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Results 30351-30400 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
30351 Adams, John Boston Patriot From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 5 June 1809 1809-06-05 IN page 25, is a strain of flimsy rant, as silly as it is indecent. “The supplement to the...
30352 Adams, Abigail Smith Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw From Abigail Smith Adams to Elizabeth Smith Shaw … 1809-06-05 I was unable to replie to my dear Sisters Letter of May 19th when I received it, being visited by...
30353 Adams, Abigail Smith Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw From Abigail Smith Adams to Elizabeth Smith Shaw … 1809-06-05 I was unable to replie to my dear sisters Letter of May 19th. being visited by St Anthony who...
30354 Armstrong, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Armstrong, 5 June 1809 1809-06-05 I write this letter under feelings the most unpleasant. You will have seen by my public...
30355 Fishback, James Jefferson, Thomas James Fishback to Thomas Jefferson, 5 June 1809 1809-06-05 Your name has become s o familiar to the people of these United States , & been so long...
30356 Shoemaker, Jonathan Jefferson, Thomas Jonathan Shoemaker to Thomas Jefferson, 5 June 1809 1809-06-05 I sometime back wrote thee I Should be at Shadwell in all May but Owing to a Variety of Untoward...
30357 Madison, James Congress From James Madison to Congress, 4 June 1809 1809-06-04 In compliance with the request of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, I transmit to Congress a copy...
30358 Urquhart, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Urquhart, 4 June 1809 … 1809-06-04 4 June 1809, New Orleans. Encloses a duplicate of an earlier letter to President Jefferson...
30359 Cathalan, Stephen Madison, James To James Madison from Stephen Cathalan, 3 June 1809 1809-06-03 It was with great Joy, that I learned by Newspapers that you have been elected President of the...
30360 Coxe, Tench Madison, James To James Madison from Tench Coxe, [3] June 1809 1809-06-03 I have the honor respectfully to submit to your consideration the inclosed Memoir. A few hundred...
30361 Woodward, Augustus B. Jefferson, Thomas Augustus B. Woodward to Thomas Jefferson, 3 June 1809 1809-06-03 Your letter of may 27. awakens, sir, anew, my sense of your undeviating kindness and...
30362 Eustis, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Eustis, 2 June 1809 1809-06-02 In obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 27th. of May requesting the...
30363 Dearborn, Henry Madison, James To James Madison from Henry Dearborn, 1 June 1809 1809-06-01 The result of our Elections has given our political opponants the intire direction of our State...
30364 Jackson, Josiah Madison, James To James Madison from Josiah Jackson, 1 June 1809 1809-06-01 Thinking by this time the many addresses from different quarters of the Union, congratulating you...
30365 Tyler, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Tyler, 1 June 1809 1809-06-01 Having received a communication from our Consul in Cuba enclosing a proclamation of the Intendant...
30366 Jefferson, Thomas Tabb, Philip Thomas Jefferson to Philip Tabb, 1 June 1809 1809-06-01 Your favor of Apr. 7. has been duly recieved, with the copy of that of January. on reading the...
30367 Joy, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Joy, 31 May 1809 … 1809-05-31 31 May 1809, London. Has read the parliamentary debates on the Erskine agreement, which “are best...
30368 Lacépède, Bernard Germain Étienne de La … Jefferson, Thomas Lacépède to Thomas Jefferson, 31 May 1809 1809-05-31 je saisis avec bien de l’empressement, une nouvelle occasion de vous remercier de la lettre...
30369 Madison, Bishop James Jefferson, Thomas Bishop James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 31 May 1809 1809-05-31 M r W m Rives , the Son of M r Rives of Nelson County , will present this to you. He has lately...
30370 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 30 May 1809 1809-05-30 Your favor of the 22d. did not come to hand till the day before yesterday. It will give me...
30371 Madison, James Tennessee General Assembly From James Madison to the Tennessee General Assembly … 1809-05-30 I have received, fellow Citizens, your Address bearing date the 22d. of April. The circumstances...
30372 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas George Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 30 May 1809 1809-05-30 I send you by M r Randolph’s boat two boxes which we have lately received.— There is some nail...
30373 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 30 May 1809 1809-05-30 Your favor of the 22 d did not come to hand till the day before yesterday. It will give me...
30374 Tardieu, Antoine François Jefferson, Thomas Antoine François Tardieu to Thomas Jefferson, 30 May … 1809-05-30 Je vous remercie beaucoup de la carte du Haut Mississipi que vous m’avez fait remettre par...
30375 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 29 … 1809-05-29 As you felt So Sensiblÿ for mÿ Sorrows, it is highly becoming, that you Should be among the...
30376 Adams, John Boston Patriot From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 29 May 1809 1809-05-29 Mr. Hamilton , in his pamphlet, page 21, speaks of the anterior mission of Messieurs Pinckney,...
30377 Baldwin, Daniel Madison, James To James Madison from Daniel Baldwin, 29 May 1809 1809-05-29 Tho’ I have not the pleasure of being personally acquainted with you—yet, being a Soldier of ’76,...
30378 “Cyrus” Madison, James To James Madison from “Cyrus” [Jonathan Dayton], [29 … 1809-05-29 For the President, in the most perfect confidence. Never were any men more completely confounded,...
30379 Latrobe, Benjamin Henry Madison, James To James Madison from Benjamin Henry Latrobe, 29 May … 1809-05-29 I have the honor to lay before you an account of the expenditure of 5.000$, advanced to me on...
30380 Joy, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Joy, 29 May 1809 … 1809-05-29 29 May 1809, London. Repeats a rumor [mentioned in a postscript to a 24 May letter to JM ] that...
30381 Yznardy, Josef Madison, James To James Madison from Josef Yznardy, 29 May 1809 1809-05-29 By a letter of 1st April from Mr. Smith Secretary of State I have observed with much regret that...
30382 Archbald, Mary Ann Jefferson, Thomas Mary Ann Archbald to Thomas Jefferson, 29 May 1809 1809-05-29 I anxiously waited for the Period of your retirement in hopes of being able to summon up courage...
30383 Greenhow, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas Samuel Greenhow to Thomas Jefferson, 29 May 1809 1809-05-29 I received this evening a letter from M r W m Dawson , who has long acted as a Special Agent of...
30384 Randolph, Thomas Jefferson Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson Randolph to Thomas Jefferson, 29 May … 1809-05-29 I recieved your letter of the 5 th about the 20 th . M r Lemaire had sent the Articles which you...
30385 Boilvin, Nicholas Madison, James To James Madison from Nicholas Boilvin, 28 May 1809 … 1809-05-28 28 May 1809, Prairie du Chien. Boilvin, the Indian agent at Prairie du Chien, complains that the...
30386 Jefferson, Thomas Griffiths, Elijah Thomas Jefferson to Elijah Griffiths, 28 May 1809 1809-05-28 Your favor of Nov. 14 . came to me in due time, but much oppressed with business then & to the...
30387 Jefferson, Thomas Lambert, William Thomas Jefferson to William Lambert, 28 May 1809 1809-05-28 Your favor of March 14. was recieved in due time. the apology for so late an acknolegement of it...
30388 Woodward, Augustus B. Madison, James To James Madison from Augustus B. Woodward, 27 May 1809 1809-05-27 During my stay here the subject of opening an intercourse between our government and that of...
30389 Jefferson, Thomas Dougherty, Joseph Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Dougherty, 27 May 1809 1809-05-27 Your’s of the 15 th I have recieved, and am thankful to you for the information as to the...
30390 Freneau, Philip Jefferson, Thomas Philip Freneau to Thomas Jefferson, 27 May 1809 1809-05-27 Yesterday Your Letter, dated May 22 d came to hand.—Perhaps You a little misunderstood me, when I...
30391 Short, William Jefferson, Thomas William Short to Thomas Jefferson, 27 May 1809 1809-05-27 Your letter of the 8 th of March was delivered to me by M r Coles . I write this answer by...
30392 Jefferson, Thomas Woodward, Augustus B. Thomas Jefferson to Augustus B. Woodward, 27 May 1809 1809-05-27 I have recieved very thankfully the two copies of your pamphlet on the constitution of the US....
30393 Adams, John Boston Patriot From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 26 May 1809 1809-05-26 In pamphlet , page 27, it is said that the great alteration in public opinion had put it...
30394 Madison, James Congress From James Madison to Congress, 26 May 1809 1809-05-26 I now lay before Congress the Report of the Secretary of War, shewing the progress made in...
30395 Dinsmore, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Dinsmore, 26 May 1809 1809-05-26 I have received yours of the 23. and shall proceed with the alteration of the Chimneys, as it...
30396 Taylor, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Taylor, 26 May 1809 1809-05-26 I take the liberty of calling your attention to the situation of the claim to Land of a Number of...
30397 Jefferson, Thomas Baltimore Tammany Society Thomas Jefferson to the Baltimore Tammany Society, 25 … 1809-05-25 Your free & cordial salutations in my retirement, are recieved fellow citizens, with great...
30398 Lemaire, Étienne Jefferson, Thomas Étienne Lemaire to Thomas Jefferson, 25 May 1809 1809-05-25 Je prend la liberty de vous adresser la presente pour vous informer la facon de faire le sirôp de...
30399 Nicholas, Wilson Cary Jefferson, Thomas Wilson Cary Nicholas to Thomas Jefferson, 25 May 1809 1809-05-25 I have had a severe attack of the rheumatism, which has prevented my going to Washington , I am...
30400 Jefferson, Thomas Nicholas, Wilson Cary Thomas Jefferson to Wilson Cary Nicholas, 25 May 1809 1809-05-25 I am sorry to hear of your attack of rheumatism both on your own account & that of the public, &...