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Results 30351-30400 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Packet being detain’d two or three Days on the following Occasion, tho’ I had wrote four Days ago, all that was then necessary, I could not dispence with writing again; And notwithstanding you will doubtless hear it, if I had not wrote: It pleased God to take our Governor Sir Henry Moore, Bart. out of this World, Yesterday half after 3 o’Clock in the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Little did I expect to address you again from any part of this Kingdom, But you will hear from your other Correspondents, The Cause of Commodore Jones returning to L’orient. I will not attempt to describe the Horrors of the dreadful, or as the Seamen express it,— unequalled Tempest, We have been in, nor the miraculous Delivery from Death, We have had.— We...
ALS : Library of Congress; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society The Moments we live in, are critical and may be improved, perhaps to advantage, for which purpose I beg Leave to propose to your Consideration, whether it is not proper for Us to write to Mr Dana at Petersbourg, acquaint him with the Signature of the Preliminaries, inclose to him an authentic Copy of them and advise him to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous prévenir que je délivre actuellement les Recherches sur les Volcans éteins du Vivarais et du Vellay, par M. Faujas de S. Fond un volume grand in-folio, avec 21 planches, pour lequel vous avez souscrit. Je vous prie, Monsieur, de vouloir bien faire retirer votre exemplaire, en m’en faisant remettre le second paiement qui est de 36 l.t....
ALS : American Philosophical Society You will have recieved my last, by which I asked you leave to dedicate my work, now, as I hope, under the press, to you— I am rejoiced to be informed by the chancerie of the Court, that, according to an advise of Count de Mercy to Prince Kaunitz, you are certainly to come here. Since that time I am courted by many more Gentlemen and Ladies to present them...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been endeavouring, almost ever since my Arrival here, to find the means of Returning to Passy, at the Expiration of the Time you were pleas’d to permit me to be absent: but hitherto my Endeavours have not been successful. I have sent to Blois, & have been myself to Amboise, & even to Tours (which is 36 Miles distant) & have not been able to procure a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Orbec, February 5, 1778, in French: I take the liberty of requesting you to forward this letter to M. de la Radière, my son. He and three fellow officers of engineers joined your army. We have written him often to give him news of the family, but his most recent letter last September says that he has had no word, and asks that you take care of his mail. I...
ALS : S. Madeline Hodge (Princeton, N.J., 1955) A Thousand Thanks for your very Obliging Letter of 22d. Novr. which I never Received till this Day which has punish’d me Sufficiently for my Neglect in not giving my Address. I hope our success in America will continue and be productive of Liberty & Peace which I most Ardently wish for. The Letter that you was so obliging to Inclose was from Mr....
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin . . . (4to ed.; 3 vols., London, 1817–18), II , 249. I will take care of all your commissions. This moment a second packet of infinite value is received, which I shall cherish as a mark of affection from you. I opened the letter by mistake which came with it, and soon saw it was not for me. I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honnor to address your Excellency on the 6th. inst, whereunto I beg leave to refer. This cheafly Serves to enclose a Copy of a letter I Just now received from my friend M. Bodin at Lille, to whom I wrote to enquire about the price of Bells. If that which was offer’d me here at 30 s. per pound all charges included, as mentioned in my Said letter,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je crois que si les deux Manuscrits, ci très humblement joints, etoient imprimez, ensemble ou separement, et anoncez au Public, il s’en rependroit beaucoup dans plusieurs Païs, par le möien de la vente, et fairoient un trez bon efect pour etablir une Paix perpetuele entre les Etats unis de L’Amerique, les Anglois, et les françois; et meme entre tous les...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Recd your kind Letter of the 18 June yesterday and wrote the Same Evening by a Mr Heptenstall and inclosed you Some papers which I Refer you too I Shall Send you by the Next privet hand Some pamplets and Some more News papers Least that Should not Come to hand as Soon as this beg to inform you that the washington and Capt Barney where Both Sauef arrived...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Humble Petition of Joseph Miller Late Commander of the Brig Sampson: Sheweth that your Petitioner being Taken the 20th: August 1778 by the General Mifflin Captn: Daniel Mc:Nieel on my Passage to New found land and heave been a prisoner Ever Sence wherefore your Petitioner Most Humbly Presents him Self and distressed wife and Three Small Children at home...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. le Mis. de brancas prie Mr. franclin de lui faire dire a qu’elle heure il pouroit avoir l’honneur de le voir le matin et quel jour lui conviendroit il s’interesse beaucoup a un jeune homme qui est a philadelphie et dont il voudroit lui parler. Louis-Paul de Brancas, marquis de Brancas (1718–after 1791), son of Louis, maréchal de France , was a...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. Grand a payè au Cape. de Frey 2500 l.t. Sur lordre de Monsieur Franklin du 10 de ce Mois, mais il n’a pas reçu du Cape. les 20 Louis que Monsieur franklin lui chargeoit de payer à M. Grand qui s’empresse de l’en prevenir en l’assurant de son Respect. M. de frey s’est contenté d’observer qu’il s’acquitteroit personnellement envers Monsieur franklin....
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Je ne doute pas que la Lecture de l’incluse pour le Congrès ne fasse plaisir à Votre Excellence. C’est pourquoi je la fais passer par vos mains, Vous priant de la fermer & acheminer ensuite, avec celle pour Mr. Van Berckel, soit par le Paquebot de Port Louis à N. York le mois prochain, ou par Mr. Barclay, s’il sait une...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; copy: Yale University Library I have been applied to by Capt Thomas Molloney an english Prisoner whose Case seems a hard one and in consequence of his earnest Sollicitations and the Desire of Messrs Galleweys of this Place I have promised to lay it before you. He was taken by Capt Jones off Ireland in a little Brig which he commanded, & he owned half...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Fearing my Letters by this Conveyance might be long in reaching you, I wrote by last Nights Post. With this you will receive several Pamphlets, some of which have been given, the others purchas’d. I likewise forward you a Letter which was left here Yesterday, I know not by whom.— In the Packet from Dr. Price, is likewise a Letter from that worthy—but at...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le Supliant à l’honneur de vous represantée quétant prisonniee à bord du Vaissaux Anglais le Blenheim il y fut conduit quelques prisonniee ameriquain prévenant du Corsaire Ameriquain le Prince-Noir pris dans une prise, ces gans avait été tous dépouliee et avait besoin de tout je les soulaga autant qu’il fut dans mon pouvoir et il me Donnerent ce pouvoir qui...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Bien vivement penétré Des Soins, que Votre exellence, a pris La peine de Se Donner a mon occasion; je Serois bien enchanté que vous Daignassiéz reçevoir L’etendue de ma vive reconnoissance, qui egaleroit Les biens faits Signalés, que j’ai eprouvés de votre Bonté et qui ne Sortira jamais de ma mémoire. L’objet qui m’intéresse, est le Certificat que vous à...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I hope you will not think it bold though I Present you with a few Lines being So near a Relation. Hearing you was not gone out of England I thought I could do no less When I was informed in Summer you was come over into England to see all your Relations I fanced my Self with great Pleasures of seeing you and your offspring. Which Pleasure would have...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. De la Blancherie arrivant d’hollande accablé d’occupations, n’a que le tems de faire présenter son respect á Monsieur Le Docteur franklin, et de le supplier de vouloir bien lui faire procurer l’Extrait mortuaire de M. De Troye, Lieutenant dans la Légion de Palaski mort à Charles-Town (dans la lettre de sa famille on écrit Chartouin ) à l’hôpital de la d....
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer Mr. Gibbs full of Respect for your Character has not only the very natural Ambition of being introduced to your venerable Person but cherishes the Hope of obtaining your sage Counsel and your Patronage upon his Arrival in France with an Intention to establish himself there at least for some years. Your Philanthropy alone secures that Patronage to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did myself the Honour to write You a Letter abt. November 1777 to acquaint Yo. with the melancholy Event of the Death of that Worthy Good Woman Mrs. Bache of Preston and at the same time to Enquire after Yr own Health & that of Yr Son in Law M R B & his son Benjamin— I also took the Liberty of requesting the Favour of a Line from You directed under Cover...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your letter which had the Pleasure of Receiving gave me great Pleasure as it gave me a fresh Proff of your own Dear Self, and being once more on the Same Land with us. Your Dear good Sister Grew Very impatient till She heard from you and began to fear you was not Come. She was kind enough to Shew me her letter and you are fear full She will be trouble Some...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I took the Liberty to wait on you to consult you upon some Quaeries which were sent me from the Stamp Office, which I confess myself incapable to answer. As I would wish to have the Matter properly represented, and am convinced Sir there is no one so capable to instruct me as yourself, I must beg you’ll give me Leave to wait on you to morrow Morning at any...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Votre excellence verra que L’ouvrage Cy joint â été imprimé par ordre du Bureau d’administration du College de Louis Legrand; C’est à Ce titre que Je prends La Liberté de vous L’adresser pour La societé de Philadelphie, persuadé de son utilité pour L’education publique dans Les etats Americains Comme dans La france; dumoins M. Le President Rolland, autheur...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): National Archives; copy: United States Naval Academy Museum Since my last the Irish Brigantine the Three Friends from Bordeaux taken by the Alliance has sunk at her Anchors in this Road. This unfortunate Accident happened about Eleven in the fore noon the Day before yesterday, and the Prize Master and People declare that the Vessel made no...
Extract: printed in the Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions …, LXIII (1773), part I , 333–9. It must undoubtedly appear extraordinary, that, in the present age, when the study of electricity is become so general, and the advances that have been made in the science are so very considerable, I should attempt to recall your attention to the structure of the electrical machine. But I believe...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Tho’ I have not the happyness of an Intimate Acquaintance with thee, yet time I hope will alter that Circumstance, and bring us better acquainted; I only know thee from Some of thy Writings, the Author of which I Greatly Esteem. As thou art one of the Agents for this Province in Great Britan, I Sent a Dozen of American wine by Caaptn. Falconer, the Last...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. De Veymerange demeure rüe neuve des maturins— Jai fait Ecrire chez lui monsieur Franklin ainsy que moy, cest Sans doutte par un retour de Politesse qu’il est venu icy. Mr Grand prie monsieur Franklin fils de vouloir bien lui envoyer Les Etats des payements quil a Laissé hier Sur son Bureau. Il à besoin de faire un nouveau travail dessus. See the...
DS : American Philosophical Society Franklin’s first academic honor was from Harvard. On July 23, 1753, the President and Fellows recommended him to the Overseers for the degree of master of arts, citing his “great Improvements in Philosophic Learning, and particularly with Respect to Electricity, Whereby his Repute hath been greatly advanc’d in the learned World, not only in Great-Britain,...
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I embrace the opportunity, by Mr: Bingham, to enclose to your Excellency, Copy of a Letter from Mr: Jefferson, by which it appears that we are joined in some affairs which will give me the Occasion to visit Paris once more, and reside there for some little time at least. As Mr: Jefferson will not probably arrive before the latter End of August, and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I arrived at Rochfort Two Days since after Forty Three Days passage from York in Virginia, and came here last Evening to Visit a Friend. The length of Our passage, has prevented my being the Bearer of any News from America, later than what you are already acquainted with, for which Reason I shall take Nantes in my way and pass a few Days there with Mr....
ALS : American Philosophical Society The first time I wrote you Since you have been in France was in the greatest hurry with my Bunnet on Just going a Journey. Which is the only one I Can ever hear you have Received which incorages me to imbrace a nother moment in allmost as great a hurry Just to tell you we are well Spoues and Family and Friends. Except our Dear mrs Mecom Who for a fortnight...
ALS (draft): British Museum I wrote you the 6. Inst. acknowledging the Receit. of your very obliging Packet of June 8th. and mentioning the Use I have made of your Letter &c among some of the leading Men in our H. of Represent. in whom I could confide. They agreed with me that your Principles were incontestible, your reasoning clear and conclusive, and supported by History and Fact. The King...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society My last to you was by the Mercury, Capt. Robinson, in which I promised to remit you by the next Vessel; and accordingly, you have inclosed the first Copy of a Bill of Exchange for One Hundred pounds Sterling, (the second Copy of which I have sent by Capt. Troy Via Dublin) the Exchange as you will see by the Bill 64, The Receipt of which you will...
LS : American Philosophical Society I have had the Honor already to apply for a Commission of War as explain’d in the obligation here annex’d. My ship being Just ready to be launch’d, I hope you will be pleas’d to transmit it immediately after the Receipt of this; directed to the Care of Mr. Penet. Could my services prove in any line acceptable both to you and the Public, Please to Command,...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Turgot accepte avec grand plaisir la proposition que lui a fait faire Mr. Franklin par Mr. Quesnai de St. Germain de le dedommager Samedi du plaisir dont les engagemens de Mr. Franklin le privent pour Vendredi. Toutes les occasions de voir Mr. Franklin luy sont precieuses, et il est impatient de temoigner aux amis de la liberté sa joye de leurs succès....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Monseigneur le comte de Vergennes m’a autorisé a réclamer vos bontés, et à me présenter à vous, à l’effet d’être chargé de faire les Médailles, sçeaux, Cachets, Timbres etc. pour la nouvelle République des Etats-unis de l’Amérique; Ce Ministre veut bien être mon protecteur auprès de vous, Monsieur, il a eu la bonté de me faire espérer qu’il vous en...
LS : American Philosophical Society Je Suis chargé d’ecrire l’Eloge de feu M Pringle pour être Lu dans notre Prochaine séance Publique; sachant que Vous etiez l’ami de cet illustre Médecin, Je Vous prie de Vouloir bien me faire part des Anecdotes intéressantes dont Vous pourriez avoir connaissance relativement à sa Vie, afin de me mettre à portée de Louer sa mémoire le plus dignement qu’il me...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This wil inform you of my Arrival here again, after a short Cruize of 18 days, during which time I have taken two Prizes—the one a Brigantine from Newfoundland Loaden with dry Codd Fish—The other a Dutch Dogger from Barcalona Loaden with Nutts—bound for London. Notwithstanding the Dutch Captain first Possitive Declaration when I took him on Board the Ship...
ALS : American Philosophical Society There being at this Port many American Seamen and officers lately arrived from England and other Parts have engaged us to purchase a fast Sailing Brig at this Port of which we have given the Command to Captain James Tucker. I request the favor that you will please to send me by return of Post a Commission for the said Brig as I intend to Arm her as a Letter...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Dans Le recueil de M. Le President Rolland, que J’ay eû L’honneur d’envoyer à votre Excellence, il Se trouve une dissertation sur L’emplois de La Langue française dans Les inscriptions, Les traités, &c. L’autheur desirant y faire Les Changements et Les additions Convenables, me Charge de recourrir à vos Lumieres pour Sçavoir si Les delibérations de votre...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The first applicant for emigration during the months covered by this volume, whose letter is printed below, is torn between his patriotism and a desire to provide his children with an upbringing appropriate to their birth. On March 4 a discalced Carmelite friar named Father Paulus writes in Latin from Saint Peter’s Church in Marseilles, wishing to emigrate...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief De retour, et un peu incommodé d’un petit voyage fatiguant pour mes affaires particulieres, il me fut impossible d’écrire l’ordinaire dernier. Je réponds aujourdhui à la fin de la respectée vôtre du 22e. 7bre. qu’il y [ a ] certainement des démarches à faire de votre part, Messieurs, de temps en temps, non aupres de...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Nous répondons à la lettre que vous nous avez fait l’honneur de nous écrire le 31. Xbre. der. L’opération qui nous avoit été confiée par Monsieur Morris consiste a acheter en Espagne des Piastres fortes livrables à la havanne. Nous avons pu l’exécuter a 33 Pr% de bénéfice en faveur des Etats unis, nous la croyons encore possible dans ce moment quoique...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Forc’d out of Town at an hours warning by a Gentleman who insisted upon my taking a seat in his carriage to Bath, prevented my Waiting upon you, not only for the Memorandum relative to Lecock, but to say fare well, which I hope you’ll excuse. I now find myself distant from Lecock between five and six miles, I shall have ocasion to go that road verry soon,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society M. de Lestrade medecin du Roi à la martinique a fait depuis nombre d’années L’utile découverte d’un remede Contre la pierre. Après avoir multiplié ses expériences sur un grand nombre de sujets atteints de Ce mal, & arrivé à Ce dégré de Conviction qui peut seule authoriser un médecin à qualifier un remede de spécifique. M. de Lestrade a employé divers moyens...
LS : American Philosophical Society Lieutenant Colonel Clarkson will have the honor of delivering your Excellency this Letter. His business in Europe is to solicit donations for the University of the State of New York. We have instructed him to consult with your Excellency on the most proper mode of effecting the Objects of his Mission And we flatter ourselves that notwithstanding the...