of my Sitttion which as oblidged me to take the Liberty of Writing to you. Sir I am a Stranger Whome is married to an amaricn Belonging to new Berry naetief of that Country in the State of Masituseds Bay in new England Who Sailed out of This Pourt & as had the...
30358To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 19 June 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library This will be presented to you by Doctor John Foulke & Mr Fox who are warmly reccommended to me from Philadelphia. I beg leave to introduce them to you & shall be particularly obliged by your Civilities to them. I am with the greatest Respect Dear & honoured Sir Your dutifull & affectionate Kinsman Addressed: A monsieur / Monsieur Franklin / Ministre...
30359To Benjamin Franklin from Mary Fisher, 14 August 1758 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania We have received your kind Letter as also your Present of most excellent Madeira, which was the more agreeable to us as Mr. Fisher was seized with an Illness soon after you left these Parts, under which his Physicians have obliged him to drink a greater Quantity of generous Wine than before he was used to. His ail is a Mortification in his Foot, which...
30360To Benjamin Franklin from Robert Morris, 26 June 1782 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Library of Congress The Bearer of this Letter Doctor Texier late Surgeon of Count Pulaski’s Legion will shew you a Certificate for two thousand one hundred and ten dollars signed by Joseph Nourse Esquire Register of the Treasury of the United States and issued by Virtue of a Warrant of the eighth day of January last from me. This Money is on Interest at six per Cent from the fifth of...