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Results 30341-30350 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : American Philosophical Society In Consequence of Your Permission, I take the Liberty to Acquaint You that my Large Electricall Machine is quite Compleated. It was to have been deliverd on Monday next, but I shall keep it till Wednesday or Thursday, in hopes that you will do me the Honnour to Comme and see it, and favor me with Your Opinion on its Construction. I have the Honnour of being...
LS : American Philosophical Society Je Crains que Mon Cher Et Venerable Docteur n’ait pas Reçu une Lettre que j’ay Eû L’honneur De Luy Adresser il y a quelque tems au Sujet D’un Matelot Americain pour Lequel je Luy Demandais Sa protection avec Des papiers Relatifs a Cette Affaire; je Luy Rapelle aussi la promesse qu’il M’avait faitte De me Venir Voir Encore une fois Cet Automne, je Le Suplie...
I have been honourd with your favour of the 16th, and the several Inclosures contained therein, which are now return’d with my thanks for the oppertunity of perusing them —I also Inclose you a Letter from Lord Howe, sent out (with others) by a Flag in the Afternoon of yesterday. with it comes a Letter for Lieutt Barrington, who if not among those who broke their Parole, & went of for Canada,...
Copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la Lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 16. de ce mois relativement au S. Macreery Négociant Americain qui se propose d’importer d’Amerique dans les Colonies Françoises des objets de Commerce utiles à ces Dernieres, et rapporter en france les Denrées coloniales qu’il aura reçues en retour. Les ports de France et ceux des Colonies...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The inclosed will inform you how matters are here. I feel myself uneasy least my Conduct should not be approved yet I think it is precisely according to orders. You will perhaps have representations from these officers to my prejudice as the part I act cannot but be offensive to them all, but however I may succeed I depend that you will believe my motive...
AL : American Philosophical Society Il y auroit bien quelques petites choses a redire a votre logique que vous assurés si bonne mon chér papa— Quand j’étois jeune homme distes vous, et que je jouissois plus des faveurs du séxe qu’a présent, je n’avois point de goutte: Donc , on pourroit répondre a cela—quand je me suis jetté par la fenéstre je ne me suis pas cassé la jambe: Donc; vous pouriés...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr Hobarts Compliments wait upon Mr Franklin, not knowing where to find Mr Adams He takes the Liberty in Governor Pownalls Name to forward to him the Memorial address’d to the Sovereigns of America. Governor Pownall is also very desirous of knowing whether his Letter & Power of Attorney was ever forwarded to Mr Bowdein and Doctor Cooper, for if they should...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I with much Pleasure received your very Friendly letter of the 4th. of last June, by which I am informed of The Perticular care you took to employ your Nephew to transact my business, since which I have also received his letter enclosing the invoice of the articles I wrote you for, which have also come safe to hand. Am much Obliged to you for the Tenderness...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library <General Post Office, May 20, 1771, a note in the third person. Sends a piece of elastic gum with a thousand good wishes.> Identified by the handwriting and place of origin. For Jackson see above, XIV , 301 n. In November BF sent Jonathan Williams, Sr., six “vessels” of elastic gum, costing £1 16 s. Jour., p. 37.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Daignés recevoir mes felicitations sinceres sur l’heureux Evenement qui vient de couronner vos vertus patriotiques et remplir les veux de tous les francois. J’ose suplier votre Excellence de m’accorder une nouvelle Lettre pour les Etats de georgie ou je vais passer avec Mr. Laplaine Capitaine au premier Bataillon. C’est moy que Mr. turgot a eu l’honneur de...